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Chapter 2170

"Huh? How is this possible?"

“Weren't we just saying that the Summit Shift Divine Talisman couldn't be removed? How did he tear it off like it was nothing?"“Well, that's unexpected! What exactly did he do?"

Everyone was dumbfounded as their eyes fixed on the talisman in Dustin's hand.

The Summit Shift Divine Talisman of Sacred Wrym Summit was revered for invincibility. Its strength was likened to a mountain,seemingly impervious to human efforts.

Any endeavor to forcibly remove it was typically met with severe backlash. It was a lesson Laurel and Willow had painfullylearned from their previous attempts.

Yet, Dustin effortlessly tearing the talisman off went against all expectations. It was truly baffling.

Ruby asked, "Wait, what just happened? It was torn off just like that? Looks like the Summit Shift Divine Talisman you mentionedwasn't that impressive."

She was bewildered. She had believed in the talisman's invincibility, but now, her faith seemed misplaced.Dalen's mouth twitched, and he was momentarily at a loss for words.The power of the Divine Talisman was unquestionable.

Aside from the disciples of Sacred Wrym Summit, only two scenarios could explain how someone else could effortlessly removeit.

Either the person tearing it was far stronger than the one who made it, or they were well-versed in Pathfinder techniques.There simply wasn't any other plausible explanation.

If Dustin could effortlessly tear off the talisman without receiving a backlash, then it strongly hinted at his mastery of Pathfindertechniques.

However, these techniques were closely guarded secrets not shared with outsiders.So, Dalen wondered where Dustin acquired such knowledge.

"Dustin is so strong. Tearing off that talisman like it's nothing? That's pretty impressive!" Miles exclaimed, giving Dustin a thumbsup.

He couldn't help but wonder if there was anything Dustin couldn't do. It seemed like Dustin wasn't just a great fighter but also hada mastery of all sorts of esoteric techniques.

"It appears we've underestimated Mr. Rhys. I'm confident he'll make a splash in the Combat Tournament." Crystal's face lit upwith a rare smile.

She realized she couldn't match up to talents like Dustin's. All she could do now was to admire him.

"I've removed the Divine Talisman. So, according to our bet, this guy is mine now, right?" Dustin held the talisman in one handand lifted Predator with the other.

"Not bad. It looks like the old man was right. The martial world sure hides some talent." Caleb chuckled as he recovered from hissurprise.

He continued, "I wasn't itching to sign up for this tournament, but you've piqued my curiosity. | hope to meet you in the battlering."

"Oh? Then, I'll be waiting for you." Dustin nodded slightly.

“Let's call it a night and head back," Caleb said, stretching before leaving. He seemed completely at ease about the wholesituation.

Two disciples from Sacred Wrym Summit glanced at Dustin before trailing after Caleb. Though they couldn't quite comprehendDustin's techniques, they sensed something extraordinary about him.novelbin

Caleb had always embodied a laid-back attitude, and challenges were often shrugged off with an air of nonchalance. So, whenhe displayed genuine interest in someone for the first time, it caught the disciples off guard.

However, the notion of him considering participation in the Combat Tournament was even more astonishing.

"Dustin, | didn't expect that from you. Pretty impressive!" Quincy exclaimed. A glint of admiration shone in his eyes as he glancedat Dustin.

"Oh, it's just some esoteric techniques | picked up. It's nothing to brag about," Dustin said with a faint smile."You're being too modest. If what you just did was ordinary, then | must be way behind," Quincy said, shaking his head.

“Elder Douglas, I'm sorry for your loss regarding Elder Wood's death. But as you can see, it has nothing to do with me." Dustinspread his hands in a gesture of innocence.

"Uh..." Quincy's expression froze momentarily before nodding. "Of course, Elder Wood's death was purely accidental. TheCelestial Alliance is rational and fair. We won't blame an innocent person."

"Mr. Douglas!"

Just as someone behind Quincy was about to speak up, he swiftly raised his hand to silence them. "Everyone here saw clearlythat Elder Wood was killed by a beast. Do you have any objections?" Quincy asked coldly.

"N-No, of course not." The man immediately lowered his head. He certainly wouldn't offend Quincy for the deceased Acheron.

Besides, blaming Dustin for this incident didn't make sense since he hadn't committed murder. He simply didn't intervene to savea life.

"Come and take Elder Wood's body away and give him a proper burial!" Quincy gestured to a few Celestial Alliance disciples.Yes!" Several disciples immediately stepped forward and carried Acheron's headless body away.

"Dustin, thank you for your help tonight. | have some matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave." Quincy smiled. He noddedrespectfully before departing with his group.

He could see that Dustin was brimming with potential and certainly not someone to be underestimated. So, someone as talentedas Dustin naturally had to be befriended.

Moreover, pursuing retribution against Dustin for Acheron’s death would only result in trouble with no tangible benefits.

After all, Quincy and Acheron weren't exactly on friendly terms. Their encounters had often been tense and unpleasant.

Acheron's arrogance consistently grated on Quincy's nerves. However, due to his superior position, Quincy had to swallow hisfrustrations and bear with them.

With Acheron dead, Quincy felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. Furthermore, Acheron's demise opened up a prime opportunityfor Quincy to advance his status. Naturally, he was eager to seize upon it.

After Quincy and his group departed, Dustin swiftly retrieved several silver needles from his pocket. He deftly inserted them intoPredator's head, neck, and back.

These needles played a vital role in sealing off Predator's pressure points. This would ensure no further transformations orunpredictable behavior.

As long as these needles remained lodged in its body, Predator's strength would be effectively nullified.

Even with the cultivation of a grandmaster martial artist, Predator would be rendered as powerless as any ordinary person.After dealing with Predator, Dustin called for Laurel and Willow.

"Here!" Laurel and Willow immediately approached and saluted.

He instructed, "Take this guy away. Deliver him to Ms. Linsor's place tonight. Make sure she interrogates him thoroughly. Ifthere's any news, report back immediately."

"Yes, sir!"

Without hesitation, the sisters carried Predator and left.

As Dustin watched them leave, he drifted into contemplation.

Predator held many secrets, whether it be the assassin organization backing him or his beastly abilities.

Dustin understood the importance of each tidbit of information. He knew that once unraveled, these secrets could unexpectedlyprove invaluable.

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