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Chapter 1169

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori Chapter 1169

Night had fallen at the Balerno martial arts alliance headquarters. A group of alliance leaders gathered around Ray’s lifelessbody. They gestured and murmured among themselves.novelbin

When Ray’s body was brought back an hour ago, it caused a great commotion in the alliance. Not only was he a disciple of theCelestial Alliance, but he was also Ronald’s nephew.Ray was the brightest star in the alliance. He was known for hisextraordinary talent and potential. Many believed that in a few years, he would succeed Ronald as the leader of the martial artsalliance. But Ray’s sudden and mysterious death had shocked the entire alliance.

“Ray? Where is my son?”At that moment, a burly, disheveled middle-aged man rushed in. The crowd moved aside as he pushedthrough them. Those who were slow were knocked over by him. The man was Quincey Reeds, Ray’s father. He rushed towardhis son’s lifeless body and lifted the white cloth that covered him. Shock filled him as he looked at his dead son.“Ray!” Quinceycried out after recovering from his shock. He threw himself on Ray’s body and sobbed uncontrollably.He had worked so hard toraise such an excellent man. But he could not understand why Ray had to die before he could accomplish a great feat. In themidst of his grief, Quincey looked up grimly. He asked, “Who killed my son?”A staff reported, “According to the alliance’sinvestigation, Dustin Rhys killed Ray.”Dustin Rhys?” Quincey gritted his teeth in anger. “Bring me that bastard named Dustin. I'llhave my own revenge!”“Wait!” The staff panicked. Then, he quickly advised, “Mr. Reeds, please, calm down. Dustin has aformidable background. You mustn't act rashly.”'! don’t care about his background. He killed my son, so he must pay!” Quinceygrabbed the staff by the collar. “If you dare to stop me, |’ll deal with you too!”*Mr. Reeds, please listen to me. I’m not trying to stopyou. It’s just that Dustin is so strong. Ordinary martial artists can’t handle him.” The staff's face turned pale.Quincey was noordinary man. He was Ronald’s brother and an elder in the alliance, so the staff dared not offend him.“Ordinary martial artistscan’t handle this guy? Then, let's get the team from the Enforcement Hall!” Quincey exclaimed.“Even the enforcement teamcouldn’t stop Dustin. He’s a young grandmaster who once defeated Augustus. | think only Sir Reeds can subdue him,” the staffquickly explained.“A young grandmaster?” Quincey was shocked to hear that, and his fiery anger slowly subsided. He didn’tknow who Dustin was. Still, he had heard of the title “young grandmaster” before.Dustin was the martial arts genius who had wonthe Knighthood Tournament. He even defeated Augustus and was a household name in Balerno.Apart from the five ultimategrandmasters, no one could match the young grandmaster. The staff's admonition had kept Quincey from acting recklessly.

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