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Chapter 142

Chapter 142 Raya stared at Lilac in Hunter’s arms, she looked so pretty with her lilac color dress, even thoughher hair was a little bit messy. Her cheeks were red and she was sweating a little bit. This must bebecause Hunter had been hugging her the whole way back to the pack, since she looked a little bitpale carlier. “Good night, alpha Hunter, rest well.” Raya lowered her eyes, she pried her eyes away from Lilacand continued to walk away, but when Hunter didn’t notice, Raya glanced over her shoulder to stareat the alpha’s back, no one knew what was in her mind right now. On the other hand, Hunter took Lilac back to their bedroom and laid her down, he smiled softly tosee how his woman was curling her b*dy like a little girl and he couldn’t help, but to pinch her checkslightly. She was adorable…. “Why do you look so pretty even when you are snoring?” Hunter giggled to himself, it was amusing. to watch her sleeping like this,forgetting everything and put her guard down completely, knowing she was with him. This madeHunter clated. “My beautiful woman…” Hunter lowered his head and k*ssed her l*ps. However, he needed to stop himself, because if he didn’t, he might end up disturbing her sweetsleep and they would do something else. Sighing deeply, Hunter went to get wet towel and clean clothes, where he would take care of hismate. Doing this for Lilac was something he liked, though she would feel embarrassed the next day,but the heavier thing to do was not when he had to clean her up, but the time when he had tosuppress his own desire whenever he saw her n*ked b*dy. It took everything in him not to bother her and make her moaned his name, pleased her over andover again, until she was sweaty and tender, where her scent would mix with his and the room filledwith their desire… Hunter then carefully undressed her and once Lilac was n*ked, he felt like he was a hungry beastthat had a feast before his eyes, but couldn’t touch it.

“This is so hard…” Hunter scrunched his brows, as he started to wipe her b*dy. This was not thefirst time he did this, but obviously, he would never get used to it. “My woman… my little woman”Hunter wiped her arms thoroughly, so did her legs, her n*eck, her breasts… The next morning, his little woman was waking up feeling better after her nightmare, she felt sofresh and immediately knew that Hunter had cleaned her up and even changed her dress. However, Lilac couldn’t find Hunter anywhere. It seemed, he had woken up so early, or maybe hedidn’t sleep at all and then went to finish whatever business he had. On the table beside the bed, Lilac saw the n*ecklace that luna Jasmine gave to her, she reachedout to that thing and stared at it for a while. “It is not so pretty…” Lilac mumbled to herself. When she didn’t have it, the n*ecklace looked very 1/3 111 O 11:41 Fri, 8 Mar RB. Chapter 149 80% O pretty and dazzling, as if she would do anything to get it. She remembered how she was thinkingthat she would treat the n*ecklace like a treasure when luna Jasmine gave to her. But now, she didn’t feel the n*ecklace was important. Yes, it was pretty, but the way she saw it wasdifferent now it belonged to her. +5 Was it how Aiden felt when he thought he already had her? He didn’t care much about her when heimpregnated Ruby? What about Hunter? If the sacred mate bond couldn’t stop Aiden from cheating on her, what couldstop Hunter when they didn’t have that kind of bond between them? Lilac shook her head, she had to admit that she was being a little bit dour when she saw then*ecklace and then remembered what luna Jasmine told her. Her words bothered her even in her

sleep. “This is not good.” Lilac put down the n*ecklace and then went to wash her face. She was going tohave a breakfast, it must be because of her empty stomach that caused her to think somethingridiculous about Hunter. With that thought, she went to the dining hall, where she met with Mira. She was the woman warrior,who trained her at the beginning. Now, Lilac was not under her, but occasionally they would meet in the training ground, since Hunterinsisted for her to keep training, so her beast side would be stronger after such a long time to besuppressed, but then, she was still not a match for the lycan no matter how strong she could be. 52 33 229 5 5 5 0 2 0 1 5 50 “You look awful,” Mira said when Lilac sat next to her. “Thank you,” Lilac replied nonchalantly, even though inside she cursed herself for choosing thisseat. Why would she want to sit next to her in the first place? The relationship between her and Mira couldn’t be said as good, but most of the time they wouldignore each other because it was easier that way when you didn’t get along with someone. Therefore, Lilac thought, she wouldn’t initiate a conversation. “I guess your visit to your pack last night was full with surprise, because I heard this morning yourgroup brought back Grace and Tania.” Mira put down her cutleries and focus all of her attentiontoward Lilac. “Before you left, the alpha also arranged three hundreds warriors to march towardyour pack after he found three men tried to set Kellan free.” Lilac had been in a bad mood since this morning and now she had to face with this conversation. “Idon’t know what do you want. Can you talk straight to the point?” Lilac put down her cutleries tooand faced her. This woman shouldn’t have bothered her when she was having this kind of dark mood. 2/3 A 11:41 Fri, 8 Mar RB.

Chapter 142 80% n I only wanted to say that I am still thinking you are not a suitable woman for the alpha. Ever sinceyou came here, there are a lot of trouble upon our pack. Mira replied to her question. “I only told youmy opinion Lilac warned to growl at her, but then she chose to calm herself down and ignore her, after all shedidn’t need to waste her energy over someone else’s opinion. “Thank you for your opinion. If you have any complain regarding that matter, you should bring it tothe alpha” Lilac was certain no one in this pack was dare enough to talk about this to Hunter. thatwas why Mira chose to approach her. Mira opened her mouth, but then she closed it again, swallowing back whatever words she wasgoing to say. And after that, she left when she saw someone was approaching them. It was the beta, Darren. Hehad been looking for Lilac and someone told her that she was here. “Have you finished your breakfast? Darren asked, he used to talk very polite and had the oppositepersonality from Rye. He was like the mild version of Hunter. “Hunter wanted to talk with you.” “Yes, I am done.” Lilac didn’t have the appetite to continue eating. 11:41. Fri, 8 Mar RG. Chapter 142 0�ི 80% “I only wanted to say that I am still thinking you are not a suitable woman for the alpha. Ever sinceyou came here, there are a lot of trouble upon our pack,” Mira replied to her question. “I only toldyou my opinion.” Lilac wanted to growl at her, but then she chose to calm herself down and ignore her, after all shedidn’t need to waste her energy over someone else’s opinion. “Thank you for your opinion. If you have any complain regarding that matter, you should bring it tothe alpha.” Lilac was certain no one in this pack was dare enough to talk about this to Hunter, that

was why Mira chose to approach her. Mira opened her mouth, but then she closed it again, swallowing back whatever words she wasgoing to say. And after that, she left when she saw someone was approaching them. It was the beta, Darren. Hehad been looking for Lilac and someone told her that she was here. “Have you finished your breakfast?” Darren asked, he used to talk very polite and had the oppositepersonality from Rye. He was like the mild version of Hunter. “Hunter wanted to talk with you.” “Yes, I am done,” Lilac didn’t have the appetite to continue eating. 3/3 0 SEND GIFT COMMENT Anovelbin

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