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Chapter 62

“Do you have any brains at all? How is this a treasure map?” Casper said incredulously. “It’s a child’sdrawing! How did you manage to survive as a human trafficker when you can’t even discern this?”

Casper shook his head in disbelief. He tore up the map with one swift motion, then forced Brandon’sbank account password out of him. Mournfully, Brandon watched as Casper transferred the millionback to himself.

“Listen up! You’ve been surrounded. Come out with your hands where we can see them!”

Right after Casper had initiated the transfer, a loud voice thundered from beyond the doors of themonastery. To everyone’s surprise, it was unmistakably female.

Seeing that Brandon had lost all ability to retaliate, Casper flung open the door of the monastery.

“Don’t move! Come out with your hands up!” A clear voice rang out solemnly. Casper squinted in thedirection of its speaker, and his eyes widened upon catching sight of her.

The doors had opened to reveal a gorgeous female police officer. Her almond eyes, straight nose, andluscious lips looked as if they had come straight out of a picture book. She wore her hair in a Frenchbraid and looked every inch like an actress on TV playing a role, rather than the actual officeholderherself.

As the policewoman stood there, pistol gripped tightly in both hands, Casper felt a fierce auraemanating from her. She was not just playing a role but knew the authority she had and was intent onwielding it.

At that moment, her frosty stare was fixed firmly on Casper, as if he was the perpetrator of the crime.

“Hey! I’m not a criminal. I came to rescue her,” Casper said, gazing down the barrel of the gundistastefully.

“Hands behind your head! Get down on the floor!” She hollered determinedly, refusing to dignify Casperwith a response.

“Ma’am, he’s my classmate. He’s not a criminal. Don’t point the gun at him!” Felix gasped. He had onlymanaged to recognize Casper after peering at him for a long while.

“That’s right! He’s my roommate!” Remy and Colton added, nodding vigorously. The trio had haddifficulty reconciling Casper with the man standing before them in a monk’s robe.

“Shut up! You over there! Place your hands behind your head and get down on the floor, or I’ll shoot!”The policewoman declared obstinately, showing no inclination towards lowering the pistol or wavering.She regarded the broom in Casper’s hands cautiously, as if privy to the earlier destruction he hadwrought on Brandon with it.

Casper saw that the policewoman had already condemned him in her mind. However, self-preservationwas of utmost priority to him. Casper obediently placed both his hands behind his head and knelt down.

The policewoman immediately gestured towards her fellow officers, who swarmed into the monasteryat her cue. The policemen hauled the human traffickers into the main hall, all of them having resignedthemselves to their fate.

The policemen were baffled by the state of these human traffickers. Besides Casper, the rest of thosepresent in the room were either moaning in affliction or already unconscious. Some had even soiledtheir pants from pain or fear.

“Did you do this to them?” The policewoman turned to Casper with a bewildered look on her face. Shesubconsciously tightened her grip on the pistol, causing a sense of uneasiness in Casper.

What’s wrong with her? Why does she keep staring at me like that? Can’t I even act in self-defense?Casper thought to himself, resenting the accusatory glare with which the policewoman had pinned on


“What’s wrong? You don’t think I’m one of them, do you?” Casper demanded, arching an eyebrow. Hestruggled to keep his tone calm. When he saw Felix and his other friends enter, Casper hadimmediately shed his robes and cast them aside.

“They’re human traffickers! They’re violent criminals! How did you manage to subdue them?” Thepolicewoman questioned Casper cynically.

“As long as they’re still human, they’re not invincible,” Casper explained. He strode over to where hisfriends stood, then announced coolly, “If there’s nothing else for me to do around here, I’ll be making amove first, then.”

Meanwhile, Lillian and Wendy had rushed over to help Mandy up. As they passed Casper on their wayout of the monastery, Mandy glanced at him as if to speak. However, she seemed to think better of itand left without addressing him.

“That’s right. These human traffickers have already sold two women and committed two murdersbesides. Please do a thorough investigation,” Casper said by way of a parting shot. “Ma’am, it’ll bequite a scoop if you manage to convict them. You can take all the credit for that. I didn’t say anything; Iwas never even here. Goodbye!”

Casper had snuck a look at the policewoman’s rank. Even more notable than her stunning looks wasthe fact that she held the position of Superintendent at Horington’s police station.

Casper marveled at the success the policewoman had achieved at such a young age, feeling a deepadmiration rise within him.

“You…” The policewoman stared at Casper, then said icily, “I’m Yasmine Larson. Thank you for yourcontribution to the success of this operation. We’ll indeed follow up closely with these three.”

“I didn’t do anything. You were the ones who arrested them,” Casper said politely. “Ms. Larson, we’ll begoing now. Thanks for everything.”

Yasmine watched helplessly as Casper and his friends turned to leave. She had to admit that they hadplayed a significant part in this operation, with Felix reporting the case to the police and Casperproviding the exact location of the criminals.

“Go ahead, then. Don’t forget that we might call you up anytime to assist with our investigations. Pleaseleave your contact details with us,” Yasmine said formally as she slid her pistol back into its holster.

As she gazed after their departing figures, a strange gleam appeared in Yasmine’s almond eyes. Shemuttered to herself, “Hmph! Don’t think you’ll be able to get away so easily!”novelbin

“Chief, how should we handle this situation? They’re indeed the human traffickers who have beendealing online. It’s a huge case. The incentive will be at least a million,” A policeman commented,jostling his way over to Yasmine to provide an elaboration of the situation.

“Bring them back to the station. Organize the investigators to look into these three men, then assist thevictims,” Yasmine instructed without hesitation.

As the policemen set to work at the scene, Casper, Felix, and the rest were already descendingTerragon Hill.

“Casper, did you know that you nearly scared us half to death when you took those three criminals onby yourself? You’re really reckless!” Felix remarked in dissatisfaction as they arrived back at the car.

“We’ve been roommates for the longest time. If you do anything like that ever again, it’ll be the greatestsign of inconsideration of our feelings,” Remy added.

Colton patted Casper on the shoulder, joining in. “Even though I’m not the strongest fellow, I’ll make upfor it with my loyalty! Don’t leave us out next time.”

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