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Chatper 1852

“The princess consort is right. Even though Prince Logan is formidable, he’s still too young. The odds are not in his favor whenfaced with Julius, the cunning, sly fox,” Wyatt said thoughtfully.

Logan was a genius, but Julius was no ordinary opponent. After more than 20 years of cultivation, it would produce a terrifyinggap between them. Hence, it was still uncertain as to who would emerge as the final victor.

“| have a different view,” Lincon spoke up again.“Lincon, do you think Prince Logan has a higher chance of winning?” Tyrus probed.“Yes.” Lincon nodded.

“Prince Rufus has remarkable strategic acumen and wisdom. He must be highly confident of winning this deal since he agreed tothis competition. We should trust His Highness’ judgment.”

“Although that's true, there are too many variables in a martial duel, especially between opponents of the same level. A tinymistake can completely alter the course of the battle.

“Until the last moment, no one can predict the outcome definitively, not even His Highness,” Wyatt commented.

“That’s not the only reason | think Prince Logan has a higher chance of winning. There’s another crucial reason,” Lincon added.“Oh? What would that be?” Wyatt raised an eyebrow.

“Have you heard of the Astonishing World List?” Lincon suddenly asked.

“No.” Wyatt shook his head. Since his expertise lay more in military affairs, he had limited knowledge of the martial arts world.“| know about it,” Tyrus interjected.

“The Astonishing World List is the most prestigious martial arts ranking. Anyone who makes it onto the list is among the topmartial artists.

“| remember the top three on the list are Arion Foyer of Sacred Wrym Summit, Alaric Drakon of the Dragon Guard, and theSword Whisperer of West Lucozia, Seth Hughes.”

“What? The Sword Whisperer Seth Hughes is only ranked third?” Wyatt widened his eyes in surprise.

In his view, The Sword Whisperer, Seth Hughes, wasn’t just the foremost power in West Lucozia but also the strongest in theworld.novelbin

His awe-inspiring swordplay stood unmatched, and no one had survived three strikes from him. A near god-like existence,ranking only third on the Astonishing World List, was genuinely astonishing.

“Although the Astonishing World List doesn’t claim to list every powerful individual on earth, the best of the best are undoubtedlyincluded.

“It's not an exaggeration to say that the top ten martial artists on the Astonishing World List are the strongest individuals in theworld!” Certainty laced Lincon’s words.

“If the Sword Whisperer can only rank third, then the might of this list is truly formidable. But why bring it up now? Does itconcern us?” Wyatt was puzzled.

“| forgot to mention that the Astonishing World List has been updated. His Highness Prince Logan currently holds the tenthposition!” Lincon dropped a bombshell.

“What? Prince Logan is a top martial artist ranked on the list? Are you serious?” Wyatt's eyes widened even further.

“Sir Blaze, you’re not joking, are you? Prince Logan actually made it to the list?” Tyrus found it hard to believe.

Wyatt might not fully grasp the significance of the Astonishing World List, but he understood well enough that it was theaspiration of all martial artists and the ultimate goal in their lives.

If the list was accurate, that meant Prince Logan was the tenth-strongest martial artist in the world. It was terrifying to think about!

“The list was only updated recently, so not many are aware yet. But Prince Logan has indeed secured a spot on the list.” Linconasserted earnestly.

“That’s remarkable if true! | never expected Prince Logan to develop at such an astonishing rate when he’s been missing for tenyears. It’s truly awe-inspiring!”

“Wait a minute! If Prince Logan is on the list, then what about Julius?” Wyatt suddenly asked.

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