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Chapter 132

“According to the law, every citizen in the country has the right and obligation to learn and be educated.As a teacher, did you obey this law?

“While we’re at it, please tell me how I’m undisciplined and short-sighted. In fact, I will get the f*ck outof here myself if you can give me an example of what rule I have broken.

“Finally, as a student, I genuinely wonder how a person with zero qualities and honor like you actuallymanaged to become a teacher. Is your route to employment truly legit?

“Given your behavior and the circumstances, I will officially apply and request that the schoolinvestigate your qualification and how you got the job.

“If it is true that you are here legitimately, then I apologize. However, schools with systems andteachers like these are truly below me, so I will drop out even if you’re not chasing me out.”

After saying his piece, Casper glared at Jack. The former’s eyes carried no remorse or sympathy, andthat got Jack to feel like he had just offended a bloodthirsty demon.

Casper walked out of the classroom after that. Felix and the others followed close behind.

All that was left in the classroom was the stunned teacher and a bunch of flabbergasted students.

Many couldn’t help suspecting. Is Casper really as the rumor says he is? Can someone, who said allthose words, act the way the rumor said he did?

Sawyer, who was sitting in the last row of the class, shook his head in disappointment. Casper totallyowned Jack there.

I can’t believe Jack would use such a stupid method to go after Casper. He was practically beggingCasper to string him up and attack him mercilessly.

“Jack Tripp is such a useless idiot.”

It was bad enough that he couldn’t punish Casper at all, but falling that far? It’s like he was handingCasper the sword to stab him with.

I can’t believe that Casper was able to remain calm and unaffected even after everything he saw beforeentering the class. He was still able to retaliate that quickly…

“Nonetheless, your fall is still inevitable, dumba*s,” murmured Sawyer as he turned and stared atCasper. The former scoffed and added, “You may be able to fight against one Jack Tripp, but what ifthere are a thousand just like him? How will you deal with them then?”

Sometimes, our enemies’ own stupidity is the best tool to crush them, and rumor is the best and mostdestructive tool to accelerate their demise.

Sawyer left the classroom after the show was over.

He never had a class, anyway, and he was only there to see how Casper would react.

Sawyer was not disappointed with Casper’s reaction at all. I guess I should reevaluate the guy anddetermine how to deal with him.

He glared at Casper and chuckled before muttering, “You are so sadly mistaken if you think that that isthe end of it all. The entire class… the department… Hell, the entire school will no longer see you theway they used to, and the same will apply to Giselle Clauder.”

Sawyer left the classroom after chuckling a little. He never made a scene and was borderline invisiblewhen he left.

He moved quietly, just like how the rumor started.

After leaving the classroom, Casper was tempted to report Jack to the school. He even consideredleaking the information to the reporters and have them look into the matter.

However, Felix and Colton caught up with him and managed to calm him down.

Casper was okay with dropping out of school. At worst, he could go to work right away and startmaking a living.

He had tons of options even after he dropped out.

However, the same could not be said for Felix and the others.

They were just ordinary people, and if helping Casper made it so that they couldn’t survive within theschool… I will never let that happen.

Colton reminded, “Calm down, Casper. Now’s not the time to act impulsively. We must first find outwhat is going on before we deal with it accordingly.”

Felix, however, didn’t care about any of that. He declared, “That jacka*s was being too much, Casper.Just say the word. I will go and raise hell with you if that’s what it takes!”

Their words calmed Casper down.

I guess I have not reached the level Alfred talked about. I still can’t conceal my emotions perfectly andmake it so that no one knows what I am thinking.

I lost control of my emotions when Jack mentioned my parents, so who knows how I would react ifsomething else happened?

Casper was sweating a little. If it hadn’t been for his pals, he might actually reveal his true identity andutterly crush Jack like the trash he was.

I guess I’ve still got a long way before I reach that level of control that Alfred talked about.novelbin

Truth was, Casper was underestimating himself a little. He was the direct heir of the Simpson familyand had received the best education and training ever since he was a kid. He even had Alfred tutoringhim and leading him in person. Hence, there was no way he was not good enough.

Casper would not have reacted that way if his parents, who were his most sensitive nerve, were notattacked.

Still, everyone had their own weaknesses, so Casper’s reaction was normal.

His weaknesses included his parents and Giselle. He cared deeply about all of them, so he would beaffected if they got hurt.

Casper turned to Felix and Colton before saying, “Thanks, guys.”

“Hey, we’re friends, so there’s no need to be so polite or thank us for it,” replied Felix as he waved hishand dismissively.

“If only Remy was here, too. That way, all four of us would be truly united.”

Casper nodded and said, “He’ll be back eventually. I believe in him.”

Felix nodded as well.

Just then, Colton suddenly blurted, “Casper, Felix, quick! Come look at the school’s official forum. It’sgoing wild, and every news is about Casper!”

Casper and Felix realized that things were off at that moment, so they quickly fished out their phones toaccess the forum.

Casper’s aging phone, unfortunately, broke down completely that day.

Bang! A loud noise and a small explosion destroyed it completely.

Casper was speechless and exasperated. He informed, “I’ll go get myself a new phone. You guysshould head back first.”

“That’s not urgent. Casper, I think you should take a look at this first,” said Felix, whose voice soundedgrim as well.

Casper turned to the two men and got curious. He inched over to look at what the forums were talkingabout.

One look was all it took for his eyes to widened in disbelief.

Exclusive: A student by the last name of Simpson let himself go after getting rich overnight.

Discussion: A penniless student’s life after gaining wealth.

Shocking News: A university student’s messy private life.

Gossip: Guess what the horrid thing your classmate did after getting rich.

Casper’s frown deepened as he continued reading.

Those titles were all pinned at the top, and they targeted a student with the last name of Simpson.

The content claimed that the whistleblower was a friend who got curious about how his friend suddenlygot rich. It also shared incidents so detailed that even Casper, who experienced it firsthand, couldn’tremember.

At that moment, Casper couldn’t help applauding the culprit’s brilliance and skills.

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