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Chapter 554

Chapter 554

It was the day of Hector’s 50th birthday celebration, and many elites and prominent figures showed up for the event. Though thebanquet had yet to commence, there was already quite a crowd in the banquet hall, and more guests arrived as time went on.

“Dustin? What are you doing here?” Dustin heard a woman ask from behind him. He turned around to see several familiar facesthat he had met once, quite some time ago. They were Adriana, Zoey, Gordon, Zeke, and several others. These were Natasha’sclassmates from her school days.

The first time he met them, Adriana had some troubles due to her contract and was harassed by a manager working for theLangfords. He had helped her out of the situation and beaten up the manager. After Luis Langford returned to Stonia, Dustin hadnever met these people again, so it was quite a surprise to meet them again.

“Hey! | asked you a question! Why are you not answering me? How rude!” Zoey was displeased byhis reaction, or rather, the lack of it.

“Of course, I’m here to celebrate Mr. Harmon’s birthday. Why else would | be here?” Dustin stated calmly. Apart from Adriana,this bunch of people had not left a good impression on him.

“Hah! | see you're still hounding Natasha! Don’t you know where you stand?” Zeke ridiculed.

“I've got a piece of advice for you, Dustin. Natasha is the heiress of a wealthy family. She’s way out

of your league, so you better take a good look in the mirror before you come badgering her,” Gordon said meanly.They saw Dustin as nothing more than a typical boy toy who had no means of providing for

himself and only knew how to sweet-talk women, so they deemed him unfit for their sophisticated circle.

“You should stop looking down on others. How do you know that she’s out of my league?” Dustin


“Hah! You're just a country doctor with no social standing, a prominent background, or any skills. How could you ever be goodenough for Natasha?” Gordon questioned condescendingly.

“How ignorant.” With a shake of his head, Dustin turned to leave. He could not be bothered to exchange words with such close—minded people. To begin with, it wasn’t like they were chummy, so he saw no need to engage in a conversation with them.

“You stand right there!” Zoey blocked his way and frowned as she reproached him. “What's up with your attitude, Dustin? HadGordon not spoken to Mr. Langford on your behalf back when you beat up their manager, they’d most likely have maimed you sobadly that you'd be crippled now! Gordon saved you! But not only are you unappreciative of his kindness, you even give himsuch an attitude? Do you have any manners?”

“Exactly! You've got Gordon to thank for helping you out! Do you think you’d still be alive had it not been for him?” Zeke echoed.When Gordon heard what they had to say about him, he straightened up and puffed up his chest proudly.“He saved me?” Dustin found them ridiculous. “You lot must be deluded. | did teach the mana

lesson; there’s no mistaking that. But | definitely did not need any saving from Gordon. Besides, he isn’t capable of doing soeither.”

“What?” Gordon's expression darkened when he heard Dustin’s words. “Who do you think you are? And who are you to saywhether or not I’m capable of doing anything?”“Well, am | wrong? If you were capable of saving me, then why didn’t you do anything when you were beaten up?” Dustinnovelbin


“You-” Gordon was silenced. It was still embarrassing for him to recall how the Langford manager had busted his head with abottle.

“Stop spouting nonsense, Rhys!” Zeke glared at him and raised his voice. “They had the numbers, and we were at adisadvantage; that was the only reason why we endured it. We made them pay for it after!”

“That’s right! Only a brute would act hastily. Gordon’s a gentleman, it’s only a given that he wouldn’t lower his standards to that ofa brute’s!” Zoey parroted.

“Better to be a brute than a chicken.” Dustin didn’t hold back. “You took everything they did to you without so much as a protest;how dare you brag and talk smack to me now?”

They all flushed in embarrassment at Dustin’s words.

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