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Chatper 1744

It was actually his self-confidence that took a real hit.

“Dustin Rhys, let me remind you, a camel that starved to death is still bigger than a horse. The Dragon Guard might have beendestroyed, but the remnants of this organization are still powerful. You have to be very careful.”

Grace sounded very serious.

“I know that.”

Dustin nodded.

“| have learned my lesson. I'll never allow this to happen again.”

“| hope so,” Grace replied.

“Anything special happened in the three days that | was unconscious?” Dustin asked.“You reminded me of something!”

Grace suddenly thought of something and exclaimed.

“According to the information | received from the royal family, the remnants of Dragon Guard appear to have left Oakvale. Theyeven shut down all of the secret businesses they owned.novelbin

“They left Oakvale? Where did they go? “Dustin continued asking.

“| can’t say for sure. But according to the information gathered from all over, the Dragon Guard remnants might have moved onto West Lucozia,” Grace replied.

“No way! | have to go back right now!”

Dustin tried to get up from bed as he spoke. However, he gasped in pain as he accidentally yanked on his wound in haste.“Stop moving around!”

Grace reached out to hold him down.

“You were gravely injured. It’s also a penetrating wound. | have already applied Dew Balm on it. Still, you need a few more daysto completely recover.”

“There’s no time for that! The Dragon Guard is very well prepared. They are going to West Lucozia with an ulterior motive. | haveto stop them!” Dustin said in a low voice.

“How are you going to stop them in your current condition?”

Grace frowned and continued, “Reagan Judd is not someone you can take on haphazardly. He also has a few trainedprofessionals assisting him. You couldn’t even defeat him when you were healthy. How would you do it now that you’re downwith a serious injury?”

“Even if | couldn’t defeat him, | could at least inform the West Lucozian monarchy so they could prepare themselves,” Dustinreplied.

“You don’t have to worry about that. | have already sent your father a secret letter when you were unconscious. | believe thathe’s made some arrangements and is all prepared.”

Grace had predicted this. Dustin was a little taken aback when he heard that. He had no idea that Grace was such aconscientious person. She had prepared for everything beforehand. It was no wonder that Valon Linsor was so proud of hisdaughter.

“Your Highness, thank you for all that you’ve done. Nevertheless, | still need to return to West Lucozia.”

Dustin slowly sat up straight. He seemed to have calmed down a little.

“Regardless, West Lucozia is my home. | can’t just spectate while there’s a great impending danger.”

“You can certainly go home. But, you must do so with a plan. If not, your presence will be the Achilles heel of the West Lucozianmonarchy,” Grace warned.

From her understanding, Rufus was someone who cared very deeply for his son. If Dustin was in any danger, he’d lose his mind.If that happened, it'd give the remnants of Dragon Guard an opportunity to defeat him.

“| know that.”

Dustin nodded.

“| will keep a low profile when | return this time. | won’t have contact with anyone from the West Lucozian monarchy as well. I'lljust investigate this covertly. I'll expose Dragon Guard's evil plan when the time is right.

“That'd be best,” Grace agreed.

She continued, “Still, | don’t think you can do this alone. You'll need some help.”“Rufus sent a SWAT team to Oakvale. They’re under my command,” Dustin said.“A SWAT team is not even enough to scratch the surface.”

Grace shook her head.

“How about this? I'll go with you. We have quite a few people with special talents and abilities at Regal Observatory. They’re allunder my command and they should be able to help you.”

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