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Chapter 1578

“Rhys! You’re treading on thin ice!” Eleanor’s face twisted into a menacing expression.“I'm warning you-kneel before me and beg for forgiveness! Or I'll bring in Scott Mosey, and he'll personally deal with you!”The Camron family immediately panicked at her words.

“Dustin! You've really messed up this time! These two are the heiresses of influential families. If you lay a finger on them, it’s likepoking a bear in the eye!”

“What are you waiting for? Get down on your knees and apologize! Otherwise, once Scott Mosey shows up, you're dead meat!”“It's one thing to look for trouble, but dragging us into it? You've brought nothing but trouble to the Camron family!”

As Eleanor and Elena witnessed the panic-stricken faces of the Camrons, they grew smug. So what if Dustin could throw apunch? Could he really take on the Moseys’ army?

Once Scott showed up, even if Dustin had some extraordinary abilities, he would only be sending himself to an early death!“What? Are you scared now? Kneel before us!” Eleanor demanded sternly.

“Scared?” Dustin looked at her as if she were a fool. “Why don’t you give it a try first and see if your call can get through?”“You think I’m bluffing? Fine! You better not regret it!” Eleanor swiftly pulled out her phone and dialed Scott’s number.novelbin

After several unsuccessful attempts, she used Elena’s phone to call, only to encounter the same unresponsive outcome.“What? Can’t get through? Want to try it with my phone?” He sneered.

“Don't get too cocky! Scott is busy right now and can’t answer the call. I’ve sent him a message, and he'll arrive soon.“When he arrives, it'll be the end for you!” Eleanor threatened menacingly. Her blood was boiling.

“No need to wait. Scott Mosey is already here,” Dustin said.

“Here? Where?” Eleanor and Elena scanned the surroundings.

“Right here.” He lightly tossed a wrapped head to their feet. The head, still wrapped in cloth, rolled a few times upon hitting theground, freeing itself from its confinement.

A bloodied head lay there, clearly visible to everyone. Coincidentally, Scott's face perfectly aligned with Eleanor and Elena’sgaze. Eleanor and Elena stared at each other, speechless.

The sight of the severed head initially startled them. Yet, shock gripped them once they confirmed its identity, leaving themrooted to the spot.

“H-How is this possible?”“Scott Mosey... is dead?”

Eleanor and Elena stood in shock, struggling to believe the sight before them. Scott had been perfectly fine that morning. Howcould he suddenly be dead? Who did this? Who dared to kill Seamus’ godson?

“You wanted to make a call, right? Go ahead, speak to him directly.” Dustin approached and kicked Scott's head.

“W-Was it y-you?” Eleanor managed to collect herself, her voice shaking. “D -Did you kill him?”

“That’s right, it was me,” he admitted bluntly.

“Scott Mosey had it coming. He was responsible for Lana’s death. | wished | could kill him a hundred times over!”“You ... Are you crazy? Did you really kill Scott Mosey? He’s Sir Mosey’s godson!” She was horrified.

“Whether he’s a godson or Sir Mosey’s biological son, he deserved to die!” he stated coldly.

“Mad! You’re a madman! You’re making enemies with the entire Mosey family!” she exclaimed.

Eleanor was genuinely scared now, even though she had seen a lot. Dustin was playing an unpredictable game with noreservations. He seemed capable of doing anything.

This piece of shit was a complete lunatic!

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