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Chapter 37

Hunter was following Lilac’s scent, it was not hard to do so because she had a unique scent that hecould recognize among thousand various scent.

That was how he was able to recognize her. There was no way he could be mistaken.

Yet, when he realized the scent came from the alpha’s son’s bedroom, he stopped in his track. Hiseyes were bloodshot red, as he was not sure whether he wanted to see what was going on behind theclosed door. He was not ready to see it.

He knew he was being ridiculous and a little bit reckless with his decision to take this woman back tohis pack as soon as possible, but he couldn’t stand the sight of her was being hurt by that scumbag ofman.

However, no matter what, Aiden was still ber mate just a few days ago and the lingering feeling muststill be there. Did she give up and then surrender herself, knowing they would never meet again? Thatwas why she wanted to leave the manor? Did she plan everything beforehand?

Hunter felt like he was going crazy if he didn’t confront the truth from Lilac’s mouth, but he needed togather all of his courage to even open this damned door.

He could feel the tension in the air and how the atmosphere became very suffocating when he heardwhispering sound.

In the end, before he could decide what to do, his b*dy had moved on its own and he found himselfkicked the door so hard, it flew off its hinges.

And there they were. The sight that he dreaded, appeared before his eyes.

Lilac was only on her underwear, while Aiden hovered above her, their position was very promising andeven the dumbest person would be able to tell what they were going to do at this point. Hunter couldn’tcontent his anger, as he charged forward and shifted into his beast, he knocked Aiden aside veryhardly, until his b*dy made a loud collision against the table, he let out a painful roar.

The lycan was about to attack him again, but then he felt something was off and watched how Lilacwas whimpering, she was sweating and her breathing labored. She was half unconscious, as shefought back to fall asleep.

She was drugged.

That was one thing that Hunter was sure of. Whoever that person, who said she was her friend, hadtricked her.

Damn it!

Hunter cursed under his breath. Her friend wouldn’t dare to do something like this, there must besomeone behind all of this and it was clear, whose idea this was.

The lycan was enraged to see Lilac’s condition right now, the beast bit the blanket and covered hern*ked b*dy, before he charged forward to kill Aiden

The man had shifted into his beast as well, despite the pain, because he could sense the danger thatemanated from the lycan alpha. He was a battle hardened warrior, there was no way he was goingdown so easily

Aiden’s wolf was smaller than the lycan, but he was agile enough to dodge the attack, despite it didn’tlast for long because a moment later, his b*dy was thrown against the wall and he could feel the painon his shoulder, as the lycan’s claw embedded so deep into his flesh.

He thought he was going to die when suddenly, there were a loud roar in the room and a few peoplebarged in, probably because they heard this commotion and the thick smell of blood in the air.

“What is going on here?!”

It was alpha James’s voice and Aiden breathed a sigh of relief, as he shifted back into his human form.He was extremely injured to be able to pertain his beast form. He lost so many blood and his healingability couldn’t catch up with such wound, he needed to see a healer, or else, he would be in dangeroussituation.

“Alpha Hunter!” Alpha James barked when he saw Aiden’s condition right now. “How dare you to attackmy own son in our own pack! This peace treaty is bullshit! You have breached the pact!”

Hunter immediately shifted back into his human form as well, as he snarled at alpha James.


At this time, there were dozens of warriors that came into the scene as well. Great. It could be

all out battle then. He needed a few fights to let out some steam and vented out his anger, they alldeserved that.

That was what Hunter would do if he let his impulsive thoughts to win him over and then the war wouldstart again. Even though he didn’t mind to wage another war with this idiot people, he had lost so manypeople and he didn’t want to lose his pack member again if he could help it.

“You should ask your stupid son what he is going to do to the woman that supposed to be mine!”Hunter roared, once he shifted back into his hurman form. His voice thundered and echoed inside thisbedroom. He glared viciously at alpha James, which made the alpha’s heart skipped a beat.

That was the normal reaction that you would have if you were faced with a strong opponent, waystronger than you.

Alpha James indeed older and he had led this pack for more than three decades, while Hunter onlyrecently appointed as an alpha, but he didn’t lack of dominance.

“Ask your stupid son what he is going to do to my woman!” Hunter stepped aside and revealed Lilac,who had fallen asleep now. She must have trouble to to sleep because a deep crease between herbrows let them knew she was in so much pain right now,

Her b*dy was covered with blanket, but people could see her dress on the floor.novelbin

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