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Chatper 1771

“Sir, it's Mr. Aster!” The butler conveyed the report through the closed door.

“Aster?” Ambrose’s brow furrowed. ” What trouble has that boy stirred up now?”

Among his sons, Aster posed the greatest challenge when it came to keeping him in line.“It's not another trouble. Mr. Aster has been assaulted!” the butler hastily clarified.

“Assaulted?” Ambrose leaped out of bed upon hearing the alarming revelation. He swung open the door and demanded, “Whathappened? Who dared to assault my son?”

Ambrose could wrap his head around his son getting into trouble. But if his son was physically harmed, that was a line hecouldn't bear.

“The details are unclear, sir. We found Mr. Aster at the doorstep, injured. The assailant had already fled,” the butler explained.u

“Take me to him!” Concern etched Ambrose’s face as he rushed out without even donning his coat. Upon entering the estate’sinfirmary with the butler, he was confronted with a grim scene.

Aster lay on the sickbed, pale and bloodied. His bones were shattered, and his limbs contorted in a grotesque manner.“My son! Oh, my son!” Ambrose wept at the sight, initially thinking it was a mere scuffle and not expecting this level of brutality.

“Sir Linden, the doctor has examined him. Although Mr. Aster is critically injured, there’s no immediate threat to his life. It appearsthe assailant had attempted some form of treatment,” the butler shared.

“How could this happen? Who would do this to my son?” Ambrose’s eyes ablaze with fury as he demanded answers.“I've dispatched investigators. We should have results soon.” The butler assured.

“Anyone who harms my son will pay dearly! Assemble the household troops. Be ready to apprehend the culprit at a moment’snotice!” Ambrose commanded.

“Yes, sir!” The butler promptly set the arrangements in motion.

“Hurry! Get my son to the hospital!” Ambrose issued another order. While the Linden family had private physicians, Aster’sinjuries demanded comprehensive treatment available only at the hospital.

While en route to escort his son to the hospital, Ambrose received an unexpected phone call.

Initially irritated, his expression changed upon seeing the caller ID- Jaxon Steele, the captain of the prince’s royal guard.Despite being a mere captain of the royal guard, the words he conveyed held the weight of the highest authority in West Lucozia.Regardless of one’s rank-be it a governor, a general, or even a governor -general-everyone was obligated to show the utmostdeference when in the presence of this captain.

Suppressing his emotions, Ambrose answered, “General Steele, what brings you to call at this hour?”

“Mr. Linden, the prince requests your presence at the palace,” Jaxon informed him curtly.

“Now?” Ambrose raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, immediately,” Jaxon responded.

“Very well ... I'll be there shortly.” Ambrose couldn't refuse an invitation from the prince, especially at this hour.

He changed vehicles and headed toward the castle, leaving his concerns for Aster’s well-being behind.

In the darkened night, Reuben and Ambrose were grappling with their respective family issues. They made their way to thecastle, oblivious to the intricate traps set for them.novelbin

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