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Chatper 1829

Now, Draven and Mortimer’s only hope rested on Julius leading the Black Dragon Army to their aid.

“Though you two may not be the masterminds, you are accomplices. Capital punishment is avoidable, but you won’t escapejudgment,” Eloise declared coldly.

She went on, “Take them away and guard them closely. No one should approach without my orders.”“Understood!”Several guards approached, forcefully taking the bounded Draven and Mortimer away.

“General Steele, handle the surrendering forces. Too many lives have been lost today, and | don’t want to see more casualties,”she instructed, looking at Jaxon.

“Understood!” Jaxon nodded solemnly.“Your Highness, your compassion is admirable!”

Four figures emerged from the army, creating a path as they walked. They were the Southern Four Sovereigns- Elijah, Lincon,Tyrus, and Wyatt.

“We arrived late to the rescue. Apologies for startling you, Your Highness,” Lincon humbly greeted.

“Sir Blaze, no need for apologies. Without your timely arrival, the castle would have been in danger. You all are deservingheroes!” Eloise said and walked toward Lincon.

The swift deployment of reinforcements by the Southern Four Sovereigns caught her by surprise. It was evident that these menarrived promptly, traversing through the night without any delay.

“Protecting the castle and defending West Lucozia is our responsibility,” he remarked with a smile.

“Absolutely! If it weren't for His Highness saving my life back then, | wouldn’t be enjoying the good days | have now. As long aswe can ensure the castle’s safety, I’m more than willing to risk my life for it!” Wyatt declared boldly.

He was known for his straightforwardness and loyalty among the Southern Four Sovereigns.

“Your Highness, from now on, we are family. If the castle is in trouble, | will wholeheartedly support it,” Tyrus said with a warmsmile.

“Family?” Eloise raised an eyebrow, glancing at Austin beside her. Then, she smiled. “Yes, you all are His Highness’s dearbrothers, so naturally, we are family.”

“Your Highness, forgive my directness. Although the immediate crisis is resolved, there’s still a significant threat,” Elijahinterjected.

“What do you mean?” She pretended not to know.“Grand General Rhys is the real danger. The rebels were his men. Even though we've caught some, he remains a major threat.

“You all understand Julius commands a vast army. So, losing a few underlings means nothing to him. He might even launch amore intense attack,” he warned.

“True, Julius is cunning and daring. We must be cautious,” Tyrus agreed, nodding.

“Why fear? We'll stand our ground. With the four of us and the castle’s strength, it’s possible to handle Julius alone.” Wyattshrugged dismissively.

“Sir Mitchell, have you considered if Julius calls upon the Black Dragon Army? How will we react?” Elijah countered.novelbin

“The Black Dragon Army?” Wyatt frowned.

He added, “No way. The Black Dragon Army only recognizes His Highness and the military insignia. Even Julius, as the grandgeneral, has no authority for large-scale mobilization without ongoing warfare.”

“True. But now that His Highness is deceased and until a new one ascends, Julius is the most influential figure in West Lucozia,”Elijah explained.

He went on, “Additionally, having served as the grand general of the Black Dragon Army for years, he likely has gathered a groupof loyalists. For a good reason, he could easily mobilize tens of thousands of troops. It’s not a big issue.”

“A good reason? Julius rebelled and committed grave crimes. What reason could there be? The Black Dragon Army consists ofloyal soldiers. | don’t believe they'd join a rebellion,” Wyatt argued.

“Julius rebelled, but except for us, who would know? As for the reason, it’s simple. After His Highness’s death, the EightSovereigns rebelled to seize power,” Elijah said with a shrug.

He added, “As the grand general, Julius could call upon the Black Dragon Army to quell the rebellion. It’s only a matter of killingall who know the truth. Ultimately, he decides the narrative.”

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