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Chapter 27

“What are you thinking? Do I look like some moneybags? Sawyer was deliberately revealing andbragging about the fact that he spent up to a million rewarding an online streamer. His real purposewas for us to help spread the word for him about how wealthy he was, and you guys can’t even getthat? Sigh, you’ve drunk all of that Earl Grey tea for nothing.” Casper rolled his eyes before them andshook his head in affected disappointment.

“Ah, so that’s what it was. No wonder he didn’t even say a word when he saw us drinking the tea uplike boozing.” Felix patted heavily on his own thigh as he thought he finally understood what happened.

“Casper, do you think we should help him publicize it?” Remy turned to Casper and asked curiously.Right then, both Felix and Colton also turned to him eagerly, as though all of them had regarded him asthe person-in-charge in their dorm.

“Well, since we’ve been treated by Sawyer and drunk so much of the tea, if we don’t help him promoteit, it’s unjustifiable. Listen, here’s what we should circulate. We’ll just say that yesterday, Sawyerrewarded a female online streamer with ten thousand worth of gifts, and later he thought she lookedhideous, so he found her and forced her to return the money to him,” Casper pondered for a whilebefore his lips curled into a wicked grin and he said to Felix and others as he winked.

As long as that piece of news was spread, regardless of whether it was true or not, Sawyer’s reputationwithin the campus would be impaired. After all, such is a society in which bad news, especially thoseexaggerated ones have wings.

Certainly, to Casper, the more the news spread, the better. It would be best if it eventually reachedGiselle. Hmph! Trying to steal my future Mrs. Simpson? You’re asking for it!

“Casper, I notice that you’ve changed, but I like it. Let’s just pass it on that way. He despised us fordrinking too much Earl Grey tea just now. Damn it, that tea tastes so good.” Felix was all smiles as heput his hand on Casper’s shoulder and blinked.

“My opinion is that this matter isn’t wild enough to pique others’ interest. If we spread it out like that, itwouldn’t bring about the intended result,” Colton frowned and expressed his concern.

“I’m sure you have a better idea. Well, we’ll leave it to you then. Let’s give Sawyer a huge surprise, justnot a pleasant one. Hahaha, why do I feel like I’ve changed as well? Mmm, but I like it.” Plain joy waspainted all over Felix’s face. He looked very complacent with what they were plotting.

“How can I not take part in such an interesting thing? Oh right, the class president has organized anouting next week, are we going?” Remy patted on his chest, signifying his intention to join in their plan,but he was soon reminded about another event.

As they walked toward their dorm, they came up with an outing plan in just a heartbeat. Casperwouldn’t want to miss out on such an event for sure. Hence, he agreed on the spot.

When the afternoon class ended, they walked back to the dorm, but when they reached the building,Casper thought about visiting the injured manager and staff at the hospital, so he made an excuse toleave and threw his books to Felix to be brought back to the dorm.

Felix and the other two knew that there were certain things they couldn’t help Casper with, so they juststayed in the dorm and played games.

As he headed to Tycoon, an idea popped up in Casper’s mind. The influencer economy has been onthe rise these days, it’d be great if I can venture into this industry.

Turning a hundred million into a billion was a goal Casper had to accomplish in order for him to inheritthe Simpson family’s wealth.

The reason why he had spent such a huge sum to support Giselle was also that he wanted to see howcrazy the fans in the live stream could get. You’d never know the full extent of something until you seethem for yourself.

The fans were indeed out of their minds. They didn’t hesitate to go all out just to support the onlinestreamer they liked.

Sawyer was the perfect illustration. He was willing to throw in a million to support Giselle without asecond thought.

When he arrived at the entrance of the university and met up with his secretary, Elena, they took a taxitogether and headed to People’s Hospital.

“Mr. Simpson, the arrangement for Mr. Gray and other staff have all been done, and the medical feeshave been settled. Here’s the statement of losses for the restaurant. We’ve suffered damageamounting to a hundred and twenty thousand in total.” Sitting next to Casper, Elena took in a few longbreaths before handing the statement to Casper.

Looking at the statement of losses, Casper’s brows furrowed and his expression turned gloomy. ThisFirewolf Chamber of Commerce is atrocious enough to smash so many items at the restaurant. I’d besorry to myself if I don’t make them pay for it.

“Generate a statement of the costs incurred for Mr. Gray and other staff’s treatment at the hospital aswell. It’ll be of use to me,” Casper instructed in a straightforward manner.

He didn’t plan to let those ruffians from the Firewolf Chamber of Commerce off the hook so easily. Hewould make them bear the consequences of damaging his restaurant.

“Mr. Simpson, you…” Sensing the aura wafting from Casper, Elena shifted a little nearer to the carwindow unwittingly as she was compelled by the murderous air around her.

“Nothing,” Casper responded with a brief laugh and hurriedly suppressed his rage, dissipating hisprevious emanation in the air.

No one said anything else along the journey and soon, they reached the hospital. Casper followedElena and trod toward the ward.

In the ward, Casper saw the general manager whose head was bandaged, but he looked a lot betterthan before.novelbin

“Mr. Gray, focus on recuperation in the hospital and don’t worry about the medical costs. When yourecover, you’ll continue to manage Tycoon. You can take the opportunity to renovate the restaurant andlet Ms. Schneider send me the statement of all the costs,” after comforting the general manager,Russell Gray, Casper spoke his mind.

“Thank you, Mr. Simpson.”

Listening to Casper’s words, Russell was particularly excited and moved, especially when he saw thatthe owner of the restaurant had come to the hospital to visit him personally.

“Ms. Schneider, please check on the condition of other workers.” Seeing as Russell was hesitant tospeak, Casper sent Elena away.

“Mr. Simpson, to be honest, I’ve carried out my own investigation on the Firewolf Chamber ofCommerce. It has been developing in recent years, and its leader is a man called Hector Corneo.They’ve gained a solid footing in Horington, and even some notorious gangs would stay out of theirway. The biggest nightclub in Horington, Marine Luxworld, was also under Hector’s control. It might bejust a project under the chamber, but its business is going very well, and it operates until two to threeo’clock past midnight every day,” in his patient gown, Russell spoke about the information he gatheredas he leaned against the wall. There was even an envious glint in his eyes.

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