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Chapter 342

Chapter 342

It was said that the Langfords had two master-level martial artists working for them. They were an extremely powerful pair andwouldn't show up normally. It seemed that they had come over

with Ethan today.Adam rubbed his chin, thinking about how to seek revenge. It wasn’t easy to take the Langfords down with the pair around.

“Hmph, what's so great about the God of War? He still can’t do anything to the Langfords when Uncle Ethan is here,” Luismuttered inwardly. There were traces of arrogance on his face.

“As expected of Ethan!” Kingston held his head up, having regained his previous confidence.

Although the Spanner family was powerful, the Langfords weren’t weak either. Now that Ethan was around, members of theLangford family would become unrelenting.

Adam turned to look at Dustin and asked, “Dustin it seems like they are not going to let me have my way. Shall we force our waythrough?”

As long as Dustin agreed to it, Adam would launch his attacks straightaway. After all, someone else would deal with theaftermath.

“Since Mr. Ethan is here, forget it, then,” Dustin said flatly.He wasn’t afraid of the Langfords, but he didn’t want to cause trouble for Adam“Alright, whatever you say.” Adam shrugged.

“Discipline your nephew properly, Mr. Ethan. If this happens again, | won’t let the matter slide easily,” Dustin threatened firmlybefore he turned around to leave.

“Stop right there!” Ethan’s expression darkened.

“Do you actually think you can just walk away like that after beating up my nephew and humiliating the Langfords? What do youtake us as?”

“Exactly! You have to pay back for what you did!” Luis echoed from the side. He was determined to even the score with Dustin.“Ethan, I’m holding back out of respect for you. You shouldn't go overboard!” Adam's gaze was laced with hostility.

“Adam, this is concerning the reputation of the Langford family. | can’t just gloss it over! | can spare his life for your sake, but hehas to get down on his knees and apologize to my nephew!” Ethan refused to back down.

Wealthy families cared about their reputations the most. If the Langfords let the matter go today, it would be equivalent to sayingthat anyone could walk all over them.

“Kneel down and apologize!” Luis looked down his nose at Dustin.“So what if you have Adam backing you up? | can still trample you underfoot!” Luis mocked him in his heart..“Kneel before you? Are you worthy of it?” Dustin was indifferent to their demands.

However, Ethan was different. Not only did he have an official position, but he also possessed great authority, just like Adam.When it came to seniority, even Adam had to show Ethan to show him a certain degree of respect.

With Ethan around, it was hard for Adam to take advantage of the situation.“Oh, it's Mr. Ethan. | didn’t know you would be here too.” Adam was quite surprised.

“Today is my nephew's engagement ceremony. As his elder, it’s natural for me to attend,” Ethan replied faintly. “Luckily, | camehere in time, or else the Langfords would end up at the mercy of


“Mr. Ethan, it was them who threw their weights around. | was just helping you teach them a lesson.” Adam faked a smile.“Hmph! Even if they made a mistake, an outsider like you is in no position to punish them!” Ethan’s gaze was frosty“What if | insist on doing so?” Adam arched his brow.

“Well, then we'll have to see if you have the ability to walk your talk.” Ethan waved his hand.

Right then, two white-haired men appeared behind Ethan. One of them was taller than the other. Just looking at their stance, onecould tell they were unfathomably powerful.

Upon seeing them, even Adam couldn't help but frown.Chapter 342

It was said that the Langfords had two master-level martial artists working for them. They were. an extremely powerful pair andwouldn't show up normally. It seemed that they had come over

with Ethan today.Adam rubbed his chin, thinking about how to seek revenge. It wasn’t easy to take the Langfords down with the pair around.

“Hmph, what's so great about the God of War? He still can’t do anything to the Langfords when Uncle Ethan is here,” Luismuttered inwardly. There were traces of arrogance on his face.

“As expected of Ethan!” Kingston held his head up having regained his previous confidence.

Although the Spanner family was powerful, the Langfords weren't weak either. Now that Ethan was around, members of theLangford family would become unrelenting.

Adam turned to look at Dustin and asked, “Dustint seems like they are not going to let me have my way. Shall we force our waythrough?”

As long as Dustin agreed to it, Adam would launch his attacks straightaway. After all, someone else would deal with theaftermath.

“Since Mr. Ethan is here, forget it, then,” Dustin said flatly.He wasn’t afraid of the Langfords, but he didn’t want to cause trouble for Adam.“Alright, whatever you say.” Adam shrugged.

“Discipline your nephew properly, Mr. Ethan. If this happens again, | won’t let the matter slide easily,” Dustin threatened firmlybefore he turned around to leave.

“Stop right there!” Ethan’s expression darkened.

“Do you actually think you can just walk away like that after beating up my nephew and humiliating the Langfords? What do youtake us as?”

“Exactly! You have to pay back for what you did!” Luis echoed from the side. He was determined to even the score with Dustin.“Ethan, I’m holding back out of respect for you. You shouldn't go overboard!” Adam's gaze was laced with hostility.

“Adam, this is concerning the reputation of the Langford family. | can’t just gloss it over! | can spare his life for your sake, but hehas to get down on his knees and apologize to my nephew!” Ethan refused to back down.

Wealthy families cared about their reputations the most. If the Langfords let the matter go today, it would be equivalent to sayingthat anyone could walk all over them.

“Kneel down and apologize!” Luis looked down his nose at Dustin.“So what if you have Adam backing you up? | can still trample you underfoot!” Luis mocked him in his heart.“Kneel before you? Are you worthy of it?” Dustin was indifferent to their demands.

“Hmph! Don’t assume that you can behave insolently just because you have the Spanner family behind you The world is largerthan you think,” Ethan warned coldly.

With the Langford family’s power, getting rid of a person was simply child’s play to them

“Ethan, heed my warning. You can’t afford to offend this friend of mine Don’t get yourself in the soup If you are on the outs withhim for real, it'll be too late for you to beg for mercy,” Adam

wamed them

“What a joke!” Ethan snorted. “Adam, since when have you learned to boast so shamelessly? In the whole of Stonia, nobodystands a chance against me!”

Those he feared were all thousands of miles away

“Ethan, are you sure you want to do this?” Adam raised his brows

“Let me tell you frankly, I’m so going to take this punk down today. You’d better stay out of it!” With a snap of Ethan’s fingers, theskilled fighters of the Langford family drew their swords and surrounded Dustin, ready to fight.

“Ethan is not giving any respect to Adam. It looks like the punk will be doomed today!”“Even the Emperor won't be able to save him for disgracing the Langfords!”“This is the price for offending someone powerful in Stonia”

The guests couldn't help but sigh when they saw the scene. Dustin's forces were indeed impressive However, they were nothingin Ethan’s presence.

“Rhys’ Weren't you acting like you were great earlier? Why aren't you saying anything now? The Langford family has a long-standing reputation Even if you have the Emperor backing you today, you will still have to show us respect! If Uncle Ethan ordersyou to die, you'll have to do it too!” Luis cackled with arrogance.

In Ethan’s presence, Luis was a cock who crowed upon his own dunghill.“Oh? Who is asking my son to die?”

Right then, a flat voice came through. It wasn’t loud, but everyone could hear the voice clearly When they looked over, what hoveinto their view was a thin, middle-aged man limping in His looks and clothes were ordinary, and so was his physique Other thanbeing a little lump and having a little hump on his back, there was nothing special about him If he were to walk in a Crowd, noone would pay any attention to him

However, it was such an ordinary person who drained the color from Ethan’s face. His gaze was filled with not only shock butalso fear

“H-how could it be? No, this is impossible! He stays in the military encampment all year round How can he be here?” Ethan wasin a fit of panic

The moment Ethan saw the hunchbacked man, it was as if he had bumped into a ghost Hisfingers couldn't help trembling as he broke into a cold sweat

“What's wrong, Ethan? Do you know this person?” Kingston, who was standing at the side, quickly sensed that something wasamiss

“H-he. He is Rufus Rhys!” Ethan’s voice quavered.That was a bolt from the blue. When Kingston heard that, his face turned pale at once. “What?! Rufus Rhys?”novelbin

Rufus Rhys, the current head of the Rhys family, was someone who had made great contributions to the nation. He was thebravest in the army when he was young and took the lives of eight hundred thousand people during his time.

He had watched over West Lucozia for 20 years and attacked countless barbarians. On top of that, his means of doing thingswere impartial, and he never infringed on the citizens’ rights. His achievements were so great that he possessed the authority togo against anyone.

When he was 30 years old, he was appointed Prince of Theswe and was the second most powerful

person in the nation. His status was on par with that of the Emperor, and that made him a truly terrifying figure.

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