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Chapter 1174

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori Chapter 1174

The girl with the ponytail hugged Dustin and Cornelius. “I’m Lyn Rosier, a disciple of the Moonlight Reverence. What’s yourname?”

“lm Rhys, and this is Mr. Adler,” Dustin replied.“Hello, Mr. Rhys and Mr. Adler,” Lyn responded respectfully.novelbin

“Damn it! How dare you hit me?”Having been slapped earlier, Toddy was still seething with rage. He immediately lunged at theunconscious enforcement team captain. Then, he let loose a barrage of punches and kicks to vent his frustration. The unjust slaphad filled Toddy with murderous intent.‘That's enough, Toddy, stop it. If you keep this up, someone could die.” Lyn quicklyintervened when she saw the situation was getting out of hand.“Hmph! He deserved it. He’s just a bully!” Toddy, still angry, kickeda few more times before finally walking away.“Mr. Rhys, Mr. Adler, this is Toddy,” Lyn said.“Nice to meet you.” Dustin nodded witha faint smile.“Hmph! Who told you to get involved?” Toddy looked hostile. “Huh?” Dustin was baffled when he heard that. Hewondered if Toddy had lost his mind.“Toddy, what’s wrong with you? Mr. Rhys was just trying to help us,” Lyn explainedimmediately. “Help us? Do | need their help? Even if they didn’t intervene, | could handle those punks!” Toddy boasted, crossinghis arms.He finally had a chance to shine, but someone had stolen his thunder, so he was unhappy. “If you could handle it, youwouldn't have let a single slap knock you out,” Cornelius suddenly chimed in.“You ... You know nothing!” Toddy’s face stiffened,and he became agitated. He retorted, “Do you think that bastard could have hurt me if he hadn’t sneaked up on me? Let me tellyou the truth. They'd be no match for me in a fair fight, even if they teamed up!”"That’s right! Toddy is incredibly skilled andpowerful. He could easily handle a hundred opponents!” the other Moonlight Reverence disciples agreed. Toddy was thestrongest disciple in the Moonlight Reverence, second only to their mentor. He had once defeated over ten thugs with his barehands. The locals also viewed him as a hero, which added to his fame.“Sneak attack? He attacked right in front of you. How canyou call that a sneak attack?” Cornelius replied calmly.He couldn’t accept that someone would have such weak skills and refuseto admit it. Such a person wouldn’t accomplish much.“l made my point, but the guy suddenly attacked me. Isn’t that a sneakattack? Are you going senile?” Toddy retorted, glaring at Cornelius.“Huh? I’m going senile?” Cornelius’ face darkened. How darea talentless thrash who hadn't even reached the divine level insult him?“What? If you have a problem, we can settle this with aspar. I’d like to see what you're made of?” Toddy challenged Cornelius. If he couldn't even handle an old man like Cornelius, hemight as well eat his shoe.“Yeah! You guys doubted Toddy’s strength, didn’t you? Let's settle it on the battle ring if you have theguts!” the other Moonlight Reverence disciples goaded Cornelius.“Sir Rhys, I’m beginning to lose patience.” Cornelius took adeep breath. He showed visible signs of losing his temper. After all, Toddy and the group seemed to underestimate him.“Heh! Areyou afraid to accept the challenge?” Toddy sneered disdainfully. He added, “If you don’t have the guts, don’t act tough in front ofme. Otherwise, you'll only humiliate yourselves. Remember, don’t try to provoke me because you can’t handle the wrath of afuture grandmaster!”

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