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Chapter 73

“Why I feel like they are scared of you?” Lilac glanced over her shoulder to the other three girls.

Probably, it was because Lilac was too comfortable with Hunter, that was why she failed to pick thisstrange behavior from people around her, or maybe because the way Hunter treated her was verydifferent from how he treated his own pack member.

Whatever it was, only now Lilac noticed it.

“That’s only in your mind,” Hunter replied lightly, as he took her hand. Now, he became a little bit liberalof touching her, because Lilac had been less complaining recently, as she warmed up with the idea ofthem to be together.

“Really?” Lilac frowned, she was not satisfied with the answer and was very sure that was not the case,but because she had no evidence to say otherwise, she didn’t say anything about it anymore. “Whereare we going to go?”

“You need to train,” Hunter said.

“Train?” Lilac frowned. “What should I train for?”

“So, you can protect yourself,” Hunter replied lightly, as he put her on the horseback and then liftedhimself up too, sitting behind her and controlled the horse.

“I thought the pack house is safe!? No?!” Lilac was genuinely surprised with what Hunter saying.

Why all of sudden Hunter asked her to be trained? Hunter himself, who said that she was safe now andsomething like that would never happen again.

“What is it?” Lilac lifted her head, she was a little bit embarrassed by how close the two of them were,but at the same time, it felt very comfortable to lean her back against his chest and felt his heartbeatthat was in sync with hers. “Am I in danger? Did the twenty eight women look for me to get theirrevenge too?”

Hunter laughed, he couldn’t decide what he would do with Lilac since she always brought these womenin almost every conversation, it seemed, she would hold a grudge against him for a very long timebecause of what he had told her. If he knew it would be like this, probably he would hold his tongue tolet her knew the truth.

Chapter 73

But then, he couldn’t imagine to lie to her. He didn’t want to start the relationship on a lie, especiallywhen he had chosen her as his woman, someone that he would. spend the rest of his time with.

“You are very cute when you are jealous.” Hunter k*ssed the top of her head, as they walked in thetown, people stopped walking and gave a quick respect toward their alpha.

See? These people looked like they were scared of him, or if this couldn’t be said ast fear, then it mustbe their utmost respect toward their leader.

“I am not jealous, why should I jealous with those women? You said it yourself that you didn’t havefeeling for them.” No matter how hard Lilac tried, she was really suck at hiding this emotion.

“Okay,” Hunter said, readily agreed with her, which made Lilac pouted. It was not very convincing.

“Why should I train?” Lilac pulled back the topic into the original question. “You said it yourself the packhouse is very safe now and I don’t need to worry again.”

“Lilac,” Hunter called her name gently and every time he did this, Lilac felt her stomach churned, shehated to admit that she liked the way her name rolled off his tongue. “Every pack member here will gothrough training, whether it is woman or


Lilac had heard this, though the number of the lycan was not many, but in term of warrior, they were notlacking because their women could claw your heart out too.

“Even though the pack house is safe, but I will be more at ease if I knew you can protect yourself fromanything,” Hunter told her. “There will be a lot of benefit for you if you trained too.”

Lilac furrowed her brows even more deeply when she heard that, she tried to think what kind of benefitthat she would get from the training, aside from being able to protect herself. “Do you think I will be ableto catch up with the other?”

“I don’t ask you to catch up with the other, but at the very least, you should know the basic movementof how to defend yourself.” All the pack member had been trained since they were only eight years old,so it would be a great effort and time consuming if Lilac was pressured to be on their level.

Yel, when he saw the injuries on Lilac’s back and how Grace beat her up pretty easily when she herselfwas the worst fighter, Hunter realized he couldn’t stand the thought her was being defenseless.

Chapter 3

Lilac lowered her head, she seemed to think about this seriously. “Who will teach me? You will teachme?”

“Despite how eager I am to teach you, but I don’t think I can have time for that, little one,” Hunterreplied, he helped Lilac to get down from the horse when they finally arrived in the training ground.

“Someone else will teach you.

This place was very loud and noisy, there were a lot of growling beast before Lilac’s.

as if they were going to kill each other, even though Hunter said they were only training.


This place was akin to a stadium with a few rows of seat, which was higher than the row in front of it,while in the middle, you could see a few beasts and a lot of warriors in their human form, trying to hurteach other, or so how Lilac saw this.novelbin

“Are you sure. I will train with them?” Lilac gulped down. These lycan were huge! She felt very scared.

“Of course, you are not going to train with them,” Hunter reassured her, as he took her into the indoorstadium. “You

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