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"Mr. Alessandro, meet Vanzan, Noir, and Shyvan. They are notable figures from Eskus, each possessing impressive skills."Bailey introduced.

"Vanzan? Noir? Shyvan?" Anthony raised an eyebrow, growing more surprised by the moment.

In Eskus, the Silent Specters, a mysterious and powerful assassin organization, operated discreetly. They would kill anyone forthe right price. One of their notable targets was a former ruler of Glorian.

The organization comprised three elite assassins—Vanzan, Noir, and Shyvan—named after Eskus's deities.Their mission success rate was an astonishing 100%. The assassination of the Glorian ruler was attributed to their skills.Their unparalleled ability to kill such a highly guarded Glorian ruler and evade capture spoke volumes about their prowess.

Anthony was surprised by the arrival of Blood Devil Willem and Eskus' three elite assassins. Each of them was capable ofunleashing a tempest of bloodshed and chaos.

“Welcome, gentlemen. Come on in," Anthony greeted, recognizing the trio.

He swiftly ordered some wine and snacks, understanding the importance of showing proper hospitality to these esteemedguests.

"Sir, there are several people from Alabastria outside. They claim to know Mr. Bailey," a Kimboku warrior informed.

Upon hearing that, Bailey laughed heartily. "Seems like we've got more friends joining us."

"Invite our esteemed guests inside, pronto!" Anthony commanded. It was clear that those invited were no ordinary individuals.As the courtyard door swung open, a group of casually dressed men entered, each wearing rope-bound headbands.novelbin

These Etherians had slightly tanned skin and were not tall, but their well-built frames hinted at hidden strength.

Upon closer inspection, the calluses on their fists, knees, and elbows revealed their martial arts skills.

The leader, especially, stood out—a seasoned elder whose muscles and bones seemed perfected, his skin emitting a uniquemetallic sheen.

"Mr. Batuul, welcome!" Bailey greeted. He approached and warmly shook hands with the elder.

“Bailey, it's been a few years, and you look even stronger." Batuul smiled.

"I'm just a big guy. Compared to a grandmaster martial artist like you, | still have a long way to go," Bailey modestly admitted,shaking his head.

Batuul praised, "You've got remarkable physical skills. Mastering our Alabastrian Ancient Nomadic Fist would make you evenmore formidable."

"Thank you for the kind words, Mr. Batuul. I'll come to you for guidance when | can,” Bailey replied.

Switching topics, he proceeded to introduce the group. "Mr. Batuul, allow me to introduce the Sword Sage from Kimboku, theVice Commander of Esmington's Royal Knights, and the three elite assassins from Eskus."

"I'm Anthony. Nice to meet you, Mr. Batuul!" Anthony bowed respecifully.

Anthony had heard tales of Batuul, the ultimate grandmaster of the Alabastrian Ancient Nomadic Fist. Batuul's reputationstretched far and wide, with disciples scattered nationwide.

Renowned for his unmatched physical prowess, Batuul possessed a body akin to bronze and bones as resilient as iron,rendering him impervious to the sharpest weapons.

In Alabastria, Batuul was hailed as the Fist Sage. His influence could even rival Luca of Kimboku.

With the inclusion of Willem, the Blood Devil, one of Eskus's top assassins, Batuul, and the formidable Bear King Bailey, theircombined might promise to breach the defenses of Dragonmarsh effortlessly.

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