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Chapter 41

Chapter 41

All of his warriors didn’t know what had transpired in the pack house of the Golden Claw pack andhow the war almost broke out because Aiden had breached the peace treaty. novelbin

However, what they worried the most was the look on their alpha’s face. There was this storm in hiseyes when he barked order to them. They didn’t even dare to question him what happened withLilac.

“What happened with that woman?” one of the warriors asked Darren, the beta and the otherchimed in

100. 100.

“What happened to her?”

“How do I know?” Darren rolled his eyes in annoyance when he got a lot of question from thesepeople. “I am also clueless just like you.”

“You can ask the alpha, right?” The warrior nudged the beta to knock on the bedroom.

“Why don’t you the one, who asks the alpha?” Darren protested.

“Because you are the alpha of the pack. The warrior stated that in a matter of fact tone, which wasvouched by the other warriors as well.

Darren growled. “I am not going there to suffer a punishment only to sate your curiosity.”

And now, the only thing they could do was to wait for the alpha to tell them about this matterhimself, but fortunately, or rather unfortunately, later in the carly morning, they knew what had

happened in the pack house because the alpha was summoned in the meeting with the otheralphas

Meanwhile, inside the bedroom. Hunter made sure the healer that he brought from the pack housestayed inside the room and was awake, until Lilac regained her consciousness again. He probablywould go berserk if something happened to her. He prayed she would open her eyes immediately,so he could put aside his anxiety and had a good night sleep.

For the meantime, Hunter stayed inside the room too, but he stood next to the window, staring atthe dark sky, while Lilac was still asleep and the healer sat next to the bed, checking on hercondition every now and then.

“If you need anything, tell me. I will find it for you.” Hunter didn’t even turn around when he spoke,but the healer could feel the temperature inside this room had dropped drastically with only his coldvoice that filled the silence.

“Y–yes, yes alpha.” The healer looked so scared, she didn’t even dare to breathe too loud, just incase she would bother him. This was the first time for her to be in the presence of the lycan andthey were really intimidating let alone the alpha, even their warriors carried scarry aura aroundthem, as if they could kill you in a second and you would die without even knowing what washappening.

That was how scary the lycan was. Their figure was very intimidating, as they were taller and biggerthan any normal shifters.

The healer glanced at Lilac, she prayed she would wake up soon, because she didn’t think shecould take it any longer to be in the presence of this alpha, it was simply very suffocating.

Please, wake up, Lilac,

Chapter 41

She knew Lilac as the future luna of the pack, they were not close, but she liked her because shewas very calm and kind person. She was someone, who could calm luna Jasmine’s angerwhenever the luna lost her temper.

Please, be well. Lilac…

She couldn’t imagine what would happen or what these lycan would do if something bad happenedto Lilac. After all. Aiden was accused of breaching the peace treaty.

After that, silence stretched out inside the bedroom, until the first light of the sun appeared in thehorizon and the sky became brighter, as the night ceased down.

At this time, the healer had fallen asleep, as she sat down on the floor with her head rested on theedge of the bed, her other hand was holding Lilac’s hand, she didn’t even realize that she hadfallen asleep because of how exhausted the night was

Hunter only moved from the spot he was standing after such a long time because he heard a softmoan from Lilac, she finally regained her consciousness


The healer immediately woke up as well when she felt the movement from the hand she had beenholding the entire night.

“Check on her,” Hunter said, as he brought a glass of water for Lilac and helped her to sit down. Headjusted the pillow behind her back, so she wouldn’t choke when she was drinking. “Slowly.”

Hunter cradled her upper b*dy and helped her to drink, this gesture made the healer frownedbecause he was very gentle and intimate with Lilac. Why he treated her so well? More so, he only

asked Lilac and nothing else in order for him to return all the war prisoner. He was making agenerous offer there.

“No one will take the water away drink slowly,” Hunter said tenderly to her ear. “How is she?” Yet,his voice changed, there was a sharp edge on his voice when he asked the healer.

“Sh- she is fine. She is only tired. She only needs to rest a little bit longer and her healing ability willbe able to handle it.” The healer then stood up. “I can concoct something for her, to enhance herhealing ability.”

“Go.” Hunter put down the water and the tone of his voice softened again when he spoke to Lilac.“Do you

want more?”

Lilac shook her head weakly.

“Where am I?” Lilac asked, her voice cracked and she frowned, because it was very uncomfortableto speak.

“You are safe, you don’t need to worry…” Hunter hugged her and caressed her back, while Lilacstarted to remember the last thing that happened to her and she flinch.

“Ai–Aiden…” She trembled when she remembered what he was going to do to her. “Aiden… he..”

“Ssh.. he didn’t do anything to you

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