Beyond the Divorce

Chapter 345
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Chapter 345

Chapter 345 A Confidential Internal Analysis

Upon my return to the capital, my first stop was the hospital to meet Dominic. I wanted to share thegood news of my victory, and he hadn’t expected our reunion to happen so soon.

As I anticipated, Dominic’s life had turned chaotic due to his wife’s hospitalization. I wanted to help him

manage things at home.

To put his mind at ease, I told him that my office was undergoing renovations, and I wouldn’t beworking for the week. Finally, he relaxed and allowed me to assist him.

Following my suggestion, he agreed to hire a caregiver for them, and I had Fred help find a reliableone.

During the week, I seized the opportunity to delve deeply into Pinnacle Group’s affairs and discuss

various material–related issues with Dominic. This gave me a clearer understanding of why Dominicwas

often considered difficult to deal with.

The death of his son strengthened his commitment to his principles. Nothing could sway him fromthese

values. He shut himself off even more and rarely talked to anyone. His whole world was based on

carefully managed standard data sets.

If it weren’t for a call from Grayson, I might have stayed for a couple more days.

As I prepared to return to Foswood, I ensured that everything at the Welsch household was handled

before bidding Dominic farewell.

I couldn’t afford to delay my return, as Grayson’s call concerned Atlas.

“There’s word that Atlas’s recent condition isn’t too good. They’re considering transferring him toMonora

for treatment. Although it’s just a rumor, I did confirm that Celine has returned to Foswood.”

I was taken aback. “She’s back again?”

“Not only did she come back, she brought with her the biggest shareholder in the old Pierce familyconsortium. She wants to dilute the shares and take back control of the Torado headquarters.”

Upon hearing Grayson’s words, I couldn’t help but worry. “It looks like she went abroad to move herchess


“Because of our situation, the Torado headquarters has faced negative interference. So, Celine calledfor a meeting of shareholders the day after tomorrow. They’re set to fully take over the headquarters.”Grayson’s expression grew stern. “We may have aided her cause.”

My heart sank with Grayson’s words. This old witch truly knew how to seize opportunities.

“The Torado market is the biggest and most promising base. According to data from the last few years,Torado is where most of ATL Empire’s annual profit comes from. This was why Celine was so fixatedon

“She’s unwilling to let go for any reason. In recent years, Atlas has focused on this side, creatingimmense value. He even explored many new areas unrelated to the Pierce family’s businesses.”

I scoffed. “Her focus is solely on plundering. Where’s the emphasis on running a business>

“Haha… you’re right!” Grayson nodded.

“The more Atlas excels, the more envious she becomes. I’m beginning to suspect that she isn’t Atlas’s

aunt.” I quipped.

“The ATL Empire has always bothered Celine. She tried several times to merge the Pierce family andATL Empire without success. Only longtime veterans know that the Pierce family and ATL Empireoperations.

have always been incompatible.”

*So, when Atlas was announced to take over ATL Empire as CEO, he was essentially reclaiming his

family’s business, unrelated to the Pierce family?” I was beginning to grasp the dynamics.

“Exactly. Mr. Atlas assumed control of the industry his father founded. It had nothing to do with thePierce family,” Grayson affirmed with conviction. “So, once the Torado headquarters loses control, theprofits of ATL Empire will have nothing to do with her.”

My mind raced.

So, Celine was unwilling to let go of the ATL Empire because it was her way of holding on to the past.The

Pierce family had already faded into obscurity.

“It’s more than that. The Pierce family’s mechanisms had already aged when Louis took over. Thenovelbin

business chain was already broken. Louis’s tireless efforts stabilized the Pierce family’s operations and

revitalized them. Everything is documented!” Grayson explained.

I realized that Grayson must have put much effort into investigating these details

“Celine consistently opposed her father’s decisions and blocked Louis’s choices. Louis eventually gave

Celine control of the Pierce family while he started over. Until the incident…”

It all became clear. The complex relationship between the Pierce family and the ATL Empire was

beginning to make sense.

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