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Chapter 152

The news about the ceremony to cement Lilac’s position in this pack was already a huge shock forthem, but then another news hit them hard when they heard the alpha and the luna were pregnant andthey were going to have the ceremony within three days.

All of them were overjoyed, but there was not a small number of people, who was being sceptical thatthe alpha would finally settle down with someone. After all, the alpha had never been serious withevery woman she was with.

But then, they should have noticed that Lilac was different. The alpha treated her very differently fromthe previous women he was with. Not to mention she was having his child.

Within three days, everyone was busy, there were a lot of things for them to do and talk about.Everyone gave them congratulation to their future luna, but some of them were still trying to keepdistance from Lilac.

Lilac herself didn’t mind that, because she knew that she couldn’t force them to like her. Everythingtook times and she believed in the process.

And right now, she was surrounded by people that cared about her genuinely.

“You look so pretty!” Raya cooed, as she entered the room and found Lilac with Lena and Rose. Thefour of them became very close and they were the people, who supported Lilac and helped her duringthis time to prepare her ceremony. Of course, the entire pack also helped.


be held by alpha Hunter

After all, this was the first biggest ceremony that after so many years.

“See? I told you, right? This tiara is so beautiful! It fits her greatly!” Lena added. She looked satisfiedwith her choice, because Lilac kept saying she wanted to keep it lowkey, but the two of them didn’tagree with her. This was her ceremony, she had to go all out and made everyone couldn’t take theireyes off her.

“Where have you been?” Rose asked, as she brushed Lilac’s long hair lightly. “I have been looking foryou, but I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

“I was with Abigail,” Raya replied. “I got some prescription from her.”

“Are you sick?” Lilac asked, she turned to face Raya. It was not common for a shifter to get sick,moreover Raya looked fine.

“No, it’s not for me.” Raya said, she waved her hands. “There is no need to think much about this. Let’sgo out, if we let the alpha waited for long. I am afraid, he would charge inside this bedroom.”

Lena and Rose giggled to hear that comment, while Lilac blushed.

Currently, they were staying inside a tent near the river, the ceremony itself would be held at nightunder the moonlight and Lilac would put her mark on the alpha

to seal their union.

It was only Lilac who would do it, because Hunter had done that long before this moment. Marking yourpartner was a crucial thing for shifter, whether you were werewolf or lycan.

And it was only the lycan, who would allow their woman to mark them back, which showed they wereequal and both of them felt the pain of it and also pleasure for knowing your other half was yoursforever, while werewolf only had to mark their woman without receiving the same thing back.

Therefore, Lilac was extremely nervous to do this, because this was not even a tradition in her pack.She didn’t have any idea what to do.

Even though three of her friends kept saying everything would be alright and she only needed to sinkher teeth on Hunter’s neck, but then they had never had done it too themselves.

However, all of Lilac’s anxiety slightly faded away when she saw Hunter was waiting for her. He smiledreassured her that everything would be alright.

once her feet

In this ceremony, Lilac required to take off her shoes and bare touched the cold ground, she felt somuch better, this was a refreshing feeling, especially when the cold night wind brushed her cheeks andplayed with her hair, she only needed to put her focus on her mate and nothing else matter.

Lilac was wearing black color, this color was the lycan pack’s color with her dress embroidered withtheir insignia on her back. The dress was beautiful and it was stitched with golden thread, giving off aregal aura for her.

Thankfully, she was not showing yet, because the dress was rather tight around the upper part. Thetiara on her head shimmered under the moonlight and this gave off an ethereal look on her.

Everyone was in awed on how great Lilac could manage to pull this complicated dress. The black colordidn’t give her a gloomy look, instead it emphasized her beauty,

Some of the pack member might not agree for her to be the luna of the pack, since she was a werewolfand they had never had a woman outside of their pack to be the luna before, but everyone had toagree on this; Lilac looked beautifully stunning right now. It took their breath away to see her waltzedtoward the alpha. She carried herself very well.

And for the last part, it was thanked to luna Jasmine for all of her lesson. Lilac couldn’t deny it that theluna had molded her into someone she was right now.

“You look so beautiful,” Hunter said, he didn’t only say it, but his eyes told her that she was beautiful.Lilac had never felt this way before and she was almost crying because of how happy she was rightnow.

“Thank you.”

The sacred ceremony went well, everyone looked very happy and the night was magically, but milesaway from the lycan pack, there was a certain alpha, who just received this news and currently, he wasthrowing everything that he could reach. His roar filled the room and everyone was trying to avoid him,lest they were being punished for even being exist.

That was how bad Aiden was right now.

“How could she move on so fast?! Did she cheat on me while I was away?!” Aiden had turned crazyright now, he co

even think logical the moment he heard

about the ceremony and how Lilac would put her mark on the lycan.

“My son, there is no way she would have done that, they didn’t meet with each other until the party thatwe threw to mark our peace treaty.” Luna Jasmine tried to comfort her son. She was having a greatheadache with the fact Aiden would face trial, but then this news came and her son spiraled out ofcontrol.

“How could she go through with that barbaric tradition?! Was she being forced!?” Aiden glowered.

It seemed, no matter what luna Jasmine said, Aidan was having none of it, he

looked insane.

“We need to help her to get out of that pack!” Aiden rushed toward the door, but luna Jasmineimmediately went to stop him.

“You can’t do that, you can’t even leave the pack house or else you are going to lose your case in thetrial! The other alphas will not happy with this!”


Outside of the door, Ruby was holding Azel in her arms. She heard everything that Aiden said aboutwanting to go to the lycan pack and get Lilac back. He didn’t even shy to admit that he wanted thatwoman back in his life even though she was already someone else’s woman.

He always said Lilac was his mate and the rejection didn’t mean anything. This was what happened ifyou couldn’t accept the rejection, slowly, you would go into a madness, where you couldn’t even thinklogically.

Two of the ser vants stared at Ruby, they didn’t dare to say anything, but they understood this was aconversation she shouldn’t have listened.

“Luna Ruby…” one of the ser vants talked, but Ruby already turned on her heels and then left. Azelwas sleeping in her arms.

These two ser vants were the people that luna Jasmine appointed to help her with Azel, but Ruby wasno longer that naïve girl, who would believe that right away.novelbin

Ruby and her two serv ants went back to Azel’s nursery room, which was right next to the luna’sbedroom.

“Do you like this? You can take this.” Ruby asked, she showed the two ser vants two rings that she gotfrom the present of Azel’s celebration in the other day. She fished out the rings from her pocket andwatched the greediness in their eyes, though their lips said different things.

“No, luna, those rings are very beautiful, but we can’t accept it.”

The two ser vants were girls from the orphanage, the same orphanage that Lilac came from and thetwo of them were siblings.

“You don’t need to be bothered, this is only gifts. I have a lot.” Ruby approached them and gave therings to each of them, who refused at first, but then they pocketed the rings after a little bit morepersuasion.

This was only small movement, but she knew she had to start to do something and gather her ownpeople, or else, she would only have miserable days ahead of hers.

“You can leave, this is already very late at night.” Ruby didn’t ask anything from them after she gavethe/rings, or at least, not yet. She dismissed them and then went to her own bedroom.

Ruby hated Lilac. She hated her for having someone like Hunter by her side,

someone, who would go extra length to make her happy and when she compared that lycan alpha toAiden, she felt very sorry to herself.

But, at the same time in the lycan pack, it didn’t even cross Lilac’s mind about Ruby’s existence,because right now she had a great task at her hand.

This was the last part of the ceremony, where she had to mark Hunter in front of the other packmember, under the moonlight, in the river.

Right now, Hunter was already in the middle of the river, he took off his clothes and only wore hispants, the soft light of the moon fell on his chest and he looked ethereal.

For Lilac, she would go to him. She had changed her dress into a simple white dress and then deepherself into the river that reached her waist, while the pack members were standing around the river,each of them was holding a candle.

The water was surprisingly not as cold as she thought and each step she took, she felt her heart wasbeating harder.

Would her heart burst the moment she reached him. What would happen then? Baby… please, helpyour mother to get through tonight. Lilac prayed. She touched her stomach subconsciously, but hersubtle gesture didn’t go unnoticed by Hunter and this made his eyes turned warm.

He was going to have the woman that he wanted and she would be his forever. This woman, who hadsaved his life years ago was going to be the mother of his child, she was going to be the only womanfor him right now, the only person he was growing old with and raising their child.

They would start this little family. It was his dream, so did she.

Hunter stretched out his hand when Lilac was close enough and pulled her closer, he could feel howcold her hand was and the anxiety in her beautiful eyes. The moon and the stars reflected in her eyeswhen she stared at him.

“Are you ready?” Hunter asked in small voice, which only the two of them, who could hear that.

“I am not sure,” Lilac replied in the same tone. She grimaced when she glanced at his neck. “I mighthurt you.”

“Don’t worry, you will never hurt me.” If the pain came from her, Hunter was more than willing to acceptit.


Chapter 153

“It will be very painful.” Lilac frowned. She remembered how painful it was.

Of course, Hunter was aware of that, therefore, he marked her while giving her the pleasure. Some ofthe man did that to alleviate the pain from their mate, because if they had done it during a ceremonylike this, there was no way the pleasure part would exist.

“Or should you give me the pain and pleasure too like I did to you?” Hunter teased her and this madeLilac blushed.

“There are so many people here!” Lilac hissed fiercely.

“I am not serious, Lilac. You are very tensed.” Hunter pecked on her lips and chuckled.

The sight of their alpha was being playful came as surprise for the pack member, because it had neverhappened before. How could be the alpha being very relax and comfortable with the woman he justmet less than a year?

They couldn’t comprehend this.

“Do it, I will be able to hold it.” Hunter pushed Lilac’s head, until her lips touched his neck and hegasped. He wanted her lips all over him, not only on his neck, but he had to press down those thoughtsand focus on this moment.

No matter how he lusted over his mate, there was no way he would degrade her by doing something infront of hundred pair of eyes.

Hunter wrapped his arms around her waist and caressed her back to soothe her


Lilac was flustered, it should be her, who did the soothing, but Hunter did it for her instead. “I am sorryin advance if I hurt you.”

“Even if you hurt me, you don’t need to be sorry. My life belongs to you. I am yours and that will neverchange.” Hunter squeezed her body, he wanted to hug her like this forever.

With that, Lilac calmed herself down and started to sink her teeth to make her mark on his neck, hecould feel Hunter’s body tensed up when she went too deep and could taste his blood.

And when she thought she needed to stop and it was enough, Hunter pressed her head gently and lether sunk her teeth even deeper, sealed the fate between them, marked him as hers, just like how hemarked her as his.

Under many eyes that witnessed their union, there was a pair of eyes that stared at them intently.

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