Ambush of the Quadruplets: Stay Away From This Woman

Chapter 951 Why Should I Pay for the Alimony?
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Chapter 951 Why Should I Pay for the Alimony?

Diana choked on the question; she could not help but hide behind Josiah.

"Doris," Josiah was frightened, but he gathered his courage to ask, "Who is this man?"

"My friend," Doris looked at the exquisite man and said, "he is Mr. Adelmar." She turned to Waylon andintroduced herself, saying, "This is my ex-husband, Josiah."

Waylon nodded and said, "Come in; continue your conversation inside."

This man did not look like an outsider! Josiah thought to himself.

He never treats himself as an outsider. However, this was what they were looking for! Even if it wasacting, it must seem real to others. Doris thought to herself.

Josiah and Diana followed them into the room. The babies inside the room suddenly burst out crying."Mrs. Flores," Doris said, "please help me look after the babies; I have something to handle at themoment."

"Leave them to me." The middle-aged woman answered and closed the bedroom’s door.

Waylon slowed down in the hallway. The crying sound of two babies shakes his heart. He felt painhearing them.

They sat down in the living room. Diana leaned on Josiah, holding his arm tightly.

Doris was truly disgusted by them. Is it worthy for someone to treat Josiah like a treasure? Looking atnovelbin

him only makes me feel sick! Luckily, he never touched me during our marriage, or else I will betraumatized for the rest of my life! Doris gladly thought to herself.

"What are the conditions for you to sign the document? Say it out now," Josiah glanced at Waylontimidly and said to Doris.

"Give me six hundred thousand dollars, and I will sign the divorce agreement!" Doris said.

"They are not my babies; why should I pay for the alimony?" Josiah did not back out and said.

"They were babies during our marriage; you have the obligation to raise them!" Doris said.

"They are test-tube babies, not my kids! Not to mention that you did not get my consent when youdecided to do in vitro fertilization!" Josiah said it angrily.

Doris was stunned for a while and said, "I intend to help you when your parents hate you for not beingable to have kids! But unexpectedly, after you are cured of your disease, you cheat on this andrologynurse, Diana!"

"Consider yourself unlucky, Doris! We can pay for alimony, but not as much as you demand!" Dianasaid.

"Don’t make me slap you! This is between me and him; who do you think you are to voice it out here?"Doris was offended and spoke angrily.

"Jo, look at your ex-wife; she is being rude to me!" Diana acted coquettishly in front of Josiah. Josiahlooked at Waylon, who sat beside Doris, and did not dare to speak a word.

"Jo, why didn’t you do anything?" Diana pouted and expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Get out of my house!" Doris snorted. Even though I do not have any feelings for Josiah, looking at thiswoman is just irritating! I almost puked!

"Jo, look at her!" Diana was getting even more annoyed when Josiah did not respond to herdissatisfaction.

"Enough! We are talking about something serious here; stop interrupting us!" Josiah said. Diana wasspeechless.

"I did not want to waste my time anymore; I will sign the document immediately if you agree to pay sixhundred thousand dollars! And you guys can get married before your baby is born, so that he or shewon’t be called an illegitimate child!" Doris said.

"Who are you implying to be an illegitimate child? The two babies of yours didn’t even have a father!"Diana stood up and said.

Doris gave Diana the slap she was asking for. Diana screamed and fell onto the sofa.

"Why did you hit her? She is pregnant with my baby!" Josiah abruptly stood up and swung his fisttoward Doris.

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