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Chapter 2207

"Don't worry, Luke. Since you hired us, consider your troubles taken care of. We're here to help," one of the Bovens twins reassured him.

"That's right. You just sit back and watch how we deal with this troublemaker," the other chimed in.

The twins bantered back and forth confidently as if victory was already in their bag.

Luke glared at Abigail and shouted, "Hey, troublemaker! Did you hear that? If you're wise, surrender now. Otherwise, today will be your last."

"Enough with the chatter. Let's get this over with. I've got dinner waiting upstairs," she retorted impatiently.

"Arrogant fool!"

"Get ready to face our wrath!"novelbin

Enraged by her words, the twins quickly grabbed their weapons and charged forward.

Their choice of weapons was rather peculiar. One brandished a spear, while the other wielded an iron abacus.

The iron abacus beads were released with a flick of the wrist. They shot out like hidden weapons as it rained down on Abigail.

Simultaneously, the spear lunged forward like a charging lance aimed directly at her.

Their coordination was flawless as they hid their deadly intent.

First, they used the barrage of abacus beads for distraction. Then, it was swiftly followed up with the spear for the finishing blow.

For an ordinary martial artist, countering such a tactic would be next to impossible.

But Abigail was far from ordinary. As the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, ranked second on the Legendary List, she didn't even bat an eye at the Bovens brothers' attack.

"Is this the best you can do?" She snorted contemptuously and raised her hand.

A surge of internal energy exploded like a crashing wave and scattered the incoming abacus beads in all directions. It sounded like hailstones were pelting the surroundings.

"Go to hell!"

Taking advantage of Abigail's momentary distraction, the elder Bovens brother lunged forward with his spear aimed at Abigail's chest.

Yet, she remained unfazed. She effortlessly intercepted the spear midair with two fingers.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and he was shocked at what had happened. He couldn't believe their meticulously trained killing technique had been effortlessly thwarted.

"Is that the best you can do?" Abigail's eyes glinted with deadly intent.

"You've walked right into our trap, troublemaker!" The elder Bovens brother's grin turned sinister as he swiftly triggered a hidden mechanism on the spear.

Suddenly, a Frost Needle shot out from the spear's tip.

The Frost Needle was among the top ten hidden weapons. It was crafted to pierce through protection armor energy and had a freezing effect.

Once it struck a vital point, it spelled doom regardless of how advanced one's cultivation was.

This Frost Needle was the Bovens brothers' last resort. They kept it as a last line of defense.

When he sensed the imminent threat of death, the elder Bovens brother decided it was time to unleash it.

At such close range, he knew it was impossible to evade it. "Hmph! Let's see you survive this!"

Just when the Bovens brothers believed victory was assured, Abigail surprised them by clamping down on the Frost Needle with her teeth.

"What? How is this possible?" The twins' faces paled in shock.

Before they could react, she took a deep breath and forcefully spat out the needle. It pierced straight through the elder Bovens brother's throat.


The elder Bovens brother's eyes widened in disbelief as he stood frozen in place. His entire body was immediately enveloped in ice and transformed into a frozen statue within moments.

Then, he toppled backward and broke into countless pieces. There was nothing left but fragments scattered across the ground.

"No!" Watching his brother's shattered remains strewn across the ground, the younger Bovens brother was filled with shock and fury.

He thought they had everything under control. But he never expected their attempt at a sneak attack would claim one of their lives.

"How dare you kill my brother? I'll make you pay!" the younger Bovens brother snarled.

With fury blazing in his eyes, he swung his iron abacus fiercely. All the beads were unleashed, and a relentless barrage was aimed straight at Abigail.

She stood motionless and raised her hand before swiftly sweeping her sleeve.

Suddenly, a surge of her grandmaster's internal energy exploded. It propelled the abacus beads backward with tremendous force.

The beads, like bullets discharged from a firearm, pierced through the younger Bovens brother's body. His body was riddled with gaping wounds.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he collapsed onto the ground and drew his last breath.

The whole fight lasted only three moves.

"Dead... he's dead?"

The sight of the two mangled bodies on the ground left everyone stunned.

They thought Abigail was just skilled with poison, and the supposedlym immune to poison Bovens brothers ET were her perfect counter.

But no one expected that the twins would die so easily, with no chance to put up a fight.

It was clear the two sides were simply not on the same level.

"The Bovens brothers?" Luke spat on the ground in disgust. "Those guys were a joke!"

He thought the twins were tough but couldn't even last three moves against Abigail. How pathetic.

"Who else is itching for a one-way ticket to hell?" Abigail stood-im m silence. Hengaze pierced the group with a bone-chilling coldness.

In the past, she would have skipped the small talk and gone on a rampage. But now, she was at Sacred Wrym Summit.

In the days ahead, she had to run her betting pool. She knew too much bloodshed would damper her profits. That was why she hesitated to escalate things too far.

Regrettably, while she might show some leniency, others might not be as willing to relent.

"Let us take you down!"

At that moment, four members of the Greenfield Gang stepped forward behind Luke.

They were varied in height and build but exuded an air of dominance as a group. "The Greenfield Gang? I've never heard of you." Abigail scoffed.

She added, "Why don't you all come at once? Don't waste my time. I've got places to be."

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