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Willem was nothing but a bloodthirsty maniac."What's the matter? Lost your nerve?" Willem taunted, his voice dripping with mockery.

He added, "I thought Glorian folks were tough. Weren't you the ones who wanted to bully others? Weren't you just boastingabout taking me down? Come on, get back on your feet and face me!"

"|... Lwon't fight anymore." Jasper shook his head vigorously.

He continued, "It was my mistake. | offended you, and I'm sorry. Please, find it in your heart to forgive me." With a gesture ofsubmission, he dropped to his knees.

"Your apology means nothing now. You're worthless, even if you manage to survive," Willem jeered, edging closer with his nailsbared and a menacing glint in his eyes.

"Mr. Bailey! Help me, please!" Jasper cried out, desperation evident in his voice and sweat trickling down his face. He knewpleading was futile, but Bailey was his only hope in a crowd of strangers.

"Mr. Jasper, I've repeatedly warned you, but you chose to ignore my advice. You even resorted to using numbers to intimidateothers," Bailey spoke coldly.

He added, "Now, I can't help you anymore. You'll have to deal with the consequences on your own."

Bailey had tried to intervene when Jasper confronted Willem, but Jasper remained obstinate, worsening the situation further.Ultimately, Jasper brought the consequences upon himself.

"Mr. Bailey, | admit my mistake! | deeply regret it! | promise not to repeat it!" Jasper pleaded desperately.novelbin

He implored, "If you could save me, I'll comply with your demands. The hundred thousand troops under my command will followthe orders of the Hall of Gods!"

"But if | die, you gain nothing!" Jasper argued hastily, trying to sway Bailey.

Yet, Bailey remained resolute and shook his head indifferently. "Your fate doesn't alter the course of events. Your troops will rallybehind a new leader. Still, nothing would change."

"Bailey, you're a heartless monster!" Jasper's frustration erupted into a shout. "Are you just going to stand there and watch medie?"

Bailey said nothing and scanned the crowd. "What do you think? Any pleas for Mr. Jasper?"

A heavy silence filled the air, unbroken by any response.

The influential figures representing different nations exchanged glances and chose not to intervene.

Jasper's tardiness was the initial misstep. Even a genuine apology for his lateness might have been excusable. However, hissubsequent behavior, steeped in arrogance and disrespect, exacerbated the situation.

What ensued was a degradation of the duel into a collective assault—a lamentable turn of events.

Jasper's demeanor, a combination of incompetence and arrogance, rendered him unfit for collaboration or consideration. Thus,the consensus was clear—it wasn't worth risking offending Blood Devil Willem over someone like Jasper.

"You... all of you!" Jasper's voice quivered, but no one dared to respond. Anger surged within him, yet words failed to escape hislips.

With a mocking laugh, Willem, now transformed into a menacing red shadow, taunted, "Seems like you've upset everyone. Howabout you become my meal, willingly?"

With a swift motion, he lunged, his fangs bared and sank at Jasper's neck.Astrangled cry escaped Jasper's lips as he found himself immobilized, as though bound by an unseen force.

As Willem greedily drank his blood, Jasper's once-plump form began to wither before their eyes. In just two minutes, Jasper'sflesh clung to the bone, and his features contorted into a ghastly visage.

With hollowed cheeks, bulging eyes, and wrinkled skin, he resembled nothing short of a desiccated corpse. Finally, drained ofevery last drop of blood, Jasper's lifeless body slumped to the ground. His eyes were forever frozen in a wide-eyed stare.

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