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Chapter 250

“Apologize now!”

Casper’s face was red from wrath, leaving Hilda and Cody trembling incessantly.

“Amelia, you heartless sl*t. I knew from the start that you’re a jinx.” Hilda cursed while weeping.

Enraged, Casper signaled two of the Firewolf Chamber members to get hold of Hilda. “If you don’t stopnow, we’ll go to the bank and apply for immediate debt repayment measures. Then you’ll lose thishouse right away!” One of them threatened.

What was scarier than a mafia was a mafia that understood the law. Of course, it was merely a scripttaught by Casper.

Upon hearing that, Hilda shut her mouth immediately. She was aware that there was a high chance sheand her son would end up homeless if she did not give in.

“Amelia, I’ve wronged you. I’m so sorry. Would you please ask this man to have mercy on us? Howcould we possibly pay back one million?”

Amelia’s face was devoid of expression. “This will be the last time I call you Mom. Find a job and liveproperly from now on. I’m sure Casper won’t force you to a corner.”

Upon saying that, she leaned meekly on Casper. “Take me out of here. I’m tired.”

Heartbroken, Casper cast a final warning glare towards Hilda and Cody before leaving with Amelia andthe Firewolf Chamber.

Stepping out of the house, Casper escorted Amelia into the car and instructed his men to immediatelybuy some food and clothes.

With that, Casper turned to talk to his men.

“You guys can’t do this for life. It’s too dangerous. You should quit this illegal business as soon aspossible.”

Upon hearing Casper’s words, those men exploded into a buzz of discussion. “Boss, if we don’t do this,what else can we do? We’re good for nothing.”

Just then, Casper stretched his arm and grabbed a cigarette from one of the men’s mouths. “What areyou in charge of in the association? How much are you paid monthly? And how much is this cigarette?”

Stunned momentarily, the man answered honestly, “I’m in charge of the bars in the east. I will collectthree thousand from each bar every month, and I’ll take ten percent. So I’ll get around five thousand amonth. This cigarette cost nine per package.”

Casper cut him a glare. “You’re considered a managerial level, yet you still smoke a cheap cigarette.”

The man displayed an awkward smile. “I only smoke this when I’m alone. If I’m meeting people, Iusually smoke a cigar.”novelbin

“From now on, tell those bars that they only need to pay one thousand monthly. And you get half of it.”

The man was left in awe by Casper’s words.

“Jeremy, apply this on all the protection money of the association, got it?” Casper turned to Jeremy.

“Okay… got it.” Jeremy could not comprehend Casper’s motive behind this, but he was sure the latterhad his reasons.

Nodding his head with satisfaction, Casper took out his phone to check the time. It would be theAntique Fair that night, and he still had some errands to run before that.

After his men came back with food and some new clothes, Casper arranged to send Amelia back.Before leaving, Amelia and Casper exchanged eyes, but Amelia did not utter a word.

“I’ll go find you tomorrow.” Casper spat out his last words before heading hurriedly to the center of theFirewolf Chamber.

By the time he arrived, the majority of the Firewolf Chamber had gathered at the yard, awaiting hisspeech.

Right then, Casper noticed the boss of Dragon and Tiger Gang was also among them. It looks like hehas repented.

“Since everyone here is a member of the association, I’ll cut to the chase.” Casper’s figure seemedextraordinarily tiny among all those buff men with towering height.

“Every one of us is after money. If any of you says that you’re not interested in money, then you canleave now. You don’t belong here.”

The crowd burst into laughter as Casper continued, “Since we’re all here for money, there’s nothingmore I could say, except that I will help you earn more money.”

Just then, he took out a paper enlisted with all the entertainment spots under Firewolf Chamber’scontrol. Some of them were opened by the association, while the others were merely under theirmanagement.

“Up till now, one group usually guarded one street, and the association will take ninety percent of theincome. But you don’t have to worry anymore. From now on, all the protection money will be reducedby sixty percent!”

Everyone on the spot were stunned in befuddlement. What the h*ll is he doing? Didn’t he say he willhelp us earn more money?

As the crowd started to create a fuss, Gary let out a sudden shout. “Shut up! Boss has not evenfinished. What the h*ck are you worrying about?”

The crowd was rendered speechless by that. A moment later, Casper spoke again, “There’s no need toworry. It won’t affect your income at all. From now on, the association will only take half of yourincome.”

“Half? I usually collect around one hundred thousand every month, and I take ten thousand. If reducedby sixty percent, it means that I will be collecting forty thousand and getting twenty thousand. Soundslike a good deal, though.”

While some of them started calculating the number, the others still found it hard to believe. “What’reyou thinking? Do you think the association would cut their income and raise your pay? That’s too goodto be true.”

Without a doubt, Casper’s statement created an uproar among the members. He had expected thatnone of them would believe it until they truly got the promised amount.

“There’s nothing more to be announced. That’ll be all for today. Good luck, guys.”

With that, Casper ended the meeting abruptly.

Moments later, Stallion was the first to express his confusion. “Boss, why do you do this?”

Casper rolled his eyes at him. “Why? Are you not satisfied with it?”

“I wouldn’t dare to. I’m just concerned that if the association earns so much less, how are we going tooperate it?” Stallion asked.

“There will be no problem with the operation. Just that the profit will not be high.” Jeremy chimed in ashe was the one in charge of the association’s finance, and he had analyzed all the calculations.

“The association’s expenses is just around a few hundred thousand per month. I can afford that kind ofsmall amount.” Casper, on the other hand, was not worried at all.

“But Boss, why are you doing this?” Stallion still could not wrap his head around it.

Casper cast a glance towards Jeremy and Gary. “Do two of you know why I do this? Explain to him.”

Gary shook his head responsively while Jeremy spat out two words after pondering for a while.“Human’s heart.”

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