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Chatper 1501

Amidst the chaos, a sharp slap rang out, catching everyone by surprise. Julie, who had been making a scene just moments ago,now lay on the ground, bewildered and disoriented.

The crowd gasped, looking at the scene; their eyes widened in shock. No one expected Dustin to be so bold, daring to lay handson someone associated with the Moseys.

The key thing was that Julie got that gold badge from the Moseys, proof of her high status. For Dustin to slap her was the sameas offending Seamus. Was this guy out of his mind?

“Y-You really dare to hit me?” Julie clutched her cheek. Her face was a mix of shock, confusion, and disbelief.

Ever since she joined the Moseys’ circle of influence, she quickly climbed the social ladder. Soon, she became the popular oneeveryone looked up to. They went along with her, praised her, and did not dare to say anything harsh.novelbin

However, Dustin dared to slap her in public. What was wrong with this bastard? He was extremely bold to disregard the rules!

“What's wrong with hitting you? You were causing a scene and being completely unreasonable. It had to be done,” Dustin statedmatter-of-factly.

“Rhys! I’m with the Moseys!” Julie retorted. Without a word, Dustin delivered another resounding slap, causing Julie's nose tobleed. “With people like you, the Moseys are truly unfortunate!”

“Bastard! How dare you hit me? You've done it now! I'll make you pay!” Julie roared, grabbing her phone to make a call.“Julie, if | were you, | wouldn’t make that call,” Dustin calmly advised.

“What? Scared now? Why didn’t you think of that earlier?” Julie snapped. “Rhys, even if you kneel and beg for mercy now, |won't let you off easily! Just wait for your demise!”

“Am | scared? Scared of your false sense of power or your reliance on others?” Dustin chuckled.

“Julie, have you considered how you'll explain about the stolen badge when reinforcements from the Moseys arrive?

At this, Julie froze, her fingers hovering over the phone. “Rhys! Stop spouting nonsense! Do you think I'd fall for your tricks?”“Whether you believe it or not, you know the truth,” Dustin said.

“Stealing the Moseys ‘s gold badge is no small crime. Even if Dahlia forgives you, the Moseys won't take it lightly.

“If this blows up, they'll likely use you as an example. Imagine your fate, then. | don’t need to spell it out, do I?”“Y-You're just trying to scare me! | won't fall for it! Stop fucking around!” Julie insisted.

“If you don’t believe me, go ahead and make that call. Let’s see who ends up in trouble,” Dustin said emotionlessly. Watchinghim, Julie suddenly felt uneasy.

Holding the phone in midair, she was hesitant to make the call, realizing that stealing the Moseys’ gold badge was a graveoffense.

While Dahlia might let it slide, the Moseys might not. If Seamus caught wind of it, even her connection as Dahlia’s cousin mightnot be enough to protect her. The risk was too great.

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