Bogus Billionaire

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

Chapter 101novelbin

Caroline kept thinking about Kirk’s words, which had left her hanging. If it weren’t for the fact that she’d

received some news about the contest, she would’ve forgotten that the results were going to be annou

nced soon.

This contest was especially grand. It was the first time these major brands came together to organize a

packaging design contest of such a huge scale, after all,

The announcement venue was as spectacular as an award ceremony.

Gwen took in the sight of the

tables full of desserts and clucked her tongue in satisfaction. “As expected of an event organized by su

ch big brands, even the desserts here are from well–known manufacturers.”

Caroline tossed her a sideways glance. “Since when were you so Interested In food?”

With a guilty face worthy of a convict, Gwen tried to explain herself. “We’ve been going out for food all t

he time these days. I’ve become a


Caroline didn’t doubt

what Gwen said. She simply walked around and found a seat for herself while Gwen sat beside her.

Those who had come for the event today

had been shortlisted as the top hundred in the contest. The organizers had allowed each of

them to bring two relatives along with them.

Caroline had wanted to bring Kirk along, but he hadn’t

returned yet. In the end, she could only bring Gwen along with her.

Sitting next to her, Gwen said, “I heard that besides getting money as a reward, the one who wins

first place will receive a special prize. Do you know what it is?”

Caroline’s focus wasn’t on the prizes. She’d just joined the contest to gain experience. “I hope that it’s a

position for a job.” she answered

Gwen casually.

She wasn’t putting her hopes on it, though. After all, it wasn’t like the organizers could read her mind.

Gwen stroked her chin thoughtfully. “Carol, are you the breadwinner of your family now?”

The tips of Caroline’s ears turned red. “What are you talking about? I’ve left the Evans family. It’s only n

atural that I have to make a living.”

Her reaction made Gwen laugh. “Then why are you blushing?”

Caroline couldn’t bear the embarrassment and shifted the topic. “Alright, that’s enough. They’re going t

o announce the results soon. I’m a

bundle of nerves now.”

“What’s there to be nervous about?” Gwen had full faith in

Caroline. “I’m positive that you’re going to win first place.”

Smiling, Caroline was about to reply when a ruckus broke out in the crowd.

Curious, she and Gwen turned in that direction, only to see Layla in a wheelchair. She was being pushe

d into the venue by a care worker.

Gwen’s expression shifted almost immediately. “Layla? Why is she here?” She furrowed her brows. “Do

n’t tell me she participated in the

contest too.”

As Gwen spoke, the care worker had already pushed Layla to Caroline’s side. Lots of people around th

em had already recognized Caroline and they all looked on, eager to enjoy a good show.

“Caroline.” Layla had a pale countenance, but her smile was bright. “You never expected to meet me h

ere, right?”

Caroline tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, blatantly ignoring Layla as she did so.

Still, Layla appeared to be unbothered by this. “Everything will change after tonight. All the glory and ho

nor that could be yours will become mine. You’ll meet your doom very soon!”

Furious, Gwen rushed forward and interrupted her. “Mind your words!”

Holding Gwen back, Caroline turned to face Layla coolly and sald. “Have you

received the summons from the court?”

Her words made Layla’s face turn as pale as a she

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