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Chapter 292

At a magnificent pavilion built in the middle of a pond, a beautiful and elegant woman was sitting at around table with a cup of coffee in her hand. She was glaring at the young man standing in front of her.

If Casper were at the scene, he would recognize that the man was a member of the Stalling family whosneaked into the Antique Fair the other night.

“Useless trash! How can you fail to do such a simple thing? Not only did you fail, you even managed tomake things worse! The Stalling family’s businesses in Horington have all suffered great losses. It isnot just Horington; our businesses in areas around Horington have all been affected.”

“That b*tch is really cunning. She colluded with the Lane family, which is one of the four greatestaristocratic families in Horington. I especially planned for the Hunter family and the Yaeger family, whoboth have grudges against the Lanes, to conspire against the Lanes. It was a flawless plan, but one ofher friends saw through it. I was prepared to stay silent and deny everything, but it was useless.”

The young man was infuriated. The friend of Victoria’s that he was talking about was naturally Casper.

The elegant woman sneered, “Never mind. You are still too young and naive, so you don’t have manyskills in scheming and dealing with others. If that b*tch wants to stay there, just let her be. You are nolonger in charge of this. I’ll send your brother to deal with it.”

The young man looked as if he was unwilling to give up. However, when he heard that his brother wastaking over the task, he immediately looked terrified. It was obvious that he was afraid of his brother.

“I-Isn’t he busy dealing with the imported medicine business abroad? When did he come back?” As theyoung man spoke, he glanced around nervously. It was as if he was worried that his brother wouldsuddenly appear and skin him alive.

“Your brother has finished dealing with them. Those idiotic Ibicans are just greedy for money. He easilysettled the problem after offering them some extra revenue. Right now, the export and import of

medicines are no longer a problem.”

The woman’s eyes suddenly lit up. “Among you and your brothers, I only trust your eldest brother tosettle things. He completes every task swiftly and efficiently. Once he takes action, that b*tch willdefinitely suffer no matter how many powerful connections she has!”

Meanwhile, at a private residence in Yaleview, an elder man dressed in workout attire was practicingcombat arts under a tree. His movements flowed so gracefully that he didn’t seem like he waspracticing combat arts. Instead, he looked as if he was painting.

The man practiced for about ten minutes before he stopped and took a break. Even though he didn’thave a single strand of gray hair, he was already seventy years old. The power and sharpness in hisgaze were on par with young men.

“Father, it looks like you have gotten even better at combat arts! Congratulations!”

A bulky, bearded man who had been standing at the side waited for the man to finish practicing combatarts before he walked up to him and greeted him.

“What do you know about combat arts? How do you know whether I’ve gotten better?” The man lookedat the bearded man in disdain and scolded, “I’m already at the advanced level, and it’s almostimpossible for me to get any better. I don’t even feel like I had a breakthrough. Why do you say that I’veimproved?”

Even though the bearded man got scolded, he replied cheekily, “Father, I saw that you’ve becomemuch more steady and agile compared to the past. Perhaps the onlooker sees most of the game. Ithink you have unknowingly grown stronger.”

Upon hearing that, the elder man sighed and said, “So what if I’ve grown stronger? I still have todepend on you youngsters! I’m already seventy years old! How much longer can I live? At most, I’ll be

able to live another fifty years. What level can you achieve in fifty years?”

The man was daring enough to predict that he would live up to a hundred twenty years old. However,although he was seventy, his strength and energy were of a forty-year-old man. It was indeed possiblethat he could actually live up to a hundred twenty years old.

“How’s your sister recently?” the elder suddenly asked.

After a short moment of silence, the bearded man replied, “She’s still in Horington with Terrence.” Thebearded man actually hid some information. He didn’t tell his father about Terrence’s gamblingaddiction.

“Then what about my granddaughter, Giselle?” There was a hint of affection in the elder’s eyes as hementioned Giselle’s name.

“She is working as a lecturer in a university in Horington,” the bearded man responded.

At that moment, the elder recalled the past. Thinking about his daughter, he instantly felt distressed,and he sighed. “Back then, I was too stubborn. I could’ve just agreed to let her do what she wanted.Why must I cut ties with her?”

The bearded man replied coldly, “It was a family decision. Belinda was too rebellious. As the head ofthe family, you had no choice but to punish her.”

“But times have changed, and so have people. Even combat arts is evolving…”

The elder leaned against the thick, big tree next to him. Then, he added grimly, “Besides that, all youdo is train. How can I trust you to handle family matters?”

After hearing that, the bearded man immediately straightened up. “The Yach family got famous forcombat arts, and we protect our family with our fists. I naturally have to train myself to be as strong as


When the elder saw the bearded man becoming serious as he talked about combat arts, he smiled andresponded, “You are willing to train, but you don’t have wisdom. Combat arts rely on adaptation. Youcan’t be good at combat arts just by focusing on gaining strength. Can you cut this tree with yourhands?”

The bearded man answered confidently, “Of course!” With that, he took a deep breath, and the groundbeneath his feet sunk and created two holes. Then, he kept his hands at his waist as he gathered allhis strength. Just when he was about to punch the tree, the elder suddenly kicked him in the stomach.The bearded man instantly fell to the ground.

“Idiot! I was just asking. Were you really going to cut this tree? This tree is the oldest tree I have. Backthen, my father, your grandpa, trained under this tree since he was young. Were you really thinkingabout punching the tree until it falls?”

The elder was swelling with rage. Why is my son so stupid?

“With your forty years of training, I doubt you could understand even if I explain it. We practice combatarts to fight people, not cut trees!”

The elder raised his arm and asked the bearded man, “I’ll ask you a question. Can you defend yourselffrom my attack?” As soon as he finished his sentence, his hand landed on the bearded man’s head.

The latter hurriedly raised both his arms above his head to defend himself. However, when faced withthe elder’s attack, his arms, which were as thick as logs, were useless. With just a single attack, thebearded man once again fell to the ground.

“This one hit is a sample of my strength that I have been practicing for seventy years! Do you reallythink that you could withstand it? I have started practicing combat arts since I was three, and I have

more than twenty years of training compared to you. How could you withstand it?”

The bearded man wiped the blood on the corner of his lips and said, “It’s because you are my father. Ican’t have more years of training than you even if I wanted to.”

Hearing that, the elder was so furious that his hands were trembling. “You brat! What are you talkingabout?” He patted his chest to prevent himself from losing his temper.

After that, he sighed and said, “Back then, your sister would comfort me whenever I got mad becauseof you, but now…”

He let out a sigh and strode away. Seeing that, the bearded man hurriedly followed behind.

“Help me book two plane tickets to Horington for the day after tomorrow, okay?” the elder suddenlyuttered softly.

Upon hearing that, the bearded man furrowed his brows. “If the elders of the family find out about this,I’m afraid that they’ll lecture you again…”

“You just have to keep your mouth shut. Just tell them that I went on a trip. Besides, with currenttechnology, if anything happens, they can contact me anytime. What are you afraid of?”

“Okay, I’ll do as you ask.” The bearded man nodded.

An elderly dressed in a black embroidered suit was sitting in an airplane that was flying high aboveChanaea’s skies.

He was the complete opposite of the seventy-year-old man. Even though he was only fifty, all of hishair had turned gray, and his face was full of wrinkles.

As soon as the elder reached out his hand, a servant instantly served him a cup of tea. After taking abig sip, he flipped the file in his hand and started reading it.

“How’s Casper doing lately?” he suddenly asked.

“Mr. Casper is doing well lately. His assets are growing incessantly. I think that within a year, he will beable to achieve his target to earn a billion.”

“Hmph! Earning money is easy. Moreover, he had a start-up capital of one hundred million. I want himto gain experience, grow, and learn the importance of money.”

The elder signed his name on the document and twirled the pen in his hand for a while before headded, “Let’s not talk about him anymore. I have to discuss business with the Amalgamated Nationslater. If he can’t handle such a small matter, how could I trust him to handle the family’s finances?”

At the same time, Casper, who was far away in Horington, suddenly sneezed. One of his buddies fromFirewolf Chamber of Commerce, who was driving, asked, “Boss, what’s wrong? Did you catch a cold? Itold you to put on a coat when you are sleeping in the car.”novelbin

Casper rubbed his nose and replied, “That’s not it. With my great stamina, it’s impossible for me tocatch a cold. I think someone is talking bad about me behind my back.”

“Okay. We’ll be arriving at your campus soon.”

“Mm. Just drop me off at the entrance.”

Shortly after, Casper got out of the car in front of the Business University. At that time, the sun wasalready up. The morning sun was vibrant and bright, and it chased away the moist air and dew ontrees.

“The sun is up late today. It looks like the seasons are changing. The days are getting shorter, and thenights are getting longer.”

Casper showed off his knowledge of geography. Just then, he felt a cold breeze. It looks like thesummer is almost over.

“Autumn is coming.” He hummed happily as he strode into the campus.

At that moment, he didn’t know that the coming autumn would be a season filled with troubles.

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