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Chapter 417

Chapter 417

Chapter 417

Early the next morning. Dustin received a phone call from Nelson when he woke up.

“Hi, Mr. Rys. Are you up yet?”

“| just woke up. What’s up? Any results?” Dustin asked.

“Our gang leader would like to meet you. We can slowly chat then.” Nelson smiled apologetically.

“Sure. Where?” Dustin responded bluntly.

“At the Flame Dragon Dojo.”

“Alright. I'll be there soon.” Dustin hung up, did a simple freshening up, and left in a taxi. He had alreadyexpected that the gang wouldn't give in so easily, and since he had some spare time on his hands, he didn’tmind having some fun with them.

After thirty minutes, his taxi pulled up in front of Flame Dragon Dojo.

Dustin got out of the car, and Nelson immediately brought his men over to greet him with a smile. “Welcome.Mr. Rhys. This way, please.”

Dustin hummed and nodded in response, walking straight in.

Hundreds of the gang's elites had gathered inside the dojo, each of them sturdily built and with ferocious attitudes. As soon asDustin entered, everyone turned their piercing glares toward him, as if they were staring

at a prey.

“Hey, kid. You’re the one who wants to challenge my gang?” A paunchy, fat man emerged from the crowd. holding some beads.Following behind him were four large, bald men whose black singlets did nothing to hide

their toned, rippling muscles.

“| guess. I’m just interested in the gang leader's seat.” Dustin nodded.

“How dare you!” The elites of the gang immediately cried out indignantly, dying to flay Dustin alive for sayingsuch nonsense.

“You've got balls, kid.” The bald man signaled for his men to quiet down before continuing. “It took me over a decade to get towhere | am now, so why should | let you take my position?”

“Nelson asked the same thing yesterday, and I’ve already given him my answer,” Dustin replied,

“| know you've got some skills, but that doesn’t mean you can treat our gang however you want.” Harry Hall said with a smile thatdidn’t reach his eyes. “You'll have to prove yourself if you want to be the gang leader. I'll give you a chance right now. If you candefeat our Four Guardians, I'll step down willingly! Similarly, if you lose to them, you’ll serve our gang for ten years. How aboutthat?”

The Four Guardians were all High-level martial artists who had impeccable skills. When fighting together, they were as strong asa Divine—level martial artist, which meant taking care of a young man would be a piece of


“Sure. | like doing things the simple way too.” Dustin agreed.


Chapter 417

“Great. Sign the papers, then.” Harry waved for his men to bring out a liability waiver form, which Dustin signed.without hesitation.

“Things seem to be fun in here.”

Right before the battle began, a young, suave man walked in casually with beautiful ladies hanging off him,“Mr. Hill?” Harry immediately greeted the other man with a smile. “What brings you here today?”

“| heard that someone challenged Flame Dragon Gang, so | thought I'd enjoy the show.” Patrick Hill repliedwith a smile.

“We get idiots who challenge us every year. They eventually end up crippled or dead, so this is nothing new.”Harry shook his head.

“I'm curious, Sir Hall. Who would dare to challenge your gang?” Patrick looked around.

“It's him.” Harry pointed at Dustin. “He’s talking big just because he has some skills, and now he even wantsmy position. How foolish.”

Patrick was surprised when he saw Dustin. “Sir Hall isn’t an easy opponent, young man. You should just sparfor fun. It'll be unfortunate if you die because of this.”

“Thanks for the advice, but I’m confident | can win, or | wouldn’t have come in the first place.” Dustin smiledsoftly.

“Being confident is a good thing, but you shouldn't be too arrogant. There are always people stronger than you.“Patrick advised.

“Maybe.” Dustin responded.

“Whatever. | won't stop you if you insist.” Patrick shook his head.

“You shouldn't waste your time on foolish people.”

“She's right. Some people are just too arrogant. He'll have time to cry when he’s crippled.”

The girls in his embrace sneered, looking down on Dustin, who they thought was acting all high and mighty.Dustin had it coming if he ended up dead anyway.

“Have a seat, Mr. Hill, Enjoy the show.” Harry smiled before leading Patrick and his companions to the seats infront. Then, he turned toward Dustin with a cold attitude. “Please step into the battle ring.”

“Sure.” Dustin smiled and walked toward the platform.

“You four can deal with him. Don’t hold back, and be careful of cheap tricks.” Harry instructed the FourGuardians.

“Yes, sir!” the four men answered in unison before heading toward the battle ring as well.

“How many blows do you think that punk can stand?” one of the women asked Patrick.novelbin

“The battle will most likely end within after ten rounds,” Patrick answered calmly.

The Four Guardians were quite famous in South City. Alone, they weren’t the strongest, but once they worked together, theirstrength increased tremendously. Besides, as martial artists with impenetrable skin, their body was incredibly strong, so Dustinwas bound to struggle against them.

“You think too highly of them. Look at how skinny he is. | bet he'll be defeated with five blows.”“| say three.”The ladies jeered.

Everyone knew how powerful the Four Guardians were, so there was no way a young man in his twenties could withstand theirattacks.

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