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Chapter 19

As he flipped through the book, his attention was quickly caught by its contents. Staring at them withhis eyes widened, his pale face flushed red instantly. Even his breathing began to quicken.


Regaining his senses after a few seconds, Zack quickly closed the book and looked frantically atGiselle. However, he noticed that she was already glaring coldly at him with disdain.

“Gigi, let me explain! This book isn’t mine!”

Just as Zack attempted to explain, Giselle turned and walked away. She had no intention of listening atall.

“Gigi! Gigi! Wait for me!”

Zack ran after her. However, Giselle suddenly stopped and turned around, giving him the side-eye. Hertone was calm, her expression indifferent.

“Mr. White, I still have classes to teach. If there’s nothing else, please don’t follow me around. Also, thenext time you confess to a girl, please don’t bring that kind of book along with you.”

After she said her piece to Zack, she turned away and left.

Zack was stunned as he watched Giselle’s silhouette disappear into the building. Overwhelmed byrage, he threw the book and roses onto the ground. Turning around, he saw Casper smiling gleefully.

“Damn you, kid! Speak, why did you set me up?”

“Set you up?” Casper pretended to look innocent.

“Mr. White, what are you talking about? I only reminded you that you dropped something. That aside,why are you even walking around with a book like that?”

“F*ck! Stop pretending!”novelbin

Trembling all over, Zack swore at him.

“It’s not even mine. Where did it come from? Obviously, you are trying to sabotage me. What’s youragenda?”

“Mr. White, I really have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Casper remained calm as he continued with his innocent act.


Bursting with rage, Zack glared furiously at Casper.

“Fine! If this is how you want to do it, just you wait, kid.”

With that, he turned around and stormed off to his car.

“Mr. White, you have forgotten something!”

Smiling gleefully at Zack’s silhouette, Casper pressed his advantage mercilessly.

“I don’t want it anymore!” Zack bellowed after a brief pause.

Without even looking back, he quickly got into his car, slammed the door, and sped off in anger.

Watching Zack’s car disappear from sight, Casper couldn’t help but sneer.

Despite how scholarly he looks, he is nothing but scum. How dare he try and trick Ms. Clauder! I willdefinitely teach him a lesson.

Holding that thought, Casper bent down and picked up both the roses and the book. After chucking theflowers into the bin, he discreetly placed the Shakespearean Sonnets into his pocket before rejoininghis friends.

“Casper, you’re amazing!”

The guys walked up to Casper and gave him a thumbs-up. All of them looked at Casper withadmiration.

“Here’s your porno book.”

Casper chuckled as he flung the book back at Colton.

“How impudent! This book is a masterpiece that describes how humans are made,” Colton explained ina serious manner after shooting Casper a glare.

Casper stared at him, speechless.

He is… never mind.

“Hmm? Lillian! Over here!”

At that moment, Felix suddenly called out.

“Damn it, Felix. What’s wrong with your?”

Just as Casper wanted to stop Felix from crying out, he noticed that Lillian was already looking in theirdirection.

“It’s a surprise to see you guys,” Lillian remarked with a smile. However, when she saw Casper, sheaverted her gaze subconsciously.

“Casper, what are you just standing there for? Quick, go over now!”

Felix gave Casper a look and began nudging the latter forward.

With no choice, Casper resigned himself to the encounter.

“Good morning.”

“Mmm-hmm… I’m going to class. See you some other time,” Lillian replied as she lowered her head toavoid eye contact.

After that, she quickly walked toward class instead, surprising Casper with the abruptness of herresponse.

“Casper, could it be that she’s still shy?” Felix asked while walking over.

Furrowing his eyebrows in curiosity, Casper did not reply.

She does seem to be out of sorts today. Is she shy? Obviously, it’s not that.

She is a really daring girl; she even kissed me yesterday. How did her mood change so much overnightto the extent she barely dares to say a word now? Isn’t that strange?

He gazed thoughtfully but soon shook his head instead.

“Forget it. Let’s go. It’s time for class.”

Casper changed the subject without answering Felix’s question.

Nodding, Felix did not think any more of it and walked on.

As their classroom was on the third floor, they would have to pass by the washroom the moment theycame up from the stairs.

Stopping abruptly, Casper remarked, “You guys go on ahead. I’ll need to use the men’s.”

“Oh, be quick. Class is starting in ten minutes,” Felix replied before walking off without a care.

Just when Casper was about to enter the men’s washroom, he retreated a few steps and took a peekoutside. After seeing Felix and the others enter the classroom, he turned around and continuedupstairs.

Arriving at the top floor, he slowed down when he approached the door to the rooftop. At that moment,he heard a conversation.

“When are you planning to come home?”

Trained since he was young, Casper had exceptionally sensitive hearing. He could even clearly hearwhat was being said over the phone.

“Wayne, I still have class in the morning. I can’t return at once.”

Casper recognized the familiar voice. It was Lillian’s.

“Class? Didn’t I tell you to come back right away? Not that I want to nag at you, but once you gettogether with Mr. Darwin, you won’t be lacking anything. Do you know that? Furthermore, even I will beable to live well. Why can’t you see how much sense this makes? You shouldn’t just keep studying allday…”

“Enough!” Lilian snapped, interrupting Wayne.

She had been silent the whole time in the face of his incessant badgering.

“All right, all right, Lillian. Stay calm. Don’t be angry.”

After a brief silence, a chuckle was heard over the phone.

“There’s no hurry. Go to class first. Come home once it’s over. I’ll be here waiting for you. Anyway,remember to calm down and think through it. After all, my life is in your hands.”

After the call ended, a brief silence ensued before faint sounds of sobbing were heard.

Casper’s expression darkened as he stood by the door. A moment later, he left just as quietly as hecame.

Approaching the classroom, he quickened his footsteps when he heard attendance being taken. Themoment he stepped in, he saw Giselle putting down the attendance sheet and lifting her gaze at him.

Meanwhile, the rest of the students looked curiously in his direction. After all, they were surprised thathe was actually late for Giselle’s class.

“Erm… Good morning, Ms. Clauder,” Casper greeted awkwardly. He could feel that everyone’sattention was on him.

“Come in. I’ll consider you to have made it on time, but don’t repeat it again.”

“Yes!” Casper replied at once.

He quickly joined Felix and the others in their seats and listened as Giselle started teaching.

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed that Ms. Clauder was Gigi, hisgoddess and the one who called him “Mr. Simpson” and reacted in bashful anger over a few words of


As class ended quickly, Giselle walked out, leaving the students desiring for more.

“Felix, Colton, Remy, you guys head back first. I have something to take care of,” Casper plainlyremarked.

“Are you going to see Lillian?”

Casper looked at him in surprise.

“Well, well. Don’t think I don’t know what’s going on in your head. Just go.”

Felix patted him on the back with a smile.

Not bothered to explain, Casper nodded before walking off. After he left the classroom, he loiteredunder a huge banyan tree.

Soon, he saw a pretty figure coming out of the building. Just as he expected, it was Lillian.

After allowing her to walk a safe distance ahead, he began to tail her discreetly so she would not noticehim.

He followed her out of the school grounds to a bus stop, where she waited with a crowd. Soon, anarriving bus blocked Casper’s view. After it subsequently departed, Lillian was nowhere to be seen.

At that moment, Casper quickly hailed a taxi from opposite the bus stop.

“Mister, follow that bus!” Casper instructed as he took a seat at the back.

Caught by surprise, the driver turned to look at him.

“Oh, I’m going to my friend’s house but the bus is already full and I forgot to get the address,” Caspercasually explained.

“No problem.”

The driver readily agreed without suspecting anything. Flooring the accelerator, he began driving afterthe bus.

The bus continued on its journey, leaving the city and arriving at a shanty area in the outskirts.

Stopping at a particular bus stop, it opened its doors to allow a group of passengers to get off; Lillianwas one of them.

“It’s here. Keep the change.”

Just as he spoke, Casper quickly threw notes worth a hundred onto the front passenger seat. Beforethe driver could react, he quickly got out and followed Lillian, maintaining his distance. Finally, hearrived at a row of houses that had been converted from shipping containers.

“Lillian, you’re finally back!”

The moment Lillian entered, a man in his late twenties ran up to greet her. He resembled her and waswearing an old red shirt. With residual bruises dotted all over his face, he welcomed her with adelightful smile.

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