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Chapter 63 you “I never said it’s funny. I don’t mean to make it funny.” Hunter looked very serious right now and Lilacstarted to question the truth behind the story. “Why do think I can find you inside the secret cave?” “You found me after hours of searching for me, right? It’s not like you right away.” Lilac retorted that andHunter had to admit his error.found me “Well, yes. It took a long time for me to remember your habit,” Hunter said in light tone. “I should haveremembered about that earlier. My apologize in that matter.” “Don’t worry, I enjoyed my nap there.” Lilac and Hunter laughed at that, but then. she remembered theywere in the middle of argumentation, so she cleared her throat to get back to the topic. “Let’s say whatyou told me is right, what the proof” of it? How can you say I had lived here before I lived in theorphanage in different pack.” “I don’t. I don’t have any proof that you had lived in this pack before.” “In that case, I don’t have any reason to believe your words.” “It’s because you are supposed not to exist, Lilac. Your existence is a mistake.” Lilac was taken aback. “You are so mean.” This was the reason why Hunter didn’t want to tell her about her birth origin, because there was no wayhe could tell her the truth without being mean to her. “I don’t intend to be mean with you, Lilac. But, if you want to hear the truth, I hope you can endure this.”Hunter leaned back and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “The choice is in your hand.”

Lilac was not sure whether she wanted to hear it or not, but in the end, it was clear that she didn’t haveany other choice. Her curiosity got the better of her and there was nothing more than she wanted rightnow, but to know her origin. If Hunter could provide it, she would hear it what he was going to say, no matter how devastating itcould be. novelbin

“I want to hear it. What happened?” Rubby cried so hard, until she felt her stomach was churned, she tried to calm Herself down, but shecouldn’t. 1961 10:20 Mon, 1 Jan 0. Chapter 63 Two maids that were assembled for her tried to console her, but it was to no avail, she wasinconsolable. Just an hour ago, Aiden came to her, he was furious for the reason unknown. He cursed at her and thebaby in her stomach, he looked like he was possessed. All of the insult that he hurled at her was so painful, she couldn’t unhear it even when he already left.She didn’t know why he was having such an outburst, but Ruby felt like she was no longer care aboutthat. That man had hurt her so bad and now she had to deal with the pain, “Miss, if you are crying like this, you will hurt the baby.” One of the maids tried to warn her. They didn’tseem to care about her wellbeing, only the baby. “What happened here?!” Luna Jasmine’s voice entered the room and Rubby knew her life would be more difficult with herpresence now, “Luna Jasmine.” The two maids immediately stood up when they heard her voice, they had their headshanged low, staring at their feet. “Why she keeps crying? Don’t you know that she can harm the baby if she kept like that?!” LunaJasmine slapped the two maids harshly, until they fell to the ground, the same thing that she did toRubby a few days ago. Recently, her mood had been very bad, she lashed out more often and she didn’t seem to care aboutthe image that she had been trying so hard to build. Her emotions were all over the places, she wasdispleased with Rubby. She was not a fast learner like Lilac. Not even close.

Luna Jasmine grew frustrated with her because she couldn’t seem to understand how things workedand more so, this woman was very sensitive, she cried over small, petty things. Her mind was notsharp enough. How could her son find this woman interesting? Her face was not even very pretty. How she couldseduce her son to sleep with her? Shut up! Stop crying! Are you trying to hurt my grandbaby?!” Luna Jasmine couldn’t slap Rubby again,because the last time, she slapped her, a healer had to be called the next day because she wasbleeding and the baby was in danger. Therefore, Luna Jasmine couldn’t use her hand to harm her without harming the baby. This was one ofthe reasons why she became even more frustrated. A little bit Chapter 63 violent could help someone to learn faster. It was proven worked with Lilac. But, it was different case with Ruby because of her current condition. “Stop crying! Do you want to kill my grandbaby?!” Luna Jasmine was furious because instead ofstopped crying, Ruby cried even harder. “Luna, let us to console her. It will be fine..” One of the maids tried to coax luna Jasmine, because theyknew it was her presence that made Ruby cried even more, because of her harsh words Luna Jasmine cursed under her breath and was about to leave when suddenly Ruby stood up andsnapped at her. “Why do you hate me so much?!” Ruby shouted at luna Jasmine. “If you want to get angry, you need tovent out your frustration to your son! He keeps cursing at me like you did! I am the mother of his son,the mother of your grandchild, but you don’t respect me at all! I am not ashamed of what I have done! Iknow that’s wrong of me to be with your son when he has already his own mate! But, do you reallybelieve the fault is completely on me?!” “You! SHUT UP!” Luna Jasmine was furious. Before this, no one ever dare to raise their voice against her. No one ever dare to talk back to her like

what Ruby did, but right now she was being humiliated in front of so many maids. How she could takeit? Especially from this whor e , who had ruined her lifetime plan. “I dare you to say it again! I dare you to say this is my son’s fault!” “This is your son’s fault, as well as mine!” Ruby snarled even louder, her voice echoed in the corridors,which made all the people stopped walking and listening to this commotion. “Do you really believe he isinnocent?!” “Shut up! SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” Luna Jasmine’s mind was clouded by anger. She could no longeraccept what Ruby was trying to say about her son, because deep down, she knew that was true. She was very angry at Ruby, because she used her to vent out her anger toward her own son. Sheblamed Ruby for everything, because she refused to admit Aiden was at fault in this matter. Please, miss, stop this.” One of the maids tried to make Ruby stopped as well. “You

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