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Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Hearing what Aiden said earlier, Hunter only gave a glance before he focused on his mate again, ashe whispered something to her ear and made her blushed even more, though she gave the alpha asharp glare, but one look people would know she was not really mad at him. On the other hand, now Ruby realized what made Aiden changed his attitude very drastically whenhe took her out of the carriage, as it turned out, it was because of Lilac. Lilac and her mate. In one look, you could see that she was happy, she even looked healthier than when she left thepack a few months ago. But, what even more apparent was the fact how happy she looked rightnow. She was beaming. Her eyes lit up, as if she held all the stars in the sky. Lilac was very happy and you could see that in her eyes. Ruby clenched her fists tightly. So as it turned out, her little hope that she had only a few secondago was shattered by this reality. Aiden didn’t want to treat her well, he only wanted to one up Lilac, showing how happy he was too. Ruby could see it through his schemes very well. He had feigned it so well, until she wanted tobelieve him, but then, here she was, having her heart shattered into pieces. again. Ruby didn’t know how expression right now, but a k*ss from Aiden shocked her. Yes, he actuallypecked her cheek and smiled as bright as the sunlight. This hurt her heart even more. Why wouldhe treat her like this? Didn’t she deserve to be loved too? More so when she was carrying their child. Meanwhile, Lilac didn’t really care about Ruby anymore, because Hunter was teasing her. This manwas a pe rvert! He actually put his hand on her back and squeezed her bottom every now and then,which made her cheeks turned bright red. “How you feel?” Hunter whispered to her ear. “Annoyed,” Lilac replied in a matter of fact tone. “Cane you stop doing that?” “Okay, you only need to ask me, little one.” Hunter k*ssed her cheek, this action was what madeAiden k*ssed Ruby too earlier, but neither of them really paid attention to the other pair. “I only feelrelief because you don’t feel nervous to meet with your ex mate.”

O < Mon, 15 Chapter 103 Lilac blinked her eyes and then only now she realized what Hunter said was right. She was nolonger feeling nervous for meeting with Aiden and Ruby, to see the two of them together and evenmore when Ruby’s pregnancy was very clear to be seen now her stomach grew bigger. She didn’t hold any resentment, neither she was nervous with the sight of the two of them. Shedidn’t even notice that until Hunter pointed it out carlier. “Should I thank you for that?” Lilac ask, the glint in her eyes turned very mischievous when shespoke so lightly with him. On the other hand, the other warriors from both parties were dumbfounded. They felt there wassomething wrong with the entire situation, because instead of talking in serious manner to handover the war prisoner, the two alphas and lunas were acting a little bit affectionate with each other. But, all of the people there could tell, while Lilac and Hunter were genuinely teasing each other,Aiden and Ruby looked like they were forcing it and how uncomfortable the pregnant woman waswhen her mate k*ssed her. Currently they were in the desert and there were a long entourage that followed the alphas andlunas from two packs. Couldn’t bear it any longer, finally it was Aiden, who was the first to break this awkward situationbetween them. “Are you not handing the war prisoner?!” he raised his voice, just in case Huntercouldn’t hear him, but in truth, he wanted to make the two of them stopped staring at each other andwhispering sweet nothing! He hated the sight! Aiden’s blood boiled when he saw how Lilac was being affectionate with Hunter and how the two ofthem didn’t bother with him, even when he told them his mate was pregnant, which in hindsight, itwas not an announcement at all, since all living soul already knew about this, what else heexpected? novelbin

“Let’s wrap this up quickly!” Aiden literally growled at this point, because the two of them were stillbusy with themselves. Hunter finally lifted his head and shifted his attention toward the alpha werewolf, deigning hisexistence. “Sure,” Hunter said with a smirk curled on the corner of his l*ps. Aiden didn’t know what the meaning of that, but he felt there was something not right with this wholesituation, but he couldn’t put his finger on why he felt a little bit uncomfortable with the way Hunterwas smiling. ||| O < 08.21 Mon, 15 Jan Chapter 103 6& 3 78%u “You can get your men over there,” Hunter said, as he nodded to the back of his entourage, wherethere were hundred of warriors, walked in their human form, but with ankles and wrists tied up withsilver chains, all of them lowered their head, as if they were ashamed with their current situation. Aiden didn’t think much of it, as he went to consult this with the other representative of the fivealphas, leaving Ruby alone, now his nature came to light; he didn’t care about her. Meanwhile, Ruby stood there awkwardly, didn’t know what to do or where to look, she feltembarrassed in front of Lilac because she had snat ched her mate, but there was this little feelingthat nagged at the corner of her heart that told her; the man was not worth it. Aiden returned and demanded to see the war prisoners. “Bring them up here!” He ordered hispeople to fetch all the warriors. However, what he was going to witness next left him unable to utter a single word. SEND GIFT

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