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Chapter 61

Chapter 61 “I don’t want to stay in the same room as you.” Lilac said, she was still reeling with the thought thatHunter had mobilized his warriors to look for her, she did know how to feel and respond to that. Even though, in Hunter’s eyes, there was nothing wrong with what he had done. He didn’t eventhink it was close to enough to make it up with Lilac for what he had done. He acknowledged howawful and misplaced his way to handle things. when he clearly could see how uncomfortable Lilacwas with his touch. She had said it a few times. However, when she reciprocated his k*ss, stup i d l y, he acted like a jerk, thinking it would help herto regain her memories. What a fool. “Okay.” Hunter agreed without protest, which made Lilac was a little bit taken aback, because heagreed with her readily. She remembered how he was against the idea of her sleeping in differentbedroom. Lilac cleared her throat, to get some clarity. “Where should I sleep?” Because that was the alpha’sbedroom, it went without question that she would be the one, who moved out of the room. “You will stay in the bedroom. I will sleep somewhere.” Hunter gave another answer that wasbeyond Lilac’s expectation. “What?” Lilac stopped walking and faced the alpha lycan. She didn’t expect this at all, probably shejust heard it wrong. Meanwhile, there were a few warriors that came with them after their vigorous search around theforest. They also stopped walking a few steps away from the two of them, giving the privacy thatwas needed at this moment. They were also confused why the alpha adored this woman so much, for as long as they knew, wayhe became very infatuated with this woman very quickly within a few days his visit there. very infatu only met him in the Golden Claw pack, there was no But then, that was what they learned, some of them went with the alpha to that pack and some of them only heard the Tom the other warriors, but there was nothing more into it. It was as simple as that, yet, their alpha declared her as

his woman. The other room must not ready yet for you to sleep in, you can stay in my bedroom.” Hunter made itclear for Lilac that he wouldn’t take a rejection for this suggestion. 14 Chapter 61 “No. What do you mean I can’t stay in another bedroom.” Lilac found this absurd. “Your unreadybedroom must be better than my bedroom, I am very sure about that.” Lilac was not wrong, the smaller bedroom in this pack house like a castle was bigger than herbedroom back in the Golden Claw pack, therefore, there was no reason for Hunter to not let herstayed there. But then, Lilac also forgot that Hunter had told her, he would only give the best for her, which meant,she would only receive the best, nothing less than that. “You will choose your own bedroom tomorrow and decorate it as you like, but until then, you willsleep in my bedroom.” Hunter didn’t leave any room for argumentation when he took Lilac’s handand brought her to his bedroom. He opened the door for her. “Sleep tight.” Lilac wanted to protest, but Hunter had nudged her inside and closed the door. He fought the urgeto give her a goodnight k*ss. Hell. He wanted to enter the room and sleep with her. His sleep wasbetter when she was nearby. “Where will you sleep?” Rye asked when he saw Hunter walked away from hist bedroom. “Your room.” Hunter’s reply made Rye widened his eyes in surprise. “No, you will not.” Rye immediately followed Hunter, while Darren dismissed all the warriors andfollowed the two of them. “There are hundred of bedroom in this place, why do you choose to sleepin my room?” “I can’t sleep in strange place.” “So, do you think my bedroom is not strange?” “Well, to be honest, your bedroom used to be our meeting point when we were young,” Darrenchimed in and Rye glared at him unhappily. novelbin

“Thank you, but that doesn’t help at all with my situation.” “If you don’t like it, you can sleep in another bedroom,” Hunter said dismissively. He kept walkingtoward the gamm a’s bedroom. “Why am I the one, who is being kicked out from my own bedroom?” Rye questioned this absurdity.“Why don’t you sleep in Darren’s bedroom?” “Because he likes to bring random woman to sleep in his.” 10:20 Mon, 1 Jan D Chapter 61 2496%E Darren almost chocked himself when he heard that. How could this alpha so blunt with his answer?“I am not.” His voice was too small for it to be convincing and no one would believe it anyway. In the end, Rye couldn’t get rid of Hunter from his bedroom and had to accept his fate that he wouldstay there for another night until Lilac got her own bedroom. “It has been fifteen years, why are you still holding onto that small memory from your childhood? Idon’t even remember anything before I turned eight.” Rye shrugged his shoulders. “Well, Iremember something, but there was nothing important before that eight.” Eight years old was the eight where Rye shifted into his beast for the first time, so of course, heremembered that day vividly, because that was such important event for shifters. “Why can’t you let it go?” Rye was sitting on the rails of the balcony, while Hunter leaned his backagainst it and Darren was silently listening to them, staring at the night sky. The three of them ended up gathering in Rye’s bedroom, where he complained a lot until Hunterordered a bottle of wine to shut him up. “Why? She doesn’t even remember you.” Rye clicked his tongue and then sipped. on his wine. Heshook his head in disbelieve that Hunter would go that far for a little girl from his childhood. “Just because you are heartless, doesn’t mean everyone the same like you.” Darren sipped hiswine. “I don’t want to get a lecture from a soulful like you. You sound like those werewolves, who believesin mate thing.”

Darren rolled his eyes when he heard that, but Hunter said nothing. He was thinking of how he would approach Lilac tomorrow. He was sure she would want to getexplanation from him. And that was what Lilac was thinking as well. She wanted an answer, not a ‘later. With that thought,she couldn’t sleep at all.More so, this bedroom was too big and empty for her to sleep alone. She felt very strange to sleepin this bedroom, even though she didn’t have this kind of thought when she slept next to Hunter,even when they were in the same room back then when they were in the Golden Claw pack. 10:20 Mon, 1 Jan D. Chapter 61 Early morning, there was a woman entered her bedroom, she was around the age of thirty orsomething, she had this gentle look on her face when she was surprised to see Lilac was alreadyawake. “You wake up very early,” she said in tender voice. “I will get you a basin to wash. yourself.” Lilac immediately stopped her. “You don’t need to do that, I will go to the bathroom to wash myself.” The woman chuckled. “You don’t need to be polite with me, you are the alpha’s woman, youdeserve to be treated well.” Lilac frowned. She had been trying to figure out what was that mean. Was that title the same likemate in her pack? Since lycan didn’t have the same tradition and didn’t believe in the mate bondand anything like that. “What the meaning of being the alpha’s woman?” B

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