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Chapter 1141

An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori Chapter 1141Diego had numerous elite assassins by his side. Even the Murrays’ most formidable kill team struggled to make a move.

Although Dustin was skilled, it was impossible for him to eliminate everyone in a matter of seconds. “Cut the crap! If you want tosave your daughter, then help me right now!” Dustin urged.

“lll help!” Lily reacted first and hurried over to untie him from the Dragon Rope. Dustin was tightly bound, and brute force wasn’tgoing to help. Lily could only unravel him loop by loop.

“One...” Right then, Diego had counted down to the final number and was grinning widely.“Since you won't drop your weapons, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

With that, he raised the knife in his hands, about to slash Sheila’s arm.


Enduring the pain, Caden roared and rushed forward. But he was swiftly restrained by the Kimbokuan assassins. At that criticalmoment, a silver needle shot out with a sharp whistle, precisely hitting Diego’s sword.

Asharp metallic clang rang out, and Diego’s sword was knocked out of his hand. It spun in the air before falling to the ground,creating a burst of sparks.

“Who was that?” Diego was both surprised and angry. He quickly hid behind Sheila and signaled the assassins to stand in frontof him to guard against any sneak attacks.

“Diego, your time has come! Kneel and surrender, and | will spare your life!”

Dustin slowly stepped out of the loosened Dragon Rope and carefully stowed it away. Such a rare treasure could prove valuablein the future.

“So, it's you!”

Diego poked his head out from behind Sheila’s shoulder. He said with a smile, “Mr. Rhys, the Murrays have been against you theentire time, yet you’re still helping them. Is it really worth it?

“If you work with us, Kimbokuans, | will assure you unimaginable wealth and prosperity!” “I’m not helping the Murrays. | justdespise the likes of you.”

Dustin said bluntly, “How dare you dogs from Kimboku cause trouble in Dragonmarsh? | will kill any Kimbokuan | see!”

“Do you mean there's no room for negotiation?” Diego’s expression darkened. “There will be... once you're dead.”

With that, Dustin propelled himself forward, turning into a ghostly white shadow. “Stop him!” Diego exclaimed in alarm.

“Fool!” The Kimbokuan assassins immediately drew their blades and charged toward the ghostly shadow. However, every timethey landed an attack, they were instantly sent flying by an overwhelming shockwave.

Regardless of the numbers that charged forward or the weapons they wielded, they couldn’t match the might of the ghostly whiteshadow.

It had left a trail of crippled Kimbokuan assassins in its path and remained untouchable. Diego was horrified at the scene he waswitnessing. His legs almost gave way from the fear.

“Wait! | have a hostage! If you come any closer, I’ll snap her neck!” Diego grabbed Sheila by the throat as he screamed indesperation.

“Dustin! Stop! Don’t get my daughter hurt!” Caden roared. “Rhys! If anything happens to Sheila, you're in for a world of trouble!”Vivian and her group shouted.

Right then, another silver needle shot out with a sharp, whistling sound. It narrowly grazed past Sheila’s ear. With pinpointaccuracy, it embedded itself right in the center of Diego’s forehead. Diego’s body quivered, and his face contorted with fear.

In the next instant, an explosion echoed through the room. Diego’s head had burst open like a ripe watermelon.

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