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Chapter 2190

The news of winning celestial stones sent a wave of excitement through the crowd of martial artists. If they were only mildlyinterested before, now they were practically buzzing with anticipation.

After all, chances to win celestial stones were as rare as finding a four-leaf clover. Plus, the chance to double their earnings wasa once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

There was no way they would let this opportunity slip through their fingers.

Furthermore, any lingering doubts disappeared when they saw Dustin and the others win the celestial stones. So, some of themore daring martial artists started to step forward when Abigail beckoned.

Despite the Mystic Arts Order's less-than-stellar reputation, the irresistible allure of celestial stones outweighed any reservations.They were ready to take the risk.

After all, they were at the Sacred Wrym Summit. Hence, they wondered if anyone from the Mystic Arts Order would be boldenough to stir up trouble over the payout.

"Can we place the bet?"

Two young men in their twenties who closely resembled each other were the first to step forward. They appeared to be brothers.They weren't participants in the competition. Instead, they were spectators to enjoy the fight.

They couldn't resist trying it since encountering such an enticing betting opportunity.

"Sure." Abigail nodded with a smile. "Anyone interested can join the betting, but I'm curious about the items you will wager. Bythe way, | don't accept just any ordinary items."

The two men exchanged glances before reaching into their pockets. They each pulled out a fist-sized iron orb.

The iron orbs were completely black and appeared plain at first glance. However, those with keen eyes would notice somethingunique.

The surface of the orbs was riddled with countless tiny holes resembling pinpricks. These holes were densely packed andcovered every inch of the iron orbs' surface.

"What are they?" Abigail asked curiously."These are the Dawson Clan's specially crafted hidden weapons, the Phantom Blooms!" the man on the left said.

He continued explaining, "Don't be deceived by their appearance. Once you press the switch and toss them out, the 888poisoned needles concealed inside this iron orb will erupt with formidable force in just two seconds!"

“And that's not all!" the man on the right added, "The poisoned needles from these orbs can pierce through energy armor. So,any martial artist below the grandmaster level hit by these needles will be immobilized!"

"Phantom Blooms?" Abigail raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Sounds like quite the valuable discovery!"

The Dawson Clan was well-known for their expertise in crafting hidden weapons and poisons.

The Phantom Blooms was one of their eight renowned hidden weapons. Its fame spread throughout the martial world."| wonder how many celestial stones can our Phantom Blooms fetch?" the two men asked curiously.

"While they are impressive, they're consumables, after all. Once used, they're gone. How about one ‘Phantom Blooms' inexchange for three celestial stones? What do you think?" Abigail proposed.

"Deal!" Both men grinned excitedly.They had plenty of hidden weapons like these in the Dawson Clan, but they took time to craft.

However, treasures like celestial stones were scarce, and the brothers desperately needed them. After all, refusing the offerwould be unreasonable.

Trading two Phantom Blooms for six celestial stones was a lucrative proposition. If they managed to win another round, those sixstones would double to 12, resulting in a substantial profit.

With 12 celestial stones, one of them could make a breakthrough.

"| also want to bet. This is the Alchem Sect's Divinix. Pop one of these tablets, and you'll see a major boost in strength in no time.How many celestial stones is this worth?"

Another martial artist stepped up. He placed a bottle of tablets on the table with eager anticipation gleaming in their eyes."Divinix? That's a solid item. How about four celestial stones?" Abigail proposed."Deal! It's settled then!" The man's face beamed with joy.

The quality of Divinix fell somewhere between standard and high-grade tablets, making it quite rare for ordinary martial artists tocome by. However, it wasn't a prized possession for the Alchem Sect.

Still, getting four celestial stones in exchange was undoubtedly a pleasant surprise.

"Count me in! Feast your eyes on the Bloodbane Sword from the Sacred Armory Order. Sharper and tougher than the averagedarksteel blade—it's a true gem!"

"Me too! Check out this Mistwalker Technique from the Nimbus Clan. It turns you into a shadow in combat—elusive as a ghost,making you a tricky target and boosting your combat skills."

"Count us in on the action! We can't let Terra Haven be left out of this exciting bet. Presenting our specialty, the Dusk Giltfish. It'smouth-wateringly delicious and replenishes your life force and vitality upon consumption—a truly top-notch delicacy!"

With disciples from the Dawson Clan and the Alchem Sect leading the way, many martial artists gathered around. They wereeager to place their bets.

Soon, Abigail's betting table was packed with people. She welcomed anyone willing to put up treasures as bets.In the betting world, it often boiled down to nine losses out of ten, with the bookie coming out on top every time.


Most people struggled to rein in theirdesires, but there was no stop ingonce greed tepktoad Oni nerQund | them already itching forthe next, but winning the second hadthem thinking about the third. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Even if luck favored them for a few rounds, a losing streak always awaited in the wings.Once they lost, the urge to recover their losses intensified. This often led to further losses, financial ruin, or even debt.Except for a fortunate few, the majority of gamblers found themselves in dire straits.

Despite knowing the odds were stacked against them, many still gambled. They clung to the hope of being the exception andwere convinced they were lucky.

As long as Abigail, the bookie, hadsubstantial assets, she cou dsasilytake ad ntageoticvel-20 percent ofthe btesent gamblers. Then, shewould make a lot of profits. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

"Sir, quit standing around like a statue. We've got a crowd itching to place their bets. Come on over and lend a hand."She deftly managed the bets from the martial artists as she called for Dustin to help her.

Her guardians were already on the job, assessing treasures and handling bets, but they seemed shorthanded.

"Kid, it looks like you came prepared." Dustin was slightly bemused by Abigail's readiness.

He had underestimated her penchant for profit. She wouldn't let a chance slip by, even at the Combat Tournament.

It was evident that Abigail had meticulously planned today's betting arrangement. Otherwise, why would she bother haulingcrates of celestial stones?

Initially, Dustin hadn't paid muchattention. But after observi gthenflood o mastialartists*dking the bait,h&-rehtized Abigail's scheme—shewas ready to cash in big time. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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