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Chatper 1776

The phrase “public execution” struck Ambrose like a lightning bolt, leaving him frozen in his tracks. At that moment, the severityof the situation fully sank in.

For ordinary offenses, it was either a pay cut or the worst would be a demotion. But, it had escalated to the point of facingexecution. What on earth was happening? How could a governor, in his right mind, order a beheading?

“Your Highness! This is a grave injustice!” Realizing he was about to be apprehended, Ambrose pleaded desperately and bowedrepeatedly.

“Even if | failed in my duty as a governor, does that warrant losing my life?”“Failing in your duty? Hmph! You're trivializing it,” Rufus said with a stern expression.

“Your Highness! What crime have | committed that deserves such drastic punishment?” Ambrose questioned with a mournfulface.

“Over the years, what unsavory deeds have you done? Haven't you kept count? “Rufus interrogated.“| truly don’t know. Please, Your Highness, enlighten me.” Ambrose maintained his stubborn stance.“Fine! I'll make it crystal clear for you! “Rufus grabbed another batch of letters from his desk, tossing them at Ambrose’s feet.

He went on, “These are the collected pieces of evidence obtained through covert investigation. See for yourself the heinouscrimes committed by you and the Linden family!”

Ambrose picked up the letters. His face turned pale, frozen with shock. He thought there was only one charge, but Rufus hadamassed a damning collection. Staring at the irrefutable evidence, Ambrose felt a sense of panic.

“Your Highness! | was confused! I’m truly guilty! | beseech you, spare my life for the loyalty and dedication I’ve shown over theyears!” Ambrose continued to bow incessantly, devoid of his previous stubbornness.

“Please, Your Highness, show mercy!” Reuben joined in, repeatedly banging his head.

Both were now teetering on the edge of the abyss. Without Rufus’s forgiveness, the weight of these charges alone could warrantmultiple beheadings.

“Reuben, how long have you been with me?” Rufus inquired abruptly.“I've been in Your Highness’s service for over 20 years,” Reuben quickly responded.“It's 23 years,” Rufus corrected.

With a solemn expression, he continued, “During my campaigns and battles, pacifying militant leaders, exterminating savages,securing internal peace and external stability, you’ve been by my side.

“| watched you rise from a soldier to a general. Even after your retirement, | didn’t mistreat you. | elevated you to a commandingposition, overseeing the safety of a city.novelbin

“Reuben, | had high hopes for you!”“Your Highness’s favor is unforgettable!” Reuben, still kneeling, quivered in his voice.

“Ambrose, though not of a military background, my expectations for you were no less than for Reuben,” Rufus turned toAmbrose, speaking with gravity.

He added, “Back then, | saw your administrative talent going to waste. | requested the capital to transfer you from Oakvale toWest Lucozia.

“At that time, you were just a minor official in the ministry. Upon arriving in West Lucozia, | defied public opinion and promotedyou to the position of a provincial administrative official.

“Later, recognizing your exceptional abilities, | petitioned the capital to appoint you as the governor of a province.

“Now, in all of West Lucozia, you stand in a position superior to many, having risen above the masses.”

“| owe my current standing entirely to Your Highness’s guidance. I'll repay you with unwavering loyalty in the future, even if itcosts my life!”

Ambrose choked with emotion and shed tears freely.“Reuben, Ambrose, do you still remember the oaths you initially made? “Rufus spoke with profound seriousness.

He continued, “To commit to moral and just actions aligned with universal principles, to give meaning to the people’s lives, toinherit the wisdom of past teachers, and to bring everlasting peace to the world!”

“We... remember!” Reuben and Ambrose nodded simultaneously.“Do you truly remember them?” Rufus sighed, shaking his head.

He added, “If you truly remember, why have you committed such heinous acts? We used to despise corrupt officials, butsomehow, you’ve become the very people you once detested.”

The irony is profound-those once dedicated to justice and righteousness were now perpetrators of injustice.

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