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Chapter 4

Giselle was alone when she stood right outside the office. Even though she was on the other side ofthe door, she could hear a few men laughing rudely and loudly.

Hopelessness bubbled up onto her beautiful face.

Giselle was born into an upper-middle-class family. They weren’t rich, but they had no problem makingends meet… until her dad got addicted to gambling.

Their beautiful family fell into a heap of trouble because her dad didn’t just blow away all their savings.He also borrowed from the loan sharks and was deep in debt.

Giselle had to give up her opportunity to go study abroad just to help him settle that debt. She endedup being a lecturer immediately after she got her Masters.

Unfortunately, she had just started working, and the salary of a fresh graduate simply wasn’t enough tosettle the heavy debt.

Her long eyelashes fluttered as she took a deep breath with her eyes closed. When she opened hereyes again, her stunning gaze glowed with immense hopelessness.

The three hooligans turned their attention to the door as soon as Giselle opened it and entered theoffice. With lust burning in their eyes, the hooligans checked Giselle’s sexy curves out.

“Ms. Clauder, this is the loan agreement. It’s time you pay up,” said the head of the hooligans before helicked his lips and placed the contract on her desk.

The loan agreement showed that, with interest, the debt had accumulated to over eight hundredthousand. Giselle’s figure trembled as exhaustion and loneliness crashed down on her.

“Can I please have a few more days? I’ll find some ways to get the money together,” requested Giselle.

She was extremely reluctant to make that request, but she had no choice.

The three men grinned like they were hoping that Giselle would request an extension.

“We can’t do that, Ms. Clauder. Our boss told us to make you another offer, though. He won’t ask forthe money back if you get together with him.”

Giselle clenched her fists when she heard the blatant humiliation from the man.

If she was willing to sell her body, they would make a lot more than just a measly eight hundredthousand. Countless men would offer even more just to sleep with her.

“We don’t have much time left, Ms. Clauder. If you don’t make a decision now, we will have no choicebut to expose your secret to the school.”

The three men were certain that Giselle didn’t want anyone to know about the debt her family owed.That was why they were taking advantage of the situation and forcing her into a corner.

A series of hurried footsteps echoed from the corridor just as Giselle was about to close her eyeshopelessly.

Casper heard the commotion in the office even when he was some distance away. He couldn’t bebothered about being courteous at that moment, so he barged into the office without permission.

Casper’s appearance got the aura in the office to freeze over. The three hooligans turned their attentionto him and glared menacingly.

Giselle shifted her gaze over as well. Surprise flashed past her beautiful eyes when she saw Casperthere.

“F*ck off if you don’t want to get hurt, punk!”

The head of the hooligans threatened to intimidate Casper. It seemed that the hooligans did not wantthings to get out of hand.

“Leave now,” urged Giselle.

She couldn’t help feeling nervous and wanted Casper to leave as quickly as possible.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Clauder. I am here to help you,” said Casper.

He ignored Giselle’s words completely and grinned as he stood in front of Giselle and shielded her.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed, punk?”

“Let’s not waste time bullsh*tting, shall we? Do you want your money or not?” challenged Casper.

He sounded annoyed when he dissed the other men mercilessly.

Silence fell into the office once more. All three hooligans saw how Casper was dressed like a pauper,and they couldn’t help laughing boisterously at that.

Giselle’s heart stirred when she first saw Casper standing up for her like that. However, she didn’t thinkthat a guy who couldn’t even pay for his own school fees could help her.

“I used to think that university students are powerful. Turns out, that is nothing but an act.”

“Quit yapping. Just tell me how much Ms. Clauder owes you.”

“With interest, it totals to eight hundred thousand!”

It seemed that the men wanted to see how Casper, who was wearing those terrible clothes, could playthe hero and help the damsel in distress.

Giselle’s eyes shone with astonishment as Casper put his backpack down and opened it. He got twentystacks of cash out of it before tossing the backpack over.

When the backpack landed in front of the men, stacks of cash fell out and decorated the desk withmoney. There was so much money that the sight of it could drop anybody’s jaw.

It took some time before the three hooligans came around. They hurried over to pick the cash up.

“You win this time, punk!”

“Hey, hand the loan agreement over!” demanded Casper.

He was not an idiot and knew to stop the head of the hooligan from pocketing the money.

Giselle was so surprised by the turn of events that she remained in a daze until Casper presented thecontract to her.

That being said, coming around got her to feel perplexed. She was especially annoyed when shethought about how she butted into the matter and paid for Casper’s tuition fees.

It got to the point where Giselle felt like she was conned.

“Ms. Clauder, you should keep the contract safe,” reminded Casper.

His voice got Giselle to reach out and accepted the contract. She had her head down inembarrassment when she thanked him in a voice as soft as a buzzing fly.

“You helped me out earlier, didn’t you?” said Casper, “Now, we’re even.”

Casper’s heart thumped a little out of sync when he saw how beautiful Giselle was, but he was genuinewhen he helped her out.

“No, that’s not right. I will repay you as quickly as possible.”

Truth was, Giselle wouldn’t need to worry about the debt if it wasn’t for the tight deadline and the strictrules.

Seeing how serious Giselle was, Casper knew that he wouldn’t be able to convince her to forget aboutpaying him back. Hence, he nodded calmly.

Only Giselle and Casper were left in the spacious office, and the aura in the room turned awkwardbefore anyone knew it.

Fortunately, Casper’s phone rang at that crucial moment.

“What’s up, Felix?”

“Remy and the boys have decided. We’re gonna bully you into treating us to a meal at Tycoon!”

Felix and the other boys cheered and laughed after saying that.

Tycoon was the most luxurious restaurant near the Business University. Even a random meal therewould cost thousands.

Felix and the other said that they were going to bully him, but Casper knew the truth. If he somehowlost the money and couldn’t pay for the meal, all three of them would stay back and clean the disheswith him.

“Not a problem. You guys go ahead and make a reservation. I will be there in a second.”

Casper planned on bidding goodbye to Giselle after he hung up, but to his surprise, she spoke upbefore he did.

“I’m heading over too. Let me give you a lift.”

Giselle was so popular that countless men in the Business University would scheme and pay just tohave her give them a lift. Nothing ever worked.

Hence, Casper wasn’t stupid enough to refuse to accept an offer that good.

One could travel from the Business University to Tycoon would in ten minutes by car, and Giselle paidattention to the road the entire time.

Casper, however, was peeking at her beautiful face repeatedly. When their eyes accidentally meet, theaura in the car would turn awkward instantly.novelbin

They had just reached Tycoon and hadn’t even gotten out of the car before Casper caught Felix andthe others being barred from entering the restaurant.

A racket could also be heard. Casper’s gaze turned evil when he looked into the crowd and sawCharlie’s sneer.

“Charlie Whitaker, you have crossed the line this time!” growled Felix as he clenched his fist. He was soangry that his face was turning red.

“What are you complaining about? Stop being a fool. There’s no way you can court a girl if you’repenniless.”

Turned out, Felix and the guys got together and discussed the matter. They got Felix, who had the bestrapport with the ladies in the other dorm, to invite the girls over for a meal. The boys wanted to use thatopportunity to help Casper move on from Kitty.

The girls accepted the invitations when they heard that they were going to Tycoon. Conflict arose whenthey reached the entrance of Tycoon.

They bumped into Charlie there. It happened to be Kitty’s birthday, so Charlie invited his friends over tocelebrate with Kitty. He also claimed that he would block-book Tycoon.

It was obvious that he said those words to make Casper look bad. The girls were really only there forthe free meal, so hearing how Charlie had block-booked the place got them to change their stance.

The four ladies, whom Felix wasted a lot of effort on to invite them over, saw how Charlie was with afew friends who were also famously rich. Their eyes glowed as they fantasized about getting a richboyfriend as Kitty had.

Casper was still in Giselle’s car, but he heard their arguments and guessed what had happened. Thatgot a mischievous grin to don his lips.

Casper walked to Felix and the others as soon as he got out of the car.

He wasn’t there earlier, but showing up mid-argument still turned Casper into the center of everyone’sattention. Aside from Felix and the boys, everyone else was waiting for Charlie to humiliate Casper.

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