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Chapter 67

Chapter 67

In the past, when Lilac was little, she would hide or run into that cave, that was why, Hunter wantedto kick himself when he didn’t think of this, he should have rushed back to the cave when she wentmissing.

It seemed, his anxiety had clouded his judgment.

In the end, they spent their time inside the cave, while Hunter told her a story about when they werelittle.

“One day, you just vanished. I don’t know where to find you, neither I know where you lived. Stupid,yes. Why I didn’t even ask about where you lived.” Hunter shook his head. “We used to meet here,it’s kind of a secret place for both of us.”

And after that, Hunter took her to see the whole town, but of course, they would need more time ifthey were really going to see everything.

They returned at dinner time and had their dinner in the dining hall, where everyone’s eyes were onthem. They were very curious about this woman, who was with the alpha and how Hunter smiledeven more often when she was with him.

In their mind, they still couldn’t comprehend how the alpha chose an outsider to be the luna of thepack.

Later that night, Hunter took Lilac back to his bedroom, which she occupied, while he would go backto sleep in his gamma’s bedroom.

“Thank you for today and explaining everything to me. I really appreciated it.” Lilac smiled at himand there was this awkward moment where they only stared at

each other.

Hunter cleared his throat. “If you want me to k*ss you, just tell me.” He grinned. Trying to make thesituation less awkward between them, but this only got an ire from Lilac. “I have given you a hug, alittle k*ss will not be a problem, right? We can start to be comfortable with each other, after all, youare my woman.”

“Can’t I reject that?” Lilac narrowed her eyes. She felt her heart was thumping wildly when Hunterteased her about k*ssing.

“You are very heartless if you rejected me. One rejection is enough, two is too much. You haverejected that thrashy man, you need to accept the second chance for good luck.” Hunter clutchedhis chest, to emphasize how hurt he was for her rejection, which made Lilac rolled her eyes.


Chapter 67

“Goodnight, Hunter,” she said sweetly and then closed the door in front of his face. novelbin

“Goodnight, Lilac,” Hunter replied with a gentle tone, which would make his warriors surprised withthe gentleness that he could show to other people, since he was not like this with anyone, asidefrom his gamma, beta and now this little


However, when Hunter turned around and was about to leave the room, the door suddenly flewopened and Lilac rushed outside, she turned Hunter’s b*dy around and gave him a peck on thecheek, after that, she rushed back into her room again as fast as her legs could and closed thedoor.

Hunter was dumbstruck by what happened, he swore all of that happened in less than threeseconds, as if he just blinked his eyes and everything had over.

Frowning. Hunter walked toward her closed door again and knocked. “Hey, if you really meant tok*ss me, at least do it properly.”

“Go away, Hunter!” Lilac shouted from inside.

There was this helpless smile on the corner of Hunter’s l*ps when he heard that, but he didn’t talkabout it anymore, he only said that he would come in the morning, so they would get breakfasttogether.

And the only answer he got was only an okay.

Meanwhile, inside the bedroom, Lilac buried her face on the pillow, feeling very embarrassed afterwhat she had done. She was being very impulsive, but somehow, no matter how embarrassed shewas, she didn’t regret what she had done.

“Gosh, that is very embarrassing, what I was thinking?” Lilac lifted her head and only then, sherealized there was someone else inside the bedroom, she first

vas som sensed their presence, their fierce eyes that drilled a hole on her back and when sheturned around, she saw a beautiful woman, standing near the lamp with her eyes fixed on her.

She was beautiful woman with long hair and a voluptuous b*dy, a woman that many men wouldlove to have.

“Who are you?” Lilac asked, she straightened her back immediately, sensing there was somethingwrong with this woman, she could feel her strong hostility toward her.

“How dare you…” she hissed viciously. “How dare you to stay in this bedroom. How dare you totouch him.”


Chapter 67

“I am sorry, what do you mean?” Lilac couldn’t comprehend what she was saying, she felt like thiswoman was talking incoherently, but she could feel the danger that came from her.

“How can you make him want you? How can you stay with him? How can you make him smile likethat?”

Lilac narrowed her eyes and after she caught some of her words, she realized who she was talkingabout. “Are you talking about Hunter?”

“How dare you called his name?!” the woman snarled fiercely. Her eyes widened with rage. “Howdare you called him by his name?! Only me, who can call him by his name!”

“Calm down, okay. Calm down. I don’t know you. Who are you?” Lilac immediately jumped out ofthe bed, she was in high alert, as she glanced toward the door. It was very unfortunate for herbecause her position right now, didn’t allow her to reach the door without going through her first.

“You don’t know me?! I am Hunter’s woman, I am the future luna of this pack! How dare you to takemy place and stay inside this room?! This room only belongs to me!”

And after saying that, the woman shifted into her beast and charged forward with the intention ofkilling Lilac!

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