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"Bloodfiery Rampage technique—Fourth stance: the Godslayer!""Bloodfiery Rampage technique—Ultimate stance: the Skyfire!"

Aldric's voice boomed, echoing through the area as he declared his stances one by one. With every swing of his blade, heshowcased the culmination of his lifelong training.

He understood that Dustin posed the greatest challenge he had ever faced. To have any hope of victory, Aldric resolved not tohold back. Each strike he delivered was imbued with a fierce intensity that sent waves of destructive force toward Dustin.

The spectators, gripped by fear, could feel the sheer force emanating from Aldric's attacks, even from afar.

His strength was undeniable as each swing carried an unstoppable momentum that seemed to shake the ground. It was evidentto all watching that only a genius like Dustin could match him.

Despite the fierce onslaught, Dustin remained composed. "Your technique shows promise but lacks finesse,” he remarked with afaint smile. He pointed his finger at Aldric like a sword from afar.

Suddenly, a radiant white sword aura burst forth from Dustin's fingertip. This aura, thin as a strand of hair, paled in comparison toAldric's imposing blade aura. It was like comparing a firefly's light to the full moon's brilliance—simply incomparable.

Yet, despite its size, Dustin's sword aura effortlessly pierced through Aldric's defenses. Each clash resounded with explosiveforce as Aldric's blade aura crumbled upon impact, resembling porcelain shattering beneath a heavy blow.

Aldric's expression changed as his composure slipped away entirely. He hadn't expected Dustin to counter his all-out assault.

Defeat surged over him like a tidal wave, impossible to deny at that moment. As the last of his blade auras dissipated intonothingness, Dustin's sword aura surged forward with unrelenting momentum as it aimed straight at Aldric.

Aldric's eyes widened, and he raised his blade instinctively, bracing for impact. The collision between the two auras erupted intoa deafening explosion, unleashing a formidable force.

Aldric was hurled backward, tumbling over 30 feet before crashing onto the ground with a heavy thud. He coughed out blood,and his face drained of color as he struggled to stand.

His sword, too, was sent flying, its metallic ring piercing the air as it embedded itself in the sodden earth, sending ripples acrossthe rain-drenched landscape.

Across from him, Dustin stood unperturbed beneath his umbrella, his demeanor calm and collected. His attire remained pristine,untouched by the persistent rain.In stark contrast, Aldric's straw hat lay discarded, his raincoat torn, leaving him soaked and bedraggled, resembling a drowned


Aldric muttered in disbelief and dismay, "How could this be? Did | really lose?" He grappled with the defeat, his emotions shiftingbetween despair and uncertainty.novelbin

Despite years of intense martial arts training, achieving mastery felt futile after such a thorough loss to Dustin, a seeminglyordinary martial artist not even listed among the Legends.

Doubt consumed Aldric as he reflected on his inadequacy.

How could he challenge his brother, Kendricks, if he couldn't surpass Dustin? How could he hope to establish a legacy in a worldthat now appeared vast and indifferent?

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