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Chapter 173

Casper was delighted to have learned the truth and obtained sufficient evidence. On top of that, hemanaged to get a clue of Amelia’s thoughts.

To him, the most important things at the moment were to stay hopeful and set a goal.novelbin

With that, he left the place at once without sparing another glance at Cody and Hilda.

After that, he headed straight for the car rental firm to return the old Santana before he went back tothe campus.

It was already evening when Casper was back on campus. After having his dinner at the cafeteria, hereturned to his dorm.

Most of the students staying near the campus had already returned home as it was Friday, and Casperwas more than happy to enjoy a peaceful night.

Felix was out on a date with his girlfriend while Colton was playing computer games.

Casper was lying idly on the bed when he received the first-ever reminder from Darwin Corporations’live-streaming app.

What was more, it indicated that Giselle’s live stream would begin soon. If he was not mistaken, therehad already been a few days since her last live stream.

It was actually Giselle’s second appearance on the platform.

Even if Giselle had her face covered as usual, Casper could imagine his goddess’ dainty face whilelistening to her melodic voice. It was a blissful moment as he enjoyed her enchanting singing.

Having his eyes glued to the screen, Casper was mesmerized by Giselle. At the same time, he did notforget to send a series of virtual gifts to Giselle discreetly. In a blink of an eye, Giselle’s live-streaming

platform was flooded by the notifications of the gifts obtained.

Mr. Simpson has just gifted Giselle ninety-nine Super Rockets.

Mr. Simpson has just gifted Giselle a Banner.

Mr. Simpson has just gifted Giselle five Banners.

Mr. Simpson has just gifted Giselle ten Banners.

The next instant, the comments section was bombarded by another series of notifications, spurring thenetizens’ excitement.

Mr. Lingham has just gifted Giselle one hundred and ninety-eight Super Rockets.

Mr. Lingham has just gifted Giselle five Banners.

Not long after that, the observant netizens managed to deduce a theory. Ah! It seems that the numberof gifts sent by Mr. Lingham is always double the ones given by Mr. Simpson!

The finding piqued the curiosity of everyone watching Giselle’s live stream in an instant. Subsequently,the number of netizens following the live stream increased significantly from thirty thousand to seventythousand.

Casper furrowed his brows the moment he noticed that somebody was seemingly challenging him.

Mr. Lingham? A thought flashed across Casper’s mind abruptly. Could it be Sawyer Lingham?

Even so, Casper could only make a wild guess since there was no concrete evidence. A surge offrustration started to well up within him.

In the meantime, Giselle also sent a series of replies as a token of appreciation: Mr. Simpson, thanksfor the gifts! Mr. Lingham, thanks for the gifts!

Casper’s displeasure was intensified by the formality in her tone. Moreover, there was not the slightestbit of difference in her replies when she addressed both Casper and Sawyer. It was as if both weremerely strangers to her.

It makes sense that Giselle is unaware of Mr. Lingham’s identity. Yet, how is it possible that she isclueless that Mr. Simpson is me? Does it mean that Goddess is deliberately keeping a distance fromme after I poured out my feelings to her previously?

Under the current circumstances, Casper could only think of three possibilities at that moment. Doesshe still need time to think it through? Is she feeling shy because of my confession? Or has she madeup her mind to reject me?

If she has thought it through, then her actions should reflect her decision.

Nevertheless, Casper felt that he should not jump to a conclusion right away.

However, ever since Casper confessed his feelings to his goddess that night, they had not contactedeach other. Moreover, Giselle seemed to have forgotten the promise made between them to keep intouch.

Casper wondered if it was just a mere coincidence or Giselle was avoiding him as he realized that hehad not met her for quite a long time.

Somehow, Casper’s gut instinct told him that it was not a good sign. He did not receive anything fromGiselle, not even a single voice message, text message, or phone call.

As a fervent fan of Giselle, Casper was displeased with his goddess’ nonchalance. To vent hisfrustration, he started to send a series of virtual gifts to her again. In a blink of an eye, the commentssection of Giselle’s live stream was swept by another wave of notifications again.

Mr. Simpson has just gifted Giselle one hundred and ninety-eight Super Rockets.

Mr. Simpson has just gifted Giselle twenty Banners.

Mr. Simpson has just gifted Giselle forty Banners.

Mr. Simpson has just gifted Giselle sixty Banners.

The netizens were rendered speechless as Casper bombarded the live stream with virtual gifts.

Nevertheless, they got used to it soon. Even so, they couldn’t help lamenting how wealthy Casper was.

My goodness! He is indeed a filthy rich guy! Look at how he spends without a second thought! Is he anheir from an affluent family?

Within just a few minutes, Casper had spent two million on the virtual gifts.

Those who had come across Casper’s user ID in previous live streams were already used to histhriftless ways.

For common wage-earners, they might not even have two billion even if they painstakingly scrimpedand saved for their entire lives. What was more, those from the lower ranks of society might not evenhave an opportunity to come across such a large sum!

Nonetheless, Casper was no ordinary person. By then, there was not a single sign of Mr. Lingham,Casper’s so-called opponent, to be seen, and Casper ended up domineering the live stream.

On the other hand, Giselle was boiling with anger when Casper sent her gifts non-stop.

She was reluctant to keep in touch with Casper as she did not wish to drag him down. What’s playingon this brat’s mind? Why can’t he stay away from me? Doesn’t he know that he will only put himself introuble if we get close to each other?

Two million worth of gifts! What is the value of two million to him? How could he spend such a largesum so impulsively?

Undeniably, Giselle had feelings for Casper. Yet, she was repulsed by his extravagant spending habit.Instead of feeling touched by his gesture, she felt humiliated.

It was as if Casper was trampling on her efforts all these years. In a split second, there was a look ofsadness on her face.

It was evident that she cared for him. Otherwise, she would not have bothered about his impulsivespending.

Deep down, she knew that Casper was better than that.

Despite that, there were times when our feelings were not in sync with our thoughts. Sometimes, ourminds would take control of our hearts, and sometimes vice versa.

As such, Giselle could not bear with it any longer when Casper continued to send her virtual gifts, andshe gave him a call.

She had made up her mind to end things with Casper once and for all.

Everything between us must come to an end today. If we continue to let things drag on, it will onlyaggravate the situation.

However, Gisell’s call could not get through. Casper’s line was engaged as someone had made a callto him moments earlier; it was Victoria Stalling from Victoria’s Chamber.

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