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Chapter 38

Chapter 38

It didn’t take a genius to know what was going on inside this room and because of the commotion,not only the warriors that came, but also all the other five alphas as well.

“What is going on here?”

“What happened?”

They could smell blood in the air and Hunter was there, but they were well aware, whose room thisbelonged to

They looked at each other with questioning look, until they found Rhea on the bed.

“What’s actually happened here?” the other alphas asked.

Their faces looked very sour, especially to see Hunter was there.

“What are you doing here with that woman, alpha Hunter?”

“If you want to have fun, you need to take her back to the manor, we have prepared a decent placefor you and your people to stay.”

Hunter scoffed when he heard the way they talked to her, as if they were saying somethingrighteous, they were really a bunch of hypocrite people. He really wanted to kill them all if he let hisimpulse got the better of him.

“You should ask what his son had done. The Colden Claw pack has breached our peace treaty!”Hunter

roared, his angry voice echoed through the walls and sent shiver down toe anyone spines, theywere

gasping loudly to feel such domination from this lycan.

Without a doubt, the lycan was the strongest shifter among them and it had been proven all thisyear during their war. How a pack of lycan could wage a war against six packs.

“I will not accept this blatant insult from him!” Hunter snarled at them all, which made themconfused.

“What is going on here, alpha James?” Alpha Dillon asked with confusion. “What alpha Huntermeant with that

“Explain it to me, what is it? I saw you attacked the alpha’s son! It should be you, who is accused ofbreaching the peace treaty!” alpha Gabriel said harshly and the other three alphas agreed withthat.

Hunter was really running out of patience. He could kill them all if he wanted right now, but he wasnot sure that he could get out of this room alive, let alone with Lilar. She needed to see a healer, hedidn’t know what they put inside her b*dy to cause her like this, but whatever it was, he needed tomake sure she was safe

More so, he needed to contact his people in the manor. He hated this situation so much, especiallywhen he had to explain to them what was going on. It made him sick to his stomach.

“Why don’t you ask his son what is going on? Let’s hear how he had lured and drugged my womanhere.”

“She is not your woman!” Luna Jasmine roared, she just arrived after she heard what happened.She was Very furious to see her beloved son was injured and she couldn’t accept it when her plan

was failed again. She is not your woman! How can you say she is your woman shamelessly? Sheis not part of your pack!


Hunter tilted his head. He remembered something when he saw her. “Really? I don’t think she is notpart of my pack when she already belonged to me. These alphas are the witness for that.”

Stay away from this Jasmine, go back and stay with our son.” alpha James spoke through hisgritted teeth, he knew that his mate had stepped out of the line again, but he couldn’t expose her, orelse, it would backfire to her and this pack. After all, he was already in disadvantage situation. “Goback with Aiden.”

“No! I want to see him be punished“” luna Jasmine was being emotional right now, the sight of herson was injured so bad shook her to the core. She hated this barbaric lycan and his people. If hereally wanted to take Lilac away, she would do everything to fail that.

However, Hunter was not someone that could be played so easily, especially with a level of trickluna Jasmine had.

Hunter wrapped the blanket around Lilac’s b*dy carefully, she didn’t want people here to see herskin at


“I remember you tricked Lilac also like this before. You put her into a bedroom, where I found herand took her away. But then, you accused me of sleeping with her, because I took what is mineback to my place.” Hunter carried Lilac in his arms, her b*dy was so warm, actually, her skin wasvery hot against his, as she rested her head against the crook of his shoulder and he could feel it

directly. Something was wrong with her. “I wonder, if I didn’t take her away, would you have yourimmoral son slept with her when she was unconscious?”

There was an uproar among the other alphas when they heard this, because based on what Huntertried to hint, they could grasp the gist of the situation and what had transpired.

“What did Aiden try to do?”

“Did he try to take advantage of his ex mate?”

“Didn’t he want her to be banished?”

“Why did you let your son ruined everything?”

Hunter walked toward them, but the warrior blocked his path. They didn’t let him to leave the roomwith


“We don’t know who is telling the truth. You will not leave until we know the whole story,” alphaDillon said sternly. He looked so livid.

“He attacked my son! He was the one, who breached the peace treaty, we must kill him before hecan leave this pack!” luna Jasmine exclaimed, she was not thinking straight right now and blurtedout what was in her mind.

“Jasmine!” Alpha James roared, he emphasized her name, as he glared at his mate, because whatshe said could backfire at them. “Enough! Leave this room right now!” novelbin

Luna Jasmine stared at his mate in disbelieve.

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