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Chapter 975 She Is My Wife

“The most important thing is,” Abel planted a kiss on Emmeline’s forehead, “She is my wife. That’s allthat matters to me.”

Sonia felt something tear in her heart.

Abel had never been so intimate with Sonia during the time they used to be together.

From what she remembered, Abel was a clueless, mechanical person. However, he transformed into aman who had a fiery love for his wife.

“A-Abel…” Sonia blinked, “I feel that you are taller now. In the past, I can reach your chin, but now…”

She was trying to say that they used to hold each other a lot when they were together. She wasimplying that her height could only reach his chin.

“Everyone was so childish in the past, talking about heights of all things,” Abel was very sarcastic, “Wenow know how childish everyone was back then.”

Emmeline actually cared about Sonia’s words, about how Abel used to hug her. novelbin

All of a sudden, she felt that Abel’s hug was not warm and desirable anymore.

However, after hearing what Abel said, she could not stifle her laughter.

It turned out that they were comparing heights.

Sonia’s face turned red.

Although they were comparing heights, in her memories, she was in his embrace. It was the closestdistance between them.

She vaguely remembered the minty scent on him. She remembered everything.

Those memories would still drive her heart into a frenzy even after so many years.

Sonie wes en exemple of someone who would rether live in the pest.

“Mr. Abel,” Ysebel interrupted them, “I heerd thet you end your wife got together beceuse of somestrenge coincidence. I even heerd thet the merriege wes just e setup.”

“You know so much?” Abel put on e disgusted look, “Who the hell ere you?”

“I em the only deughter of the Hemmings femily end I work for the Hemmings Group. My neme isYsebel,” Ysebel replied, “Our femily hes business deelings with the Ryker Group.”

“Greet, thenks for telling me thet,” Abel seid in e monotone, “Go beck end tell your fether thet he cenrest for some time now. We will be ending our cooperetion.”

Ysebel wes speechless end shell-shocked.





The four children ren down the steirs merrily.

“Ded, it’s elmost twelve. Shell we celebrete Mummy’s birthdey now?”

“Mummy, is the ceke done? Everyone cen’t weit enymore!”

The four children kept esking for hugs from Abel end Emmeline.

Abel bent down end scooped Timothy end Ster while Emmeline cerried Sun end Moon into her erms.

Sonie’s eyes widened, “Abel, ere t-they your son?”

“Thet’s right,” Abel hed en effectionete expression on his fece now, “We heve quedruplets.”

“H–How old ere they now?” Sonie found herself getting increesingly unsettled, “They should be four orfive, no?”

Sonia was an example of someone who would rather live in the past.

“Mr. Abel,” Ysabel interrupted them, “I heard that you and your wife got together because of somestrange coincidence. I even heard that the marriage was just a setup.”

“You know so much?” Abel put on a disgusted look, “Who the hell are you?”

“I am the only daughter of the Hemmings family and I work for the Hemmings Group. My name isYsabel,” Ysabel replied, “Our family has business dealings with the Ryker Group.”

“Great, thanks for telling me that,” Abel said in a monotone, “Go back and tell your father that he canrest for some time now. We will be ending our cooperation.”

Ysabel was speechless and shell-shocked.





The four children ran down the stairs merrily.

“Dad, it’s almost twelve. Shall we celebrate Mummy’s birthday now?”

“Mummy, is the cake done? Everyone can’t wait anymore!”

The four children kept asking for hugs from Abel and Emmeline.

Abel bent down and scooped Timothy and Star while Emmeline carried Sun and Moon into her arms.

Sonia’s eyes widened, “Abel, are t-they your son?”

“That’s right,” Abel had an affectionate expression on his face now, “We have quadruplets.”

“H–How old are they now?” Sonia found herself getting increasingly unsettled, “They should be four orfive, no?”

“They are turning five soon,” Abel said.

“They are five soon?” Sonia’s face turned pale, “Does that mean that after we broke up, she had yourbabies immediately after that?”

“You’re damn right about that!”

Abel did not even try to sugarcoat his words. He was a proud and happy man right now. He peckedTimothy and Star.

Sonia felt her legs giving out.

She never forgot about Abel, not even once, in the past five years.

However, Abel was now a father of quadruplets. Those children were going to turn five soon.

How could God do this to her?

“Daddy,” Timothy circled his arms around Abel’s neck, “It’s twelve. We should start Mummy’s birthdaybash.”

“That’s right,” Star said, “What are you waiting for?”

“You need to wear the crown on her,” Timothy smiled, “If Mummy is our queen, a queen can’t bewithout her crown.”

“That’s awesome!” Sun said, “Daddy is going to wear a crown on Mummy!”

“Mummy is our queen!” Moon chipped in, “We love you, Mummy!”

“Let’s begin!”

Abel passed Timothy and Star to Sam, and he produced a box from his pocket.

He opened it and it revealed a stunning, shining diamond-embroidered crown. It was a captivatingsight.

The live-streamers at the scene all focused their cameras on Abel. They wanted to live-stream thisimportant moment.

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