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Chapter 473

Chapter 473

“So what? What can you do to me?” Terrence taunted, unaware of the impending trouble he had brought upon himself.“I'm Roderick Brooks, and you work for me. What do you think I can do to you?” Roderick asked coldly.

“Still keeping up the act, | see. Do you think I'd really buy this crap you're spouting?” Terrence snorted.

*Terrence Stone, I’m officially informing you that you have been fired by Brooks Corporation, effective today. You need not cometo work tomorrow.” Roderick wasted no time in making the decision.

“Hahaha! You're firing me? You're something else, aren’t you!” Terrence gulfawed. “Truth be told, | have a powerful personbacking me up in Brooks Corporation. Even Roderick Brooks is in no position to fire me, much less an impostor like you!”

“Is that so? Well, would you be so kind as to enlighten me who the person backing you up might be?” Roderick asked sternly. Ifsomeone like this was the manager, it was high time Brooks Corporation had a restructuring.

“You have no business finding out who the person is. All you need to know is that you'll be sorry if you ever mess with me!*Terrence expressed conceitedly.

“How insolent!” Roderick huffed. “I don’t want to waste my time speaking to you. Pass the phone to Mr. Rhys!”

“What's the matter? Can’t hold up the act any longer? You're no fun.” Terrence then tossed the phone back to Dustin andridiculed, “My man, this actor you found yourself is pretty incompetent at what he does! He lacks the necessary charisma. | sayhe needs to go back and brush up on his skills!”

“Actor?” Dustin stifled a laugh. “I wasn’t lying: he really is Roderick Brooks!”“Heh! If he’s Roderick Brooks, then I’m Roderick Brooks‘ father!” Terrence said without giving it much thought.

Dustin simply found him amusing. Terrence was quite a stubborn one. Dustin had already reminded him multiple times that it wasreally Roderick Brooks he was speaking with, and yet he took no heed and continued to speak with such arrogance. He’d be infor a lough time when he went to work the next day.

“Mr. Rhys, do you know this person?” Roderick suppressed his anger.“| don’t know him well. This is my first time meeting him,” Dustin said with a chuckle.

“That’s good to know.” Roderick heaved a sigh of relief. If Dustin were on close terms with Terrence, then he wouldn't act rashly.But since they weren't, he could handle things his way.

“Alright, Mr. Brooks, I'll leave you to carry on with your day then. I’ll contact you some other time.” Dustin quickly ended the call.His intention had just been to give Terrence a warning so that he didn’t behave so arrogantly. Who'd have known that he was sofoolhardy and went so far as to insult his boss like that?

“Your act's been busted, my man. Is there any point keeping it going?” Terrence looked down his nose at Dustin, wearing a wiseand discerning expression as if he had seen through Dustin’s lie.

“Hah! | think he’s the only one fooled by his act! Some people really know no shame! Julie shook her head, looking at Dustin likehe was nothing but a clown.novelbin

“What's the meaning of all this, Florence? How could you bring a scammer to our table? Are you insulting us?” Victoria wasupsel.

“Dustin! Can you please cut your bullshit? Are you not ashamed of yourself? Because | am!” Florence shot daggers at him out ofher eyes. Why did he have to act like he was all that when they were just having a meal? And what's worse was that his lie gotbusted! It was downright embarrassing!

“There’s no point saying anything more. You'll find out the truth tomorrow.” Dustin gave a faint smile, not bothering to explainfurther. He knew that no matter what he said, these people weren't going to believe him.

“Quick! This is the place! | saw him go in!”

Right then, a commotion broke out at the door. They looked up and saw an obese man with a bunch of henchmen coming inmenacingly. The person taking the lead was none other than Duncan Doyle, who had had a run-in with Dustin in a bar a fewdays back.

“Here he is!” Duncan’s eyes swept across the diner, and he quickly spotted Dustin. With his henchmen in tow. he stormed up tohim.

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