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Chapter 751

Chapter 751There was a crisp clap.The portly man’s face became disfigured from the force. His big body instantly flew dozens offeet away, crashing heavily into the jail cell. He immediately lost consciousness.His nose and mouth were off-center, his face wascontorted, and he had even lost a few teeth. He looked like an absolute mess. The others’ expressions changed when they sawthe well-dressed, portly man lying on the floor like a log. “Oh no!”Although he wasn’t powerful, he was the warden’s actualbrother-in-law.Hitting him was equivalent to insulting the warden. At this point, death would be a better option.“Young man, you'rereally in trouble this time!” Cornelius looked worried.“You-you-you psycho! Get it in your head-we’re the Shadow Gang, not theLoony Gang!” the bald, muscular man said in dismay.“We’re done for. Now that you've hit the prison officer, we're all going downwith you!”

Everyone was stricken with panic, They thought that they’d gotten an ordinary new member. They just didn’t expect that he was abad luck magnet.Immediately after entering prison, he’d turned the whole place upside down.What a mess!“Don't panic,everyone. I'll take responsibility for my actions.” After that, Dustin dusted his hands. off and returned to his cell.“Young man, I’mafraid you won't be able to handle the consequences of what you've done today!” Cornelius shook his head.“Do you know whothe warden of Azkaban is? He’s an extremely powerful Grandmaster martialartist and a sadist!“Back then, he personally threwme into Azkaban and tortured me ruthlessly for seven days and nights!“In the end, he even put a lock in my shoulder blade andsealed my cultivation. He made me endure excruciating pain every single day.“You haven't experienced it before; you'll neverknow how terrifying this person is. If you fall into. his hands, you’d wish you were dead! “If this place is h ell, then he is thefiercest, vilest demon!” After hearing this, everyone else couldn't help but shudder.novelbin

The warden had a terrifying reputation. To them, he was the dictator who decided whether they lived or di ed. The deeply rootedfear was why they didn’t even dare think about protesting.It was because they all knew that if they did, they’d suffer a fate worsethan death.That evening, in the back garden of the Fallonge estate, Scarlet was playing chess with her assistant general. Shewas dressed in a red tracksuit, and her hair was streaked with gray.After a long game, Scarlet only had her King and two pawnsleft on the wh ite side of the chessboard.She was only one step away from defeat.“Madan, it’s your turn.” Across from her,Georgia was wearing a smile, sure of her victory.During training, Georgia usually got a good beating. It was time she finally goteven on the chessboard.She just needed one more move to win.“Checkmate!” Scarlet picked up her whi te King and knockedover the black one.

“You lose.”"What?” Georgia was confused. She cried, “Madam, the King can only move one square. That's the rule!”*Otherpeople’s Kings can’t, but mine can. Anyway, you lose,” Scarlet said seriously.‘Madam, you're cheating!” Georgia was gettingheated.“There aren’t that many rules on the battlefield. I’m just improvising,” Scarlet insisted boldly.“You...” Georgie wanted tocry, but there were no tears.It was one thing to cheat, but Scarlet even justified her cheating.“Madam...” At that moment, theother assistant general, Bridget, walked in and reported, “Madam,| just received word that we found the whereabouts of theperson you're looking for.”*He’s been located? Where?” Scarlet jumped to her feet. Her normal cold expression was filledwithsurprise-a rare sight for all.“In Azkaban!”

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