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Chapter 599

Chapter 599

Dustin stepped through the door, his gaze terrifyingly cold.

From the moment he saw Dahlia’s text, he knew something was wrong, so he rushed here as fast as he.could

“W-what are you doing here?!” Duncan’s eyes widened, and he staggered backward in fear.

“Didn't you call me to ask me to come over? Well, now I’m here. What are you going to do?” Dustin began approaching him.“Someone, come quick!” Duncan screamed.

However, strangely enough, no one outside responded. It was as though those men stationed outside had disappeared into thinair.

“Where the fuck are you all? Hello?!” Duncan continued holleringBut no matter how much he yelled, there was no response.

“| warned you before not to cross me again. Or else, you'll die a miserable death. What, did you think | was bullshitting you?”Dustin was getting closer and closer.

“Rhys, you're on my territory. I’m warning you to not come any closer, or you won't step out of this place ever again!” Duncanshouted, putting on a fierce front.

“Tell me, how do you want to die?” Dustin asked coldly.

“Take another step, and I'll blow your brains out!” At that moment, Duncan suddenly took a gun from the drawer and pointed itright at Dustin’s head. Now that Duncan had a weapon with him, he believed that he had the upper hand.

“Really? You can try.” Dustin continued to approach Duncan without a hint of fear.

“You're fucking asking for it!” Duncan pulled the trigger without a second thought.

“Bang!” There was the sound of a shot being fired. Yet, Dustin was still standing in the same spot and did not move a single inch.He was completely unharmed from head to toe.

“| missed?” Duncan frowned. He pulled the trigger two more times. Yet, it was the same as before. However, Dustin still lookedunruffled and unhurt in the slightest.

“Fuck, | refuse to believe that | can’t kill you!” Duncan clenched his jaw and began to shoot madly until there were no morebullets left.

“Bang, bang, bang!” After a series of gunshots, Dustin was still standing in the same spot. His body was uninjured; heck, evenhis clothes weren't damaged.

“Is this guy a ghost?” Duncan was so scared that cold sweat began to pour from his temples.

At this distance, there was no way Duncan would miss, even if he closed his eyes. Yet, he’d fired over a dozen bullets, but hedidn’t so much as leave a scratch on Dustin. It was absolutely insane.

“Were you trying to kill me with these things?” Dustin slowly opened his fist to reveal a handful of


misshapen bullets in his palm.

“H-how did you do that?” Duncan’s expression turned into one of horror.

Could it be that his opponent had caught all the bullets that he’d shot earlier with his bare hand? Was he even fucking human?!“Do you want to know? I'll tell you once you're dead With that, Dustin kicked Duncan in thenovelbin


Duncan flew backward like a bullet leaving the barrel. He slammed into the wall harshly, leaving a spider crack on the wall. Bloodspurted from his nose and mouth on impact.

“4-1 am a member of the Doyle family, one of the fabulous five! If you dare lay a hand on me, my family will never forgive you!”Duncan threatened, his face twisting into a ferocious snarl.

Dustin hummed before giving him another kick in the chest. There was the sound of bones cracking, and Duncan once againcoughed up a mouthful of blood. His entire rib cage collapsed on


“D-don't kill me! I’m begging you not to kill me! | know | was wrong! I'll never do it again! | swear, | won’t annoy you ever again!”Duncan begged in between fits of coughing up blood.

This time, he was truly afraid.“Any last words?” Dustin slowly raised his foot. This time, he lifted it right over Duncan’s head.“Wait! Someone intentionally wanted to make you suffer today. It has nothing to do with me. I’m just the runner!”

“Who was it?” Dustin asked coolly.

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