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Chatper 1913

After Dustin returned to the castle, he avoided alerting anyone and wrote two letters instead. He left one letter in Rufus’ studyand the other in Austin’s bedroom.

Dustin considered it his unspoken farewell. He wasn’t great at expressing sentimentalities, and at times, leaving in silence wasthe better choice.

As dusk settled, Dustin headed straight for the southwestern desert, riding in Grace’s car. The largest desert was known as theDeadlands.novelbin

It had earned its name due to its harsh and dangerous environment. Survival seemed nearly impossible for those whomistakenly ventured within.

In spite of its dangers, the Deadlands were home to a wealth of hidden treasures, including gold mines. Hence, there werefrequent expeditions from teams that risked their lives to tempt fate.

If lucky, one might stumble upon valuable treasures and become wealthy overnight. However, if luck was not on their side, theconsequences could be fatal.

It wasn’t a stretch to claim that more than a hundred individuals lost their lives each year in the Deadlands, searching fortreasures or digging for gold.

Despite the grim reality, there were still continuous streams of courageous exploration teams that willingly plunged into theperilous journey, dreaming of overnight riches.

Grace was well aware of the notorious Deadlands. She spared no expense in hiring a seasoned exploration team with a proventrack record of navigating and surviving the Deadlands to increase her chances of locating the mystical oasis.

She had also brought with her a team of security detail amounting to over a hundred men and a convoy of more than 30vehicles.

Half of the convoy was loaded with supplies-food, water, compasses, communication devices, first aid kits, sun-protectiveclothing, and various rescue tools. Grace had ensured an ample supply of everything that could be required.

Night fell, and their group pressed on their journey without pause. Dustin leaned back in his seat, his gaze fixed on the moonlitsky outside the window, his expression blank.

“What's on your mind?” Grace pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to Dustin.“Thanks.” Dustin took a sip and said, “I was wondering what obstacles would await us on our journey to the desert.”“Obstacles are unavoidable,” Grace remarked calmly.

“News of the Dracan essences has circulated worldwide. It’s not only Dragonmarsh pursuing it. The allure has caught the interestof various foreign powers.”

She added, “In essence, our competitors this time will hail from different corners of the world. It won't be an easy task to riseabove all these formidable opponents.”

“Given your extensive preparations, you must be quite confident, aren’t you? “Dustin probed.

“Absolutely. | have a secret weapon, you see,” Grace smiled faintly.

“Oh? What is it?” Dustin’s curiosity was piqued.

“| can’t reveal it just yet. You'll learn about it when the time arises.”

“Fair enough. I’m here to be your tool, following your lead.” Dustin shrugged, appearing indifferent.Working alongside Grace was effortless as she managed everything well, leaving him with no concerns.

“We still have ways to go before reaching our destination. Get some rest. I'll wake you when we're near,” Grace saidconsiderately, handing him an eye mask and earplugs.

“Sure.” Dustin accepted, putting on the eye mask and inserting the earplugs. As he reclined his seat and found himself in acomfortable lying position, he quickly succumbed to a deep sleep.

Grace took out a blanket and gently covered Dustin, then quietly immersed herself in a book.

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