Beyond the Divorce

Chapter 329
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Chapter 329

Chapter 329 Ticking Time Bomb

Lauren tugged at my hand, I glanced at Carol, and then we left together. When we arrived at a fonduerestaurant, Carol could not wait to ask Lauren how she found Melanie’s biological mother.

Lauren smiled smugly and told us everything. She had tasked her friends with finding Abby and hadbeen waiting for an opportunity to put her to use. It was clear why Matthew was so embarrassed.

Lauren had searched for Abby for several months. About a month ago, she received word that Abbywas in the suburbs. The older woman had been hopping from one place to another, marrying andcausing

trouble for her various husbands.

However, Abby had never established herself properly.


had brought her back to Foswood in time for Matthew’s party. She had wined and dined Abby for anentire evening, subtly influencing her. Hence, Abby could not wait to reunite with her ‘successful‘


Carol and I burst into laughter as we listened to Lauren’s story. It was quite a spectacle, and theMurphys

were in for some turbulent times ahead.

Lauren had planted a ticking time bomb within the family. It seemed they would never have peaceagain.

I admired Lauren for her audacity. I knew she held grudges, and I was fortunate not to have crossedher.” Lauren, you’re amazing. Thank goodness I’ve never done anything to offend you.”

Lauren enjoyed our laughter but soon grew severe, saying, “Don’t think too highly of me. I only did it toget back at Matthew for you. I’m not the type to pursue vengeance relentlessly.”


She shot me a sarcastic look to tease me and then sighed, “In a way, I feel sorry for you. I just couldn’t

stand Matthew getting away with everything. So, I took revenge on your behalf.”

I tried explaining my feelings to Laurent. I felt apologetic about how Melanie had treated her. Before Ifinished, Lauren interrupted, “You don’t need to explain. Do you think I’m oblivious?”

Her response stunned me. I looked at her in surprise and asked, “You knew? I wanted to confessseveral

times, but I was scared.”

Lauren feigned anger and teased me, “I’m a reasonable person. I know it wasn’t your fault. I decided to

confront Matthew Independently, which had nothing to do with you. Anyone would defend their own.especially a mamage. I just think Matthew’s a jackoff.

Carol agreed, “She’s right, Ms. Chloel He’s an asshole for continuously harassing you. He eventeamed up With outsiders to slander you. If it weren’t for that footage, those Idiots would’ve gottenaway with it

Her words weren’t exaggerated. Indeed, the situation was tough.

Lauren nodded. “Can you honestly let this slide? If I were you, I couldn’t do it!”

I remained silent for a while and then said, “This time, I want to set up a trap for three of them, but it willtake some careful planning. I want to make them regret ever messing with me!”

Lauren squinted and leaned forward to look at me, asking, “Do you have a plan already?”

I glanced at her and Carol, and they immediately understood my gaze. They leaned in, and I whispereda few things to them.

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