Beyond the Divorce

Chapter 179
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Chapter 179

Chapter 179 The CEO’s Brother–In–Law

Suddenly, the door swung open. Damian smiled widely and greeted the newcomers, “Mr. Matthew, Mr.Chapter 178 The Determining Meal

I figured someone like Melanie wouldn’t understand the situation’s deeper layers. It would be pointless,

even if I asked her.

“All right, who told me doesn’t matter, Mrs. Melanie. That’s not something you would know


If you

rant to keep s

something a secret, you shouldn’t tell anyone else about it. Leave and tell your brother!

appreciate his efforts. He should focus on securing his alliances better.”

I didn’t want to waste any more time and turned to leave. After some much–needed sleep, my mind felt


“Stop right there, Chloe! If you dare seduce Matthew again, you’ll get it from me!” she shouted at myback,

unwilling to let it go.

“Don’t worry! I have no interest in your crap!” I replied loudly, waving without looking back while walking

into the elevator.

Melanie was still cursing at me from a distance as the elevator doors closed.

Meanwhile, I felt foolish and ashamed for even liking someone like Matthew. He was just a rat in the

gutter who had some good days but now thought he was the king of the jungle. It seemed I couldn’t

ignore that cunning scumbag.

I thought Lauren was right in saying Matthew was disgusting.

I understood Melanie entirely. She wasn’t just angry about me getting the contract but was more upset

that Matthew had “helped” me. I was a thorn in her side.

I held the pen Atlas had gifted me as I sat in my office. I casually wrote his name on a piece of paper asI wondered how he was doing. Stella had told me he would return today, but I didn’t know whether ornot

he had arrived yet.

I felt tempted to call him as I held my phone. However, I resisted the urge and was about to put downmy phone when it rang. To my surprise, it was Damian on the other end. After some thought, Ianswered,”

Hello, Mr. Damian.”

“Ms. Chloe!” Damian sounded genuinely delighted. “We’re finally starting the project! I hope this is thebeginning of a successful partnership.”

omiled faintly, knowing that was indeed the case. So, I replied, “Yes! It’s all thanks to your hard work,Mr Damian! I must treat you to a celebratory meal soon!”

my mind! What about tonight? Let’s celebrate at The Cerulean, I’ll see you at &

I hesitated for a moment, somewhat caught off guard. He seemed well–prepared and had taken the

initiative to invite me to dinner. He added, “Ms. Chloe, please do us the honor! We’ll be waiting for you!

Although I wasn’t too keen on it, I couldn’t refuse. Initially, I was supposed to treat Damian to dinner,but he had taken the lead. I reluctantly agreed, “All right.”

After hanging up, I thought of a way to balance the situation. I decided to have Carol accompany me todinner instead of Ryan. Before leaving the office, I informed Ryan about the dinner, and he told me tocall him if I needed anything later.

I glanced at him and said, “Do you think I’m a child? It’s just a dinner. Is it that big of a deal?”

Carol and I left the office together. She had offered to drive, so I sat in the backseat to relax. I wassurprised she was pretty good at driving


When we arrived at the restaurant’s private room, I saw three other men besides Damian. Heintroduced us to each other. One was Jett Emerson, the head of Echelon Group’s developmentdepartment.

The second was Beckett Grand, the head of Echelon’s project department, and finally, someone fromthe city’s Building Department.

Fortunately, I had brought Carol along. Otherwise, it would have been quite awkward with me, awoman, among a group of men. After exchanging pleasantries with them, we took our seats. However,Damian hadn’t started the dinner yet, seemingly waiting for someone.

Keegan! You’re finally here!”

I couldn’t help but clench my fists. I didn’t expect Matthew to show up, too. I must’ve jinxed it when Isaid

I hoped to never see him again after our divorce. On the contrary, his presence had haunted me since


The two approached, and everyone exchanged greetings. Carol and I exchanged disdainful looks, andI

kept my composure.

“Ms. Chloe, let me introduce you to Mr. Keegan Thompson. He’s our CEO’s brother–in–law,” Damian

tactfully introduced me to Keegan. He did it with such flattery as if that guy were some kind of VIP.

Although he was in his thirt

I looked at the so–called VIP and noticed he was tall and skinny. his

hairstyle was the most eye–catching thing about him. He had a pompadour gelled to keep its shape.

He wore a royal blue suit with a white pocket square at the front. The suit might have looked good onnovelbin

someone else, but it was far from flattering on him. Keegan looked at me with his unpleasant eyes and

extended his hand, saying, “Ms. Chloe, I’ve heard so much about you!”

I shook his hand out of courtesy. I intended for a brief handshake, but he grasped my hand firmly and

didn’t let go. Then, he turned to Matthew and grinned, “Dude, you had such a beautiful wife. Why’dyou-

Um, Haha!”

His laugh sent shivers down my spine.

Matthew stood beside Keegan and smiled knowingly. “Thanks, man! Just call her Mrs. Chloe.”

“Mrs. Chloe? She’s not even your wife anymore!” Keegan still held onto my hand as he spoke. Heturned

to look at me again and said, “Ms. Chloe, it’s a pleasure and such a delight to meet you. It seems fatehas

brought us together!”

Everyone at the table watched us like spectators at a show, their eyes fixed on our intertwined hands.My

blood boiled, and I couldn’t help but speak indifferently, “Pleasure’s all mine.”

Afterward, I pulled my hand back. Damian quickly stepped in to defuse the awkwardness. “All right,

please take your seats. We’ve been waiting for you!”

I couldn’t believe Matthew pushed Keegan to sit beside me.

rolsed his wine glass and proposed a toast, steering the conversation back to the meal. Finally,

seemed uninterested in the food and kept looking at me. He said, “Me:


“You’re truly remarkable. You don’t have to work so hard in the future. If you ever want to undertake aproject, just say the word. Since you’ve met me, I’ll ensure you’re well–protected and cared for.”

I discreetly rolled my eyes at his remark. I couldn’t believe what he said at the end. It seemed thesewords had different undertones depending on who said them. I suppressed my irritation and repliedwith a forced smile. “You’re too kind, Mr. Keegan. I’m just making a living.”

“What do you mean by that? That won’t do, especially since Echelon Group has plenty of projects. I’llensure you’re cared for as long as you say the word. You don’t need to negotiate with those people.”

Keegan spoke confidently.

He thought he could do anything because his brother–in–law was Echelon Group’s CEO.

The others at the table smiled awkwardly and listened as he continued, “Jett, give Ms. Chloe some big

projects, and don’t be so stingy. Working women have it tough enough. Beckett, why are you smilinglike

that? You have so many contracts. Why would you just keep them?”

Beckett smiled embarrassedly, saying, “Mr. Keegan, I’ll deal with them as you wish. Just tell me what to


Keegan looked displeased. “Do you think we’re celebrating just for the 50,000 square meters project?Oh please! Ms. Chloe, we didn’t know each other before, but now that we’re all here today, it’s destiny.If you

want to work on a project, it’s yours!”

He pounded the table with his ring–adorned hand, full of confidence.

Matthew glanced at me with concern and gestured for me to thank Keegan. “Chlo, you should thankMr.


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