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Chatper 1988

“Damn it! Where did these creatures come from? They're absolutely horrifying!"“We're surrounded by beasts! We're in big trouble!"

"Stop fighting! We must deal with these creatures first!"

The sudden turn of events sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

The appearance of the mutated wolf pack had already posed a challenge, and now an Onyxclaw emerged. The situation wouldleave anyone unsettled.

If they continued to fight amongst themselves, their outcome would be dire.

In silent agreement, all factions ceased their fighting and united to confront the impending onslaught of the beasts.“Darkness has fallen, and this place has turned into a haven for monsters." Grace's eyes narrowed with a grave expression.The current situation had slipped beyond everyone's control.

Initially, it was a clash between different factions, and now the beasts had entered the scene. With so many loominguncertainties, no one knew what could happen next.

"Howl!"At that moment, the silver wolf king let out a long howl.

The giant gray wolves, as if receiving a command, leaped forcefully from the ground, hurtling toward the crowd at incrediblespeed. In their eyes, these humans were the perfect prey.

Unable to resist any longer, the crimson-hued Onyxclaw made its move as well. With a low roar, it dashed forward like a flash oflightning, pouncing on the nearest person.

"Slaughter these beasts!"

With the Onyxclaw and wolves initiating their onslaught, the martial artists couldn't be outdone. They raised their weapons andcharged forward, confronting the creatures.

These creatures were valuable resources themselves, and killing them could potentially yield substantial gains. In a swift charge,the two sides collided in a fierce and intense fight.

The wolf pack, led by the silver wolf king, was particularly ferocious, violently tearing into the crowd as soon as they entered.In a matter of moments, over a dozen martial artists lay fallen in pools of blood.

Fortunately the martial artists had greater numbers and the presence of divine-level martial artists

among them helped stabilize the situation.

While the humans suffered casualties, the wolves fell one by one. However, the crimson-hued Onyxclaw seemed unstoppable.Immensely strong and invulnerable, conventional weapons barely scratched its fur and only served to intensify its ferocity.Ordinary low-level martial artists found themselves utterly defenseless against the Onyxclaw, waiting to be slaughtered.

Even divine-level martial artists could only focus on self-preservation, unable to inflict any harm on the Onyxclaw.

"Damn it! This giant Onyxclaw is too powerful! We can't even harm it!"

The Onyxclaw rampaged through the crowd, leaving chaos in its wake. Within a mere two minutes, it had already torn apart overa dozen people.

For a moment, the martial artists were too scared to approach."We're obviously no match for it if we attack it separately. If you ask me, we should attack together and just hack him to death!"

“Fellow martial artists, let's stop thinking about monopolizing the treasurers. The quicker we deal with these monsters, the soonerthe treasures will be ours.

“Let's not drag this night out any longer lest it bring more trouble!""That's right! Let's kill it swiftly!"

After a round of rallying, various forces temporarily formed an alliance. All the divine-level martial artists joined forces, launchinga collective assault on the Onyxclaw.

Though the Onyxclaw was formidable, it couldn't withstand the collective attacks, especially when all of them were divine-levelmartial artists.

After being besieged, the Onyxclaw sustained several wounds. However, compared to its massive body, these random woundsposed no immediate threat.

While everyone was engaged in battle with the Onyxclaw and wolves, a massive monstrous bird silently descended from the sky.The monstrous bird was entirely black, with feathers as sharp as knives and talons like steel. Under the moonlight, it emitted achilling gleam. Dustin sensed something and looked up abruptly.

There, he saw the gigantic monstrous bird that soared right across his head, resembling a small airplane. It glided into the crowdwith lightning speed.

Dustin recognized the monstrous bird. It was the apex predator that had captured the yellow python the previous night.The bird's dive exceeded the speed of sound, reaching the heart of the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

With its sharp, hooked talons, the monstrous bird effortlessly pierced the chests of two martial artists and lifted them off theground.

With a flap of its wings, it soared into the air once more, reminiscent of a dragonfly skimming the water.

The entire sequence unfolded so rapidly that the surrounding people couldn't react in time. A mere shadow passed, and theircomrades had vanished.

As the monstrous bird beat its wings, it generated a hurricane, causing the people to stagger and struggle to maintain theirbalance.

“Another creature!" Grace's eyes widened.She could easily tell that the strength of the gigantic monstrous bird was comparable to that of a grandmaster."Grace, we can't afford to wait any longer. We must seize an opportunity to enter the palace and explore.

"If we continue like this, the number of monstrous creatures will only grow," Dustin, who had been silently observing, finallyspoke.

The dangerous creatures within the oasis remained unknown. While Dustin was able to deal with the current creatures, theuncertainty of encountering stronger ones loomed.

After all, the creatures here defied common sense.Grace glanced at the gigantic monstrous bird hovering in the sky and ultimately nodded.

Night had fallen, and the disturbance would surely attract a multitude of monsters. If they waited any longer, it would onlycomplicate the situation.

"To the palace!" Grace commanded, leading her guards straight toward the palace gates."Jackson, quick!" Sophia urged eagerly, pulling Jackson along as they followed closely.

"They've finally made a move. I'll let them test the waters." Aidan smirked, leisurely trailing behind."Damn it! Trying to avoid the hard work? Stop them!"

The entrance of Grace's team heightened the alertness of the surrounding forces. Some even abandoned their fights with thebeasts and turned to attack Grace's team instead.novelbin

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