Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 963 Not Only You Are Capable At Everything, You Married A Good Man As Well
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Chapter 963 Not Only You Are Capable At Everything, You Married A Good Man As Well

The following day, Doris called Emmeline first thing in the morning. She would be late to Nightfall Cafe.

Emmeline was okay with it.

Doris took this chance to go to the bank to link up her bank account to her phone. Then, she was finallyable to wire some money to Waylon.

She waited for more than one hour at the bank, but everything was finally done.

She wired seven hundred thousand and ten dollars to Waylon immediately.

Doris decided to send him a text message: Mr. Adelmar, I have transferred you the money. Pleasecheck.

She even added a cute emoji at the end of the sentence before sending the message.

However, a notification popped up. A glaring red exclamation mark was screaming at her on the screenof her phone.

Doris froze. It did not take long for her to realize that he had already deleted her contact number!

Doris felt something die in her heart.

He really did not like her at all!

However, given her circumstances, she did not have time to feel sad about it. After all, they were

strangers in the first place.

He was right about everything. After returning his money, there was no reason for them to stay in touchagain.

Doris immediately cheered herself up. She rode her motorbike to Nightfall Cafe after this.

Emmeline was busy scurrying around the oven on the second floor.

She had successfully baked some dessert, thanks to what she learned in the past few days.

Doris sampled her creation and she could not help but nod satisfactorily at Emmeline’s creation.

“Ms. Louise, you’re a genius. You’re able to learn something so quickly that it’s almost ten times myspeed back when I was still a student in Oriental Cafe!”

Emmeline produced a humble smile, “I am not talented in any way besides doing things like these!”

“You’re already too good for your own good,” Doris commented, “As a woman, it’s better to marry agood man than to be so capable at everything!”

At that moment, Sam happened to be sending some coffee upstairs. She overheard their conversation.

Sam could not help but gush about Emmeline. Not only Emmeline was capable of everything, but shealso married a good man as well!

It was just that Doris had not discovered all of Emmeline’s talents just yet!

“Ms. Doris, why does it feel like you have so much on your mind lately?” Emmeline shot a meaningfullook at Doris.

Emmeline did not fail to notice the downcast look on Doris' face when they were talking just now.

“I am speaking from experience, in fact,” Doris smiled bitterly, “It’s not like I don’t know how to doanything at all. I was a pastry chef in a big hotel, and the benefits were really good. Everything waslooking up for me but I did not find myself a good husband. Once I was married, it felt like my life wasthrown into disarray and I was back to the times when things were hard.”

Emmeline heard Doris on the phone a while ago. It seemed that Doris was in the middle of divorceproceedings of late.

However, this was really personal for Doris. Emmeline decided not to pry into this particular matter justyet.

Sam interjected, “Ms. Doris, you should forget about the saddening things in your life. We shouldalways look forward to the future.”

“You’re definitely right,” Doris smiled. There were two dimples that formed next to her lips the momentshe smiled. She was a dazzling sight to behold.

“Come, let’s have some coffee.”

Sam presented two coffee cups from her tray. She gave one to Emmeline and the other to Doris.

Everyone enjoyed some coffee and pastry, and after that, they continued their work. novelbin

Noon came in no time.

At that moment, Emmeline’s phone rang.

She saw that it was Waylon.

She wiped away the flour sticking to her hands and picked up, “Waylon?”

“Hey,” Waylon’s affectionate voice came, “I am on my way to Nightfall Cafe.”

“You’re coming?” Emmeline was overjoyed to hear that.

“Yeah,” Waylon said, “I was too busy the past few days. I haven’t even been able to visit you at the cafeyet.”

“Then, just come now,” Emmeline said happily, “My pastry teacher is here coincidentally. I’ll introduceher to you.”

“That’s great,” Waylon replied, “I need to thank her for teaching you some new skills.”

“Sure,” Emmeline said, “When you’re here, you should treat her to a meal as a token of gratitude on mybehalf!”

“Sure. I will be there soon. Wait for me.”

Waylon was really in an upbeat mood. As long as Emmeline was happy, he would be happy any day.

After ending the call, Emmeline said to Doris, “My brother will treat you to a meal later to thank you forteaching me. I hope you can show him some love!”

“You’re being too kind,” Doris waved her hand to reject her, “I am not really a teacher anyway. I am justan employee. How can I get such a treatment?”

“This is what my brother and I really think. You should just accept our invitation,” Emmeline grinned.

Doris was about to give in when her phone rang.

She took out her phone again and saw that it was Mrs. Flores.

Doris felt something knocking on her heart. She quickly answered the call, fearing that it was about thekids, “Mrs. Flores, what’s the matter?”

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