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Chapter 123

“I can see you. Come down to basement one. No funny business or else!”

Casper could hear the seriousness in the caller’s tone, so there was no way he would do anything todisplease them. Nevertheless, he needed to put up some safety precautions against them.

Casper needed to make sure he could rescue Lillian and get out in one piece. On top of that, heneeded to find out who was behind the whole thing.

Under normal circumstances, the task at hand was not going to be easy. Nonetheless, Casper wastrained by the Simpson family since young, so it was no big deal to him.

It doesn’t matter that he was under the kidnapper’s surveillance at the moment.

As the heir of the family, Casper was trained to be vigilant, to adapt and figure things out under extremecircumstances and survive.

Hence, he already had a plan when he walked nonchalantly toward the location given to him.

When he entered the room, he saw Lillian sitting on a chair.

Lillian’s eyes reddened the moment she saw Casper standing beside her. She was trying really hard tostay strong for him but failed miserably.

After all, the situation she was in was far from well. Messy hair, dirty clothes, and bloodied knees aswell as a swollen face. There was even blood flowing down from the side of her head.

It was obvious that they did not treat her nicely when she was struggling.

“Hehe. Welcome, Mr. Simpson.” One of the kidnappers spoke.

“The damsel in distress has been waiting for her knight in shining armor for quite a while now.”Everyone laughed.

The one who spoke was named Adam Crews, and he was a professional hitman.

“I’m here like you asked me to. Now. Tell me. What do I need to do for you to release Lillian?”

Casper looked around as he spoke, noting that there were three men in the room. All men had gunsand daggers as well as some other equipment. They were fully armed and prepared.

Lillian might get hurt if I took them head-on. Looks like I’ll have to wait for an opening.

“Hmm? What do we want? Hahaha. Maybe you can do a striptease for us while we think about it?”

Casper knitted his brow. He was sure that he did not recognize the men in front of him, which meantthat there was someone else giving them the order. I’m guessing the mastermind behind this has aserious grudge to settle with me?

Naturally, there was no way Casper was going to do a striptease.

However, he needed to come up with something that would not anger the kidnappers.

In the end, he pretended to comply, and this got the kidnappers all excited. “Who would have thoughtthat you were such a sissy. Quick, grab the camera. We need to record this as proof for the client.”

“Before that, can you bring me to the dressing room?” Casper asked after taking off his shirt. “I want toput my clothes away before I start.”

“That thing you’re wearing? You can just toss it in the trash. It belongs there, anyway.” The kidnappersnickered upon seeing the cheap clothing Casper was wearing.

“It’s not like I want to wear it. but this is the only shirt I own. Please. I’m too poor to buy a new one.”Casper smiled awkwardly.

The kidnapper were disgusted.

Why would the client spend so much money just to ruin someone like this? Is he even worth it? Ahundred thousand for this guy here? You won’t even get that much if you sold him!

The kidnapper sneered.

Right then, Casper asked, “Can you tell me who hired you?”

“Shut up, will you?” The kidnapper was getting annoyed. “You think we’d tell you? Take your clothes offand start dancing now!” He pointed his gun at Casper.

At that instant, Casper’s expression changed.

He narrowed his eyes and shot forward, seizing the kidnapper’s hand and twisted before using hisknee to break his arm.

The kidnapper cried out in pain but was immediately knocked out.

After that, Casper found some rope and tied him up, gagging the guy before he came out of the room.

When Adam saw that his men did not come back with Casper, his face immediately darkened. “Whereis he?”

“Wait! Don’t kill me! H-He said he needed to go to the toilet. I didn’t do anything!” Casper acted ascowardly as possible.

Casper’s reaction made Adam doubt that the former was able to take out one of his men.

My men’s fighting prowess is no joke. There’s no way this skinny guy here could take him down. Hehas a gun with him, after all. Maybe he really needed to take a piss. But how could he just leave at acrucial time like this? He’s so unreliable!

Then, Adam pointed his gun at Casper’s head. “Alright, dance! Or your girlfriend gets it!”

“Okay! Alright! I’m dancing!”

“Take off your pants! I want nothing on you!”

“Alright! I’m taking it off now!”

Watching Casper following his every order really satiated Adam’s pride as he was reminded of how heused to be just like the guy in front of him.

Things are totally different now.

Indulging in his sense of accomplishment, Adam failed to notice that Casper was slowly closing in.

The gun in his hand was the source of his confidence. It was the gun he used to amass all the fortunehe had up till that point in time.

Even though people were appalled by Adam’s methods, it did not matter. To him, money was money.The process was unimportant, as long as he had money in his hands.

While Adam was deep in thought, his hand lowered. Casper immediately took the chance and whippeda kick toward him.

Adam screamed in pain, alerting his other accomplice. The other guy raised his gun at Casper, butCasper already took away Adam’s gun and had it aimed at the other guy’s shoulder and knee.novelbin

Bang! Bang!

Two shots, and Adam’s accomplice was incapacitated.

Then, he quickly turned around and fired a shot at Adam.


Adam cried out with his accomplice beside him. Everything was settled with just three shots and tookno more than ten seconds.

Gunmanship like that was not something that could be obtained easily by just practicing.

Not to mention, Casper was so confident that he simply walked toward Lillian without even bother tocheck.

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